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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. I don't actually play golf on the course, but I love going to the driving range.
  2. I'll get around to it. Eventually. Well, Ma, I better call it a night. The sheep have started countin themselves! Lol G'nite
  3. Lol! It was all unintentional, I assure you.
  4. Besides that, I don't have many people that come over to my place outside of family, and they all know where I've been and what I've done.
  5. I'm just not much of a display-er. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud. Just more of a humble sort. My father used to always tell me: "Those who did, never say. Those who say, never did." I'm more than happy to talk about my service, when asked. But I'm not the sort to lead off with my record other than to say I'm a USMC veteran.
  6. Yeah. Fish IS quick! I'm just not that funny or quick witted. By the time I come up with a comeback, the moment has already passed.
  7. Lol! Not yet. When I get my shop built, there's gonna be a "game room" addition on the back of it done in a Marine Corps motife. Besides... I have mirrors! Lmao I'm really not that vain. I have a lot of my awards and uniforms and junk in totes in my attic.
  8. I have a feeling that Fish was the class clown in school.
  9. I was a "Contract PFC (E-2) when I entered boot camp, by getting 2 other guys to sign up with me. I was top of my class in Combat Engineer school, that landed me a meritorious promo to Lance Corporal (E-3). Made Corporal time in grade/time in service. During which, I got my degrees. Then made Sergeant. I was trying for Warrant so I could get into EOD. They were Enlisted "heavy" and needed Officers. Just before I could re-up, they closed out my MOS for promo and re-enlistment. So, I had to pack up and head home Lmao! Okay Ma!
  10. It was no big thing. Had to go in front of 3 officers and 4 staff nco's and answer knowledge questions and be interviewed. I was trying to climb the ladder and become a Warrant Officer.
  11. I don't blame him. Its easy for some people to say they were this or that. I wear a USMC shirt every day (never gotten a traffic ticket ) and you'd be surprised at how often I get asked (sceptically) if I served! 10 years ago, that never happened. But it seems as though the whole "Stolen Valor" thing has cropped up all across the country.
  12. Probably something I'll look into if/when the time comes.
  13. All throughout my time in the Corps, Marine history was a passion. It helped me earn my meritorious promotion to E-5 (Sergeant) in 1998.
  14. No psych doctorate. Just a bachelors. Not enuff to even self-diagnose. Lol Yes it is
  15. Lmao! It stands to reason though! Where Navy men lead, We had to follow!
  16. Sorry Fish! They probably forgot to hang up the phone as they raced out the door to blow something else up! Lmao
  17. Another historical sidenote: during the same era, Marines were nicknamed "Leathernecks" due to the wide strap of leather they wore around their necks to prevent their heads becoming separated from their bodies during close battle with swords.
  18. If Pa was asking that from a historical perspective, then the answer would be: Prior to/and during the revolutionary war, navsl ships would often be attacked/boarded by pirate vessels. Marines were stationed up the yard arms or masts and crowsnests with rifles to act as sharpshooters to deter the pirates. Which also leads to another historical footnote as to why the officers of the Marine Corps have the fluré de líse embroidered on their covers (hats).
  19. Of course! Because sheep are too obvious! Lol In reality, its cause the Marines are the main fighting force and security force of the navy. While the navy are primarily a distance offensive force by sitting at sea lobbing long range artillery and missles, the Marines are an amphibious multipurpose landing/fighting force. If it absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnite, dial 1-800-MARINES! Ooh-Rah
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