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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. I volunteered to be tazed when I was active duty. It didn't feel real good! Dropped me face first and broke my nose.
  2. Troy, When I get out there, I'll let you and Tam decide which one you want. I didn't wanna let the cat outta the bag, but it was my intention to bring the Bowden's mate and Queenside to you both as a "first meeting present"! Lol
  3. Get spiced apple from him too! You wont be disappointed!
  4. Yeah, I suck at fishing too. But love eating them!
  5. They think that because I'm a driver, I'm uneducated. Problem is, I have 2 bachelors. But education is not an indication of knowledge. I have a cousin who is a professor of microbiology that is dummer than a bag of hammers. Good at only his field of study, but can't balance a checkbook or figure out why he got screwed over on his home mortgage. Of course, my degrees are utterly useless. Psychology and philosophy. I CLEP'ed the first 2 years of gen knowledge and double majored while active duty. I wanted to become a Warrant officer. But they closed out my MOS for reenlistment and promotion. Some days I wish I was still in. Blah, blah, blah.
  6. Does the bacon actually taste like bacon?
  7. Plus, I'm really bad about not changing cotton but every 3-4 days.
  8. I've gotten down to where my cotton dries up (before a dry hit), and I grab the wrong juice and redrip it. Lol. This has been met with mixed results. If I redrip and it was one of your juices Comp, I don't get ANY underlying flavors. Which is good! But I've had a couple times where I was sitting in the seat at night and grabbed the wrong juice. Uggg
  9. I'm more talking about when its time to redrip and you just grab a different flavor.
  10. "Take him to the mattresses!" "Make him an offer he can't refuse!"
  11. I can't wait to me all you guys and gals! Y'all are makin my face hurt, I'm belly laughing and can't wipe the smile off my face!!! Side note: its so great to be able laugh hard and not wheeze and cough!
  12. They never got back with me. Which either means they thought it was a good idea and don't wanna give me credit or they think I've overstepped my position by telling them because they think all drivers are below their intellectual level! Sorry, had a bit of rant there! Lol
  13. Do you ever "overlap" juices when dripping? What were your results, good or bad?
  14. Is he a good neighbor or a bad neighbor?
  15. My nimbus is already drilled out. I'm not doing that to my auth patriot. I have 5 patriot foggys and 3 helios clones at home. When I get in, I'll have to fire up the drill press! Got a lot of drillin to do! (Double entendre implied) lmao!
  16. Don't throw em out Lee! Gift em! I have a few that'll be finding new homes soon. Lol
  17. If its Comps juice^^^... I am unable to steep! Everyone says it gets even better after a couple days, but if it got any better, my tounge would beat my brains out! Lol
  18. Picked up 36" plastic pipe going to St Louis for tomorrow. Looks like they're gonna keep me close to home now.
  19. Ah hell, I just mow over it! Lol! Of course, I do live in an area where we don't get the snow like you do Fish.
  20. Lmao! Talk about super sub-ohm!
  21. I just don't know if I can get 3 strands of 28g thru the posts on my patriot or nimbus. I may be able to do it on the nimbus. I drilled out the post holes a while back. I'll check it this evening.
  22. I think I'm just spoiled now that I've had Comps juices from Fadoravapor.
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