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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. I'll say this, and then I'll get off my soapbox. In your first post, you said that you check your builds on a friends "mod". Did you use something like the MVP, VTR style of device? (Btw, they are APVs. The word "mod" is "generally" reserved for mechs) If so, then you have to understand that they are not a reliable indicator of accurate ohms. As an example, I have built a 0.32 ohm setup using my ohm reader and then on a whim, put the atty on my MVP to check it and it read 0.87. Thats 0.55 +- accuracy. Thats + or - and you'd be hard pressed to get two MVPs to have the same accuracy difference. You "could" possibly be lower than 0.3 ohms and could possibly overstress the battery and cause it to "vent". This could result in turning your mech mod into a hand grenade. If I went a bit overboard, its only 'cause I'm passionate about vaping and the extra levels of safety we need to observe when using mechanical mods.
  2. VV/VW APV's (advanced personal vaporizers: not mods) can range anywhere from $55 to $250. Please... I rather see someone on the news for stealing $20 for an ohm reader than seeing their face ripped to shreds by a mech mod with a coil build checked on an APV that failed and caused a battery to vent. They're cool, to be sure... But they're not toys. A lot of research and knowledge of ohms law and battery safety is PARAMOUNT. They can kill you.
  3. Ok. No more checking ohms with APV's! This has to stop! If you don't have an ohms checker, stop building coils and definitely stop sub-ohming! There are a lot of us here that use mech mods and sub-ohm, and we all do it safely or we dont do it! Any tragic failure will end up on the news and we don't want or need any more bad press or scrutiny of our lifestyle! We get posts like this here at least 4-5 times a week. SAFETY FIRST! Sorry for the rant, but this kind of bs has to stop
  4. I hear ya bud! I was just messin with ya. Lol
  5. Pretty much Rixter! Lol! When I'm sub-ohming, I need it.
  6. Someone hand Troy a megaphone and perhaps a pill.
  7. Wish I had your restraint Rutez! The ONLY reason I have ANY of Comps flavors left is because I left a couple at home this week. Hi, my name is Josh. And I'm addicted to Fadoravapor E-Liquids!
  8. Ma, do you and Fish work for the railroad? Lol I dub thee Derailer 1 and Derailer 2!
  9. I've been running .26 in an acrylic one with no overheating of the plastic issues, but as I said ^^, running big holes for more air draw. I do love the cleaner/clearer look of the glass, but occasionally drink scotch when vaping. Couldn't imagine accidentaly bumping a tooth and sending glass shards into my gums. Lol
  10. Not nearly enuff flow for me. Running dual 3/16 holes
  11. Ma, I'll hand you the tire thumper, but it may not do any good. You'll need something heavier. Lol. Plus, its hard to hit a Fish in his natural habitat. You may need stink-bait or dynamite. Lol Don't put me in the middle of it. I love ya both and it puts a smile on my face watching you two! Lmao
  12. Thanks Ma. He'll be my last trainee till after summer. Flying the twins out for the summer and takin 2 weeks off at the end july. Can't wait for vacation!
  13. The top pic is my Patriot RDA. They don't need airflow thru the bottom because the top cap has holes drilled in it. The bottom pic is my iclear 30. All your standard clearomizers and glassomizers have the hole in the bottom of the 510 connection for airflow to the coils.
  14. Its all good Ma! The wife is okay with the excesses. Its just that I REALLY want a DNA mod made by Comp and I gotta take it easy on buying anymore toys for a few months
  15. I understand. My purchasing privilages have been curbed to only juices till a friend gets a custom DNA mod built for me. I've spent close to $2,000 since this last thanksgiving. I've gone over to the darkside! Lol
  16. Thats correct Eagle. The MVP is not an accurate ohms checker when building coils. There are many ohms checkers out there that are affordable. Better safe than sorry.
  17. He didnt choose me, I chose him! Lol. I wasnt gonna take another one so soon, but I talked with him before commiting. He sounded like a common sense kinda guy, so I said okay.
  18. Picking up steel coils in Houston, delivering to Muskogee, OK tomorrow! This load puts me over 3,300 miles for the week! Dolla' bills! When we unload in the morning, I'll be 3hrs from the house! Yaaay! Trainee is doing much better than expected for a new driver! Haven't had any need for the crowbar yet! Lol
  19. Welcome aboard the Crazy Train! Oops, sorry. I meant welcome to VT!
  20. Welcome to Vapor Talk Sirius! I'm a mech-er myself. Currently have an AR mod, k101, Hades mod, and a Blackhawk Panzer clone is on the way.
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