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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. I know that taste is largely subjective, but I have a good feeling that you won't be disappointed!
  2. Oh. Okay. I've got the blackhawk one coming from fasttech. Hope its okay.
  3. The protank mini will fit your ego battery. A couple people here still use dripping attys. I know Tam likes the HH .357 atty. Just do a google search for it.
  4. Saw a piece of wire sticking out from under my dashboard. Can I wrap a coil using that? Lol
  5. This ^^^. The APVs ohm readouts are never a good indicator of actual ohms.
  6. Your pins may not be making contact with the battery. Some of the clones come with shorter contact pins than others.
  7. I'm running a triple twisted 26g coil in one of my RDAs and getting very little throat hit. But thats due to using 3mg nic at 100% VG juice too. Minimal TH is fine with me. When I'm playing weather-man and throwin clouds, I don't want TH.
  8. @Vis, when you say its not the right one, which one were you after? Just curious
  9. Not yet. I'm currently vaping a lot of Fadoravapors juice
  10. Well, I promise you, I'll be safe. And I'm sure Joe, Comp, and the others on here will be too. We'll be watching for noobs to mechs and subbers and try to educate em!
  11. Just finishing the last of Fadoravapor's Home Canned Peaches! Super delicious!
  12. Must be sleep-vaping! Lol It really is a masterpiece!
  13. Home Canned Peaches: Got this as a last minute Easter sample in my last order. I lack the proper adjectives to describe it! This is so delicious! I went thru the 10ml bottle in 2 days! I couldn't put it down! This is EXACTLY as described! It IS home canned peaches! Comp, you are a flavor master!
  14. I still use my mvp from time to time even though I've hopped on the mech bandwagon. I mainly use it where I don't wanna attract any attention
  15. I hear ya brother! When I see questions about building coils and then find out they dont have an ohm meter, I cringe.
  16. I plan to push him into a kpt2 or davide with aero base and a mvp 2.0 or vtr
  17. He's currently using a fixed voltage ego style batt and ce-4's. I loaned him my vision spinner and an iclear 30. Gave him a tankful of Five Pawn's Bowdens Mate. He's in heaven! Gonna guide him slowly up the ladder. He's in training, so his funds are limited.
  18. I agree with ya Bcarter! However, when someone comes to VT that is interested in mechs in general, there are many of us that immediately start harping on safety. Other than trying to educate, there's not much else we can do. Education is only valuable to those who wish to be educated. I sub-ohm, and I've been as low as .09. But it was too hot to vape and I didn't notice any appreciable increase in vapor versus running at 0.3. I prefer to stay at or above 0.3 now. I constantly check and recheck my builds for shorts and inconsistent ohm readings as well as my batteries for voltage levels.
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