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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. And I'll now refer to you as...never mind. I'm 3 sheets to the wind and my capacity for snappy retorts is severely hampered. Lmao
  2. Fish couldn't throw a tantrum, much less "me" under anything. Lol! * pokes Fish in the chest* Delicious Comp!
  3. Hey, I just wanted to see something in your avatar block! Btw, nice one lee! Thats really cute!
  4. No prob buddy! Glad to help!
  5. Why am I in trouble?! I didn't do nuthin'!
  6. I do both charcoal and gas here. When its not windy and we're not under a fire ban, I use charcoal. But today, had to use gas. Way to windy
  7. Sorry all. Had that "honey-do" list to take care of. Had the "quality" time in, then it was off to weed eat, mow, clean garage, dog baths, shower, then cook dinner on the grill. Ran outta propane halfway thru my NY strip steaks. Had to finish them on the indoor grill. AND... 2 glasses of scotch. Feeling great!
  8. The helios clones also have only airholes on one side. I think you can adjust it too with the afc ring on it.
  9. Hey Nico, a patriot clone would be good. They usually only come with 1 airhole.
  10. I'm all in for whatever you want to do bro! Awesome designs!
  11. I like the first 2 and the last 2 the best Joe! Get em screened and I'll buy a few!
  12. Here's my haul!!! Sorry! I got excited and couldn't resist posing!!!
  13. Onlly if you promise not to throw quarters at me! Lmao!
  14. Its your preference, but the glass has the eyedropper style top. It'll last a lot longer than the plastic if you reuse your bottles like I do.
  15. Be careful with that wheelwhen threading on your tank. The threads have been known to strip
  16. Sweet! Now... To tell the wife we have to move! Lmao
  17. That kit you pointed out comes with the sony vtc4's I think. Those are good! Sonys and MNKEs are, imo, the best to sub-ohm with. Just my opinion though
  18. Just please be smart and safe! Vape on!
  19. The k100/101's are good! They may not be as flashy as a Panzer or Caravella, but the voltage drop is low! Mine is at 0.2. Great mod for the money!
  20. Thats awesome! Hey, you guys looking to adopt a nearly 40 y/o child?! I'm available! Lmao!
  21. So, if I'm guessing right, by the clues you've given, you're right near Wolf mtn and Island lake?
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