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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Before you buy anything, make the purchase of an Ohm checker first. Never ever ever build coils without one. Checking Ohms using an APV (advanced personal vaporizer) like an MVP, VTR, or the like is not accurate, advisable, or safe. Just sayin...
  2. Talk about stealth! ^^^ Those are tiny
  3. Sorry, I meant 8c rating. Efest boasts 12amp on these, but thay're actuall 6.4amp
  4. They are claimed at 8amp, but I did a little digging and some testing shows 6.4amp max. So, if you stay above 1 ohm at a 4amp draw, you're good with that battery. Dammit, Joe beat me to it! Lol
  5. What brand and mah rating is your 18350? I'll see if I can find it, but I think they are mostly 6a. Some may be 10a
  6. Dude, I read thru the entire exchange. Not once, before your little outburst did he disrespect you or come across as egotistical. That came out AFTER you melted down. We like to do some ribbing around here sometimes, but thats not what I came away with. Also, you referred to him coming "your" thread and being disrespectful. 1st, there is NO "your" thread. Anyone can chime in on any open thread. 2nd, Mark has been a part of this forum for a long time. And he's never pushed his wares on anyone. 3rd, it seems as if you get your feelings hurt easily. You may want to think about toughening up psychologically before opening yourself up for criticism of your work. 4th, a couple hours ago, you said you were leaving the forum. By the fact that you've returned, shows that you WANT to foment derisiveness and insults. 5th, its really easy to throw insults and hate thru a computer using words. Its much harder to be mature and take the words back. Its also harder to take what was said to you and internalize it, analize it, and deal with it. Thats what real maturity takes.
  7. Weather is beautiful. Derek's vaping away on the AquaBerry you sent for him. Says "Yum"! Thanks Ma! I think by the end of his training, he'll be a full on convert! He's diggin the multitude of flavors that are available!
  8. His setup at a higher ohm keeps him safe and stealthy. Those batts aren't for serious cloud chasing, but thats not what he's after with that setup. He's looking at easy portability, stylishness, and decent flavor/vapor combo while scratching that nic itch. Looks great like that Rixter!
  9. I'm shootin for early Aug. My daughters are flying in for the summer and fly back July 25th. So, I'm hoping to get out there within 1or 2 weeks after that. I'll be needing the w/e out there to unwind from estrogen overload. Lol! Is that a good time for you and the rest of the "Colorado Gang"?
  10. I can't blow rings either BD. Birds of a feather...
  11. Fishguy will be the first one to start throwing people, so watch out for him! He's got strong fins! Lol
  12. The longer you stick around and read the other threads, the more you'll notice that happening. We're all one big happy dysfunctional family.
  13. Like Joe mentioned, you may need to remove your flavor wick then. Try vaping it the way it is first, and if it gives you dry hits, go ahead and remove that flavor wick.
  14. The wife and kids okay? Did it tear anything up?
  15. My wife said we got nothing but some rain and hard wind. I'm a trucker and wasn't there. How bout ya'll?
  16. When you say 80/20 do you mean vg/pg or pg/vg? May seem like a silly distinction, but "most" trusted juice vendors try to list the PG ratio in front of the VG. Example, I'm currently dripping a 10/90 PG/VG 6mg nic Spiced Apple from Fadoravapor.com But in my Kanger Protank2, I'm using a 70/30 PG/VG 12mg nic Ectoplasm from Fuzionvapors
  17. I live within 1 hour south of you. I'm just across the line into Arkansas
  18. Before you get into dripping with RDA's, please do a lot of research, as it can get quite technical if you use a mechanical mod and build your coils. All of us here that use RDAs on mechanical mods are VERY big on safety. As you move up (if you want to), there are a few of us that can guide you on the right path and help you be a safe vaper.
  19. We'll let ya know bro. We have you on retainer, right? Lol
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