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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Blood Stripes are the scarlet stripes that run down the outside seam of the blue dress trousers of NCO's (non-commisioned officers) and above to commemorate the battle of Chapultapec in the Mexican-American war. Ironically, it was one of the least bloodiest Marine battles in history. When a Marine make the rank of E-4/Corporal they are entitled to wear the blood striped on their dress blue trousers. Its also commonly a time for "hazing" at the promotion ceremony to E-4. Your fellow nco's will make two lines and you walk between them while they knee you in the thighs. Its painful, kinda barbaric, but filled me with a great sense of pride when I was promoted to E-4
  2. Lol! I'll bet! Wife does the same to me. But thats cause when I hurt myself, I have a tendency to throw the offending object.
  3. Either. Every place I check is sold out
  4. No shiner. Was wearing my safety glasses. So glad I put em on! The words I was using would've made a sailor blush. Quick, check Pa, is his face red? Lmao
  5. I'm good. In Kansas. Its warmed up a bit, but the wind is killin me. Was trying to get my tarps off this morning and the wind ripped it outta my hands and caused a bungee to snap. One end with the metal "S" hook hit me in the eyebrow. Didn't break skin, but hurt like a mofo!
  6. Currently on the hunt for the Magma RDA.
  7. Hi Ma! How're you feeling? Better I hope!
  8. Welcome Charlie! Just make sure you observe safe vaping with mechs. There's a bunch of info in the " hardware specific- rebuildable atomizer" subforum. Be sure to share your builds/pics/experiences. We all grow better from each other! Glad to have ya!
  9. Welcome to Vapor Talk! Nice to see a Hoosier joining the fray!
  10. So sorry to hear that Ma! Like Troy said ^, try a minty vape for a while. Hope you get to feeling better!
  11. No biggie Samp. Its all good!
  12. The omega and trident are not tank style rdas
  13. At the moment, my fave RDA is my authentic Patriot. I have a nimbus clone that does well but kinda on the small side. I have the Helios clone, but had to do some modding on it by drilling more/bigger airholes and chuck the afc rings, as well as drill the post holes bigger to accomodate 20g wire. The biggest problem of all with the helios clones are inadequate o-rings, the caps are very loose. My patriot clones with the foggy caps are almost on par with the authentic. Caps fit snug and the deck and posts are as close to the authentic ones as you can get. I recently placed an order for some TOBH Attyz v2 clones and am excited to give em try when they get machined and shipped.
  14. Rcam has a good point here. Most of the higher quality mods have fewer pieces to it. I love the looks of the Maraxus and have considered several times about getting an authentic one, but the thing that slways deters me, is the amount of parts that make up the mod tube. You have to understand, the mod tube itself is the device through which the negative conductivity is passed thru. So, it stands to reason, the more parts that have to thread together, the more points of potential failure. Everywhere there are threads, there is a minor point of voltage drop. Also, when you hear people talk about the threads being "buttery smooth", its because the smoother the threads, the better the conductivity. So, in closing, like Rcam said above ^, check youtube about the best way to configure your Maraxus. It may solve your hot button issue. Thanks for bringing that up Rcam! I totally forgot about that!
  15. My grandad used to tell me a stupid saying about how to tell if the snow will stick when I was little. Its has stuck with me over the years: No sticky, sticky. Sticky, no sticky. Had something to do humidity and the barometric pressure. When it would snow, he'd have me go out and try making a good snowball with it. If it clumped together nicely, then he'd say that it won't last long. If it fell apart easily, then the snow was settling in for a while. Funny, the things we remember from childhood!
  16. They don't, that I'm aware of. But you can get a cheap micrometer and take some rough measurements for two that you'd need. Then do a search for "ring magnets" a get a few in varying sizes and thicknesses and try em out. This is basically how the magnetic switch bandwagon started. Modding the mod. As vapers, we kinda gotta be inventive! Lol
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