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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Pull the wicks and heat pulse the coils to burn off/clean the coils. Recheck screw tightness on the posts, then rewick. If that doesn't help, you may need to do a new clean build.
  2. I have 1 auth Magma and a 1:1 clone Magma. Both are superb! A single coil works well as long as you position the AFC ring lined up with the hole you have the coil positioned over
  3. 28g kanthal 5 wrap on a 7/64th bit will net you 1.2 ohms.
  4. Came across this article just now. http://vaperanks.com/fda-finally-admits-using-electronic-cigarettes-is-safer-than-smoking/
  5. I'm a fan of the: Patriot TOBH Stillare Zenith V2 Brass Monkee Luckily, these have all been cloned and you can get em a lot cheaper than the authentic ones.
  6. Several things: 1st, what mod are you using? 2nd, what pg/vg ratio juice? 3rd, are you using stock airholes? 4th, a 1.5 build doesn't heat up as hot and/or fast as a lower ohm build will.
  7. You're better than me. Although, I will state like I did in the beginning of the thread, I was good and inebriated when I tried it. Scotch+drill+me= idiot to the 3rd power.
  8. That's HAARP. High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The program actually exists, but whether or not they can or are manipulating weather is up for speculation and debate. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I just can't bring myself to care. Lol @L2VD, Comp and I got ours from Congrevape a while back. I think they were made by Infinite? Not sure. I dunno if Comp has had time to try and drill his post holes out, but mine are hard as... well, they didn't drill easily. I know "some" clones are made with a dif/softer maybe grade of SS.
  9. But hey, I could see payin ya to do my modding for me! I'll just send you my stuff, you do your magic, I pay ya, you send it back, and then I look good while changing the weather patterns around the country! Lol
  10. Ok. After doing some more digging, it appears there is Manganese in all heating/resistance wire. Kanthal and nichrome both have Manganese in it.
  11. If you're happy with it, then that's what matters! Vape on
  12. Sorry bro. I didn't mean for that to come out harsh at ya. Just to clarify, I usually have to leave home Sunday mornings and drive a truck all week long and return home late friday nights. When I do get in the shop to get some modding done, I have to get in, get it done, and get back to pampering my wife. How my modding jobs look go to the wayside in lieu of performance and keeping the Mrs happy. Now I have my daughters at my house for the summer, so my time for modding is relatively non existent till I go an vaca in 2 more weeks. At which point, I'll have to get up early and work on stuff while my queen and 2 princesses sleep in. Please accept my apologies if I was bit brash in my earlier post.
  13. Been talking to some other vapers and listening to discussions on CCI facebook, the makers of GPlat will not reveal the chemical composition of their wire. It's being rumored to have manganese in it. Manganese gives off a very harmful fume and it's been linked to Parkinson's disease. Know the risks if you plan to continue using Gplat. I for one will not be using it till all this gets cleared up. I don't wanna start a panic with this info, just wanted to exercise caution.
  14. Rich, as far as looks go...meh. I've never cared how my caps or decks look. I'm performance oriented. L2VD, where did you get your TOBH?
  15. Picked up ANOTHER Mephisto (auth) in a group-buy/co-op. So, now I'll have 2!
  16. I've given up on trying to drill the TOBH. I lucked out and preordered the Mephisto. 3mm post holes! I tried everything to get my TOBH's post holes drilled except the cutting fluid. All the bits I had used were crap anyway and burned up and consequently heat tempered the posts. I'll have to wait for my titanium bits and cutting fluid to get in before I try again.
  17. The Copper by Scottua 18650&26650 The Penny Mod
  18. Welcome to Vapor Talk! Check out the Cloud Chasing sub forum for coil ideas and questions. Congrats on quitting the stinkys
  19. You da man! Get yur contribute on! Lol
  20. Well... I used to wrap one off the deck then insert and wrap the other on the deck. Been experimenting with parallels lately and with those I build both on the deck. It's still a PITA, but I get better conformity if I'm trying to get them centered.
  21. Been doing that for 3 months now. Hate that name... Sleeper Coil! Bah!
  22. They've got the Mephisto clone on ebay for $40. I just bought an authentic one on preorder (7th batch) and I'll probably get a clone as well, as soon as they're carried on a regular vaper site.
  23. Tracked down an authentic Mephisto RDA by El Diablo Philippines bought from JKVAPES on preorder. Should have it in my grubby hands around mid July.
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