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Everything posted by Gremlin3

  1. Ordered CSL today, does it need to steep?
  2. Still digging Bryce's custard in one protank and Pluid in the other. I like the contrast, keep my taste buds on alert.
  3. HHV has sample packs. Might be wrong but I think you pick ratio.
  4. Hangsen vanilla is really good. Not sure bout the baccos but I like hangsen.
  5. For juice or hardware? Hardware- discount vapors.
  6. Haven't had those, gremlins is my ADV as you can tell by the user name. Gotta love custards though.
  7. 100 ml on its way! I had a decent cyber Monday.
  8. My dental hygienist was thrilled when I told her I started vaping.
  9. Great job on this run down!
  10. Try some Grimm green or other videos. It's easier to see something than to read about it.
  11. When I used the PT i soaked it in ever clear and rinsed like crazy.
  12. Haha not sure if it's made in a bath tub but I'm liking it just as much as most custards. At first it was way too sweet but I like it now. Havnt actually bought it yet but vaped the 10ml sample in 2 days. Might be a coil gunker though.
  13. 3-5 ml based on if I'm working. Doesn't cost me too much.
  14. What atty or clearo are you using?
  15. Ok nice, I'll check them out this week I think. What's your favorite juices by them?
  16. I love when my atty spits a bit of juice in my mouth lol. Not sure if it's healthy though.
  17. Would you guys rank this with mbv and dessert vapes? Same price range.
  18. Anyone try this juice yet? The owner sent me a sample a couple weeks ago on ECF and it's pretty tasty stuff. He only has vanilla custard right now but he said he's working on some baccos too. Only bad thing is he's only on Facebook and it's 50/50 blend, not sure if that's all he sells. https://m.facebook.com/BVC.eJuice?__user=100003275074835 Looks like he's doing a discount right now so it's a good time to order.
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