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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. I think this is where subjective-ness comes in. I like it, but not enough to ever pay that price again. I'll be gifting it away soon. Tge only way I can vape it is in a kpt2. I tried it on my dripper and it was not as good to me as it was in the kpt. Bowdens mate and Queenside will find a new home. Different strokes and all...
  2. If I get home this w/e, I'd like to try braiding 3 pieces of 32g together. Not a true twist, but actual braiding. Anyone here try this?
  3. I'm all out of tiger wire. I'll have to twist some up when/if I get home this weekend. I know that all my coils I build would last for a good long time, but I just can't seem to stop taking them out and putting a new build in. Can't wait to get home a mess around with my 22g kanthal!
  4. Stock coils don't hold up. If you want kpt coil that lasts a month, you can get em from Fadoravapor.
  5. Give it a little devilish backround huh? Lol
  6. Decided that tonite was "rewicking" nite. Just finished my dual 26g nano dragons
  7. Simple 26g dual 6/5 wrap 5/65th bit siamese (single strand) center mounted. .32ohm
  8. I'm in the same boat. They've got it messed up for iphones
  9. There's a joke in there somewhere and I ain't touchin it! Lmao!!!
  10. That thing is just a Panzer and Maraxus smooshed together. Look at the bottom firing button. Same as the panzer. Not complaining tho. Lol
  11. I'll stick with my sterile cotton. I'm already used to the way I build coils. I've never used ekowool or silica to build around. So, I prefer to just use my cotton and feed it thru the coil after I've gotten them pinched tight.
  12. I'm not thinking about it. I don't want the pay cut. Nor do I wish that level of stress on myself. I love what I do! I won't stop driving till DOT says I have too! Lol.
  13. I could do the office thing, if it weren't backloaded with all tge politicing that goes on. As a driver, I'd bring in a good head for what the drivers need and want. As well as a good nose for sniffing out excuses and BS! Lol
  14. Oh...they know! Lol! My dispatcher is actually a friend of mine. I knew him before he moved over to being a dispatcher. He irritates me sometimes, but a lot of the times that I get a bad load, its due to the load planners, not him. He can only dispatch the loads he is given to him by the load planners. I vent TO him, not AT him. He's a good guy and he gets frustrated at them as well. Because he's a company employee, he gets to go out on "ride-alongs" with me for a week every year, so he can see what its like from a drivers perspective. And 1 week out of the year, I sit with him in Des Moines, IA to get a feel for his job. My company offered me a job as a dispatcher out of our Joplin, MO office, but its just not for me. Too much office politics. Plus that'd be a 1.75 hour drive to and from the house.
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