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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Yeah...I'm gonna hafta rethink the label thing cause I don't use driptips on my drippers anymore. Seems to restrict my airflow. Lol Maybe some kind of number system using heat resistant paint on my helios'. But I can etch a number on the foggys.
  2. Where do you get it? Just watched a couple vids by Leo and tried searching for it. Is it one of those brands you can only order thru facebook?
  3. Yeah. I'm noticing that now. Glad you told me about it! But Comps Spiced Apple is my all time favorite so far! On the dripper, it's like the real thing!
  4. Just wait! I have 5 patriot foggy's and 3 helios clones coming in the next month from fasttech! Plan to have a dual or quad coil setup in each one and labeled somehow for different juices! Lol
  5. And here, I was gonna start calling you CAL. For Crazy Avon Lady! Lol
  6. Thanks! Another juice bookmarked! That one sounds awesome Avon! I love vapin breakfast for breakfast! Lol
  7. Ok, so, I'm really diggin the Queenside and Bowden's Mate, but only in my kpt2's. Tried em in my drippers and...meh. So, I'll now have 6 diff flaves in rotation. 2 Kpt2's, and 4 drippers! Lol
  8. I like it! I'm not "in-love" with it, but its good! I told the guy that I wanted 6mg and he gave me 12! Had to fill an empty bottle half and fill rest with vg to bring the nic and TH down. That first hit gave me a headrush and kicked me in the throat! Lol
  9. Made it to Pittsburg, KS! Gonna get my tackle reorganized and maybe rewick a couple rda's to try out a couple of my new juices! A soon as my order from fasttech comes in, I should have 1 rda for 12 different juices! I'm gonna jave to make an rda holder for them all! Lol
  10. I spend twice as much as I did on analogs! But for me, quitting wasn't about the money. I'm so far down the rabbit hole, it ain't funny! My wife is willing to let me spend, as she sees this has become a hobby for me. And also because everything about my life has improved! I can breath again, I've lost weight, my stamina in all areas has increased, and I'm a much happier person! Addicted? OH YEAH! Lol
  11. Not for a while yet! Lol! I have a lot of empty cubby-holes and storage space.
  12. I have to cool it on the toys. I'm running out of space in my tackle-box! I have to totally reorganize when I get home. Either that or just buy another tackle-box! Lol
  13. With the juice I bought yesterday and the juice I got in the mail at home, I'm set for at least 2 months. But that won't stop me from buying more next w/e! Lol
  14. Left out at 5. Just stopped for lunch. Heading out in 15min. Load going to Pittsburg, KS. Delivering steel coils to Masonite. Its one of the factories that makes steel exterior doors
  15. Lol! Me too. Spent a lot more than I should've today!
  16. This looks nice! Open for preorder for the next 14 days. http://congrevape.com/projects/vertex-atomizer-by-the-boss-mod/
  17. Dragon wicking can be a pain sometimes. You may have too much. If its not wicking down to the coil, try a thinner peice. You don't want it super tight either. Just a little snug.
  18. Sorry bout your peppermint disaster! At least you made a friend of the four-legged variety! Lol
  19. Just about any tank will leak with changes in elevation and temp. The steel its made of can expand and contract with the temp. And changes in elevation can sometimes push the juice thru o-rings due to the pressure changes.
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