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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. He used to love to listen to me talk to him. I could be reading the paper or anything, and his little head would cock from one side to the other ears pointed forward. Lol. When I'd get quiet, he'd jump in my lap and bark at me.
  2. We havent taken him in for a pinory response test. But he cant seem to hear anything till sadie starts barking. Then he gets up and starts barking his head off.
  3. Sebastian is the pom on the right of the pic. Sadie is my little gray ghost. She'll sneak right up on me.
  4. He's super smart! Cristy had a list of the words and commands he knew when he could hear. She only got to teach him a couple hand signals when we realized his hearing was going.
  5. He's my buddy! He actually will get into the shower with me if I leave the door open! Lmao!
  6. Yeah. He still doesn't have gray yet! We're not exactly sure of his age. Cristy (wife) and I have been together 10 years and she haf him for 2 years before we got together. She got him from a little old lady that had to go to the nursing home. The lady told her that he was 2 when she gave him to her.
  7. Sebastian is a pretty good boy. Unless you leave your underwear on the floor! Lol! He's really up in age now. He's almost completely deaf. But he can hear Sadie bark. Sadie is a spoiled little turd! She can do something that just makes my wife mad, then turn around and give her the "but I'm a good girl" look. Totally gets her outta trouble. I swear, she has several facial expressions that she knows how to use! Lol No. My company has a no pet policy.
  8. Sadie is a daddy's girl! When I get hone, she wants nothing to do with my wife! Lol
  9. Fish, its very telling of you, that your mind goes to the gutter so quickly! Lol.
  10. We have a 5y/o Maltese/yorkie/poodle mix. Her name is Sadie Jo and a 14y/o Pomeranian mix. His name is Sebastian. This is the pic I have for my lock screen. Lol
  11. Its a bunch of different sizes. Most of it is box tube
  12. Well, here I am in Gerald, MO waiting to get loaded with steel pipe heading to Little Rock, AR! Yaaaay me! Hopefully I'll get a reload quick and be able to get home before dark tomorrow! Can't wait to see my wife and dogs! Also can't wait to rip into the flavors Comp sent me!!! Its been a long 2 weeks! But, I'm glad to have such good friends here on VT to help me keep things in perspective and not get depressed. I give my most heartfelt thanks for being a part of this forum and to the wonderful family of people here!
  13. That petition is dead now. Signing it a year later, your electronic signature is not pinned to it. It is lost to the ether. By signing it now, you have essentially just sat on your thumb.
  14. Be careful to whom you speak sir! Jeffb is not to be smarted off to! Lol
  15. Just farting around! Dual parallel 26g 3 wrap siamese micro's at .12 ohms
  16. How dense is the cotton cloud under the coil? It should be snug up underneath it. Also, when you vape on it, are you exhaling big clouds? Also, another thing to check is the voltage drop on your mod.
  17. Some of the best clouds I get come from builds that don't really shoot out much vapor with the cap off. Are you getting good vapor production when exhaling? Do you have your airholes on your omega drilled out a bit?
  18. I don't doubt it! I only drink on the weekends when I get home. I can only handle one glass of scotch and about 3 beers, then its nappy time for this Jarhead! Lol
  19. I do too! Was just yankin yer chain brother! Lol
  20. You want a roll to go with all that butter you're speadin? Lol
  21. I actually did "play" with IED's. That was part of my MOS (military occupational specialty). I was a Combat Engineer. My job was to play with explosives and blow stuff up! I was never in special ops. The Marine Corps had never had a designated "Special Forces" till Feb '06. We've had Marine Recon for decades, but it wasn't considered under the umberella of SF till then. I was frequently attached to SF type units, though mostly as a certified explosives consultant and tackling dummy! Lol
  22. I did that too! (Jump from planes) I volunteered because I lost a bet. And it was to help some SRT (special response team) guys out during a training evolution when I was attached to 2nd SRIG (surveillance, reconnaissance, intelligence group). I had a lot of fun in the Corps!
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