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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Sitting in Dallas, waiting to get loaded with more shingles going to Springdale, AR for delivery tomorrow. Thats too close to the house on a wednesday. I only live an hour from there. I'd take the load home tonite, if it wouldn't get me in trouble with my dispatcher. Oh well. Maybe they'll keep me close to the house and get me home early friday! Got a lot of stuff on the honey-do list! Ugghh
  2. Nope! Opinions won't get you booted, unless they're pointed at Jeffb! Lol
  3. Oh... You're probably CRAY CRAY! Just for hanging out with us Crazy Bas****s! Lmao!
  4. There are several online vendors that will adjust the PG/VG ratio. The first 3 that come to mind are http://fadoravapor.com http://ecblendflavors.com http://www.fuzionvapor.com/e-juice/ There are many, many more out there. Just look around.
  5. Welcome to Vapor Talk! First, what nicotine level is she using? Second what juice is she vaping? What is the PG/VG ratio? PG stands for Propelyne Glycol: it carries the flavor and Throat Hit (that scratchy feeling). VG stands for Vegetable Glycerin: it carries the sweetness and Vapor Production. She may need a higher nic level and/or a stronger PG/VG ratio. Many juices are a 50/50 mix. She may need something like a 70/30 PG/VG. Hope this helps!
  6. Very responsible and honorable Dasfriek! Good thinking!
  7. The pg carries the majority of the flavor and throat hit. So, generally the higher the pg, the stronger (harsh) throat hit. But thats not to say you can't get awesome flavor from a low rg/ high vg juice. Case in point: Fadoravapor! All the juices I have from him are low pg (15-0), and the flavor is extrordinary! And the vapor production?!?! It sometimes still chokes me upon exhale!
  8. Right now, my sweet spot is 26g 4/3 wrap dual siamese (single strand) micro's at .26. I'm more in line with a hot vape. It'd be cooler if I used a driptip, but I've taken to vaping all my rdas stovepipe style (without tip). If you wanna entertain a lower ohm build without a super hot vape, they sell 70mm long driptips. That'd cool it down a little before it gets to ya.
  9. Probably not. But when I ger back down here overnite, I'll let ya know. lookin forward to hangin out and vapin!
  10. I would've made it all the way in yesterday evening, but the place I'm delivering to didn't have overnite parking. So, I made it to a truckstop 45 miles north of Ft Worth.
  11. It's not that I dislike Texas, but I am tired of only seeing Texas. Lol
  12. Wife called and said my 5 Patriot foggy's from fasttech came in today. Checked tracking and my 3 Helios clones are in Chicago now. Black Panzer still in restock status.
  13. As long as its a 1:1 clone. I'd be a bit worried that they'd use smaller/substandard wiring. Just my opinion.
  14. Thats how you wind up with little bundles of joy! Lol
  15. Cool! Man, you are the go-to for all the underground news! You seem to know all the goings-on! Lol
  16. So, if I'm reading you right, they're coming up with a Patriot cap with a larger than standard 510 hole for a larger tip? Hmmm... This may take care of my having to stove-pipe my Patriot. Lol
  17. I'm not really sure which vendors would have what you're looking for, as I no longer use those style of APV's. And I'm in the US. Not sure about international shipping. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.
  18. It will ship to the UK. However, be prepared for a loooong wait. Anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months. If you need something now, you'll need to find another vendor.
  19. Oh, I'll be getting some. I'm just belly-aching 'cause I hate FB. Lol
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