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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. @Joe, yeah, it was a recap. @Tam, when a tire blows out in a dual setup like this, the one that doesn't blow out keeps the trailer stable. It REALLY sucks for anyone that may be riding a little too close to the rear of my trailer. When one goes out, you hear what sounds like a shotgun going off and feel a slight shudder in the way the trailer pulls. It has the potentional for being very dangerous if the tire that goes out, comes loose and rips an airline apart. That could cause all the tires on it to lock up and go into a skid. We were lucky that, when it blew, Derek was in the right lane and immediately go pulled over to the shoulder. We assesed the damage and then limped the trailer 4 miles to the next exit to the T/A truckstop. When the tread seperated, it took out 3 lights and mangled the mudflap mounting bracket. All in all, we're okay. I think Derek needed to change his undies though. Lol
  2. Yep. This happened at 4:30pm cst. They're just now getting around to fixing it! My road repair dept has been dragging their feet all evening. We have a 7:30am appt for unload, and we're still 5hrs away. Hope they get it all fixed before 2am or we ain't gonna make it on time.
  3. Just a couple of pics to show what happens when a trailer tire blows out.
  4. Will do! Thanks Ma! Probably be back on later tonite
  5. Haven't heard much from him. But then again, I haven't been here as much either. My sleep schedule is outta whack. Getting ready for bed soon. Got me drivin nights
  6. Not really. I think a lot of the damage happened further away from the interstates.
  7. We're down in Georgia, heading up towards Nashville. Sittin here waiting to get loaded right now. Hurry up and wait!
  8. Yep. Flared out as I was pulling it away from me lips. Didn't hurt, just scared me enough to wet me drawers! Lol *wee irish accent intended*
  9. Terre Haute born, Arkansas raised! Welcome to the playhouse that is, Vapor Talk! Go Hoosiers!
  10. Crush, you get an "ATTABOY" from me for being safe and using your meter! Welcome to VT!
  11. Forgot to lock my button and it fired off in my vape bag unnoticed. Luckily it didn't vent, but the battery drained all the way down to 0.0 volts. Had to toss it.
  12. I hope they do ya right buddy! I know you're bummed. I'm still "in for a penny, in for a pound" no matter how long it takes!
  13. Just wondering if anyone has one and how you like it. I've got a line on one. It looks pretty interesting. Just figured I'd get an opinion on it before I pull the trigger on the purchase.
  14. Yeah, it was one of a few I had laying in my vapin' takle box that didn't have a build in it. Was getting my Peterbilt worked on today, so I had some downtime to build for a few...um,...hours. Lol
  15. The reason I take no value from this article, is due to the following excerpt; But according to two new, peer-reviewed studies coming out in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research Peer-review is NOT hard science. You can get 10 people to agree to something, but thst doesn't make them correct in their assumptions. Especially when they didn't spell out what conditions for testing they used. What "control" measures did they use. Ah, screw it! Nevermind, I'll continue to vape until they outlaw all the ingredients to make e-liquids, li-ion batteries, and kanthal wire. Bunch of friggin... *grumble-mumble,no good...grumble*
  16. Just a simple dual 22g 5/4 wrap on Helios clone. Ohms out at 0.14
  17. It's a neat concept. I really tried hard to like it. I don't hate it, by any means, but I found the flavor lacking. When dripping Fadora's Spiced Apple, the flavor just fell flat. But put it on my Patriot, and WOW! I couldn't believe the flave drop-off from one to the next.
  18. I've got one myself BC! But after 3 weeks of using it, I'm no longer impressed with it. I find it works better with vertical coils, but I don't get as rich of flavor from it as I do my normal RDAs. It can be a little tricky to get back together as well.
  19. Thank for the vote of confidence Jeff! But that hammer is too tempting and heavy for me to wield! Lol
  20. The Corps taught me to yell when I needed to and speak like an officer when its called for. Now, if he continues not to listen,...then I may have to get loud! Lol
  21. Thanks Ma! I wanted to say what I really thought, but a bunch of ****** would just dilute the entire post. So, I figured I'd try the ol' academic approach! Lol
  22. Jaymitiguy, this forum is for vapers not vape shop B&M owners. The T&C of this site keeps B&M shops regulated as "Vendor/Supplier" status and cannot engage in general discussion topics. Each person that has responded to you since the creation of this thread is a consumer of the vaping products we discuss here. A vast majority on this forum are former smokers. So, a need to understand the products outside of the academic level is MUST! Just because you test them, doesn't mean you understand them or the marketplace for them. Your academic pedigree does not outweigh the strength of our argument or experiences in the realm of vaping. With regards to the FDA and big-tobacco, you are sorely misinformed. Big-tobacco and big-pharma hold the reigns on the FDA because they have the money to do so. And when they see a loss of profit due to the rising expansion that is vaping, they take notice and start ginning up a way to combat it. As far as tobacco companies starting their own e-cig shoot offs, well you need to understand that their motive is NOT pure. They dont give a damn about the health benefits of getting off the stinky cancer sticks. They only care about regulating us to get themselves back to their previous level of profitability. Last but not least, I think the general concesus here is that you do a LOT more research and possibly take some small business courses. As far as some of the people here that have rubbed you the wrong way... well, we're a tight knit group of vaping enthusiasts, and I don't think any of us would want to be counseled in the realm of vaping in a store by someone who has never smoked and had to beat the cigs with vaping. In this regard, experience trumps education. Have a good day.
  23. You guys are a trip! I'm just happy to be home and vapin it up. I'll try doing a vid later after I've had a few drinks more! Lol
  24. Nope, the lighting hid the green cloud out the back and I made it just a pic, so no sound! Lmao
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