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Everything posted by Jerryosterdockjr597

  1. I have used 300 or 325,400,500 ss mesh. 1"x3" pieces, rolled tight and loose. I've done them like a straw and I've done them solid. I have also tried the pre rolled and oxidized ones from provape. As far as wire goes, 28 ga thru 34 ga is what I have used. I use the provari and svd to tell me my ohms. I tried wrapping coils around a installed wick and I have done the drill bit method. I want this to work!! I hear all the raves about the gen style but for me I have had no luck. I have also tipped the mod as I hit it. Anyone have a good link to a video or anything to help?
  2. Gotta go to bed but I'll get all this info posted in the morning. I get up at 3 am so I'll start posting around then. Thank y'all for the help and sorry about this lil delay. I've been working at this for 2-3 months
  3. I tried one that was 100% cotton wick with coil wrapped around and still the same thing, lil to no vapor. I have researched and watched videos and the subject but I have never seen poor vapor production.
  4. I'm having issues on gen style attys. I have a rsst and z atty pro 2, run ss mesh and kanthal wire. Coils look good but no real vape production. Ss mesh is wet with ejuice. Please help
  5. Strawberry fields-vape dude, dragon tears-ecblend. When those two get old mix them 30%straw field and 70% dragon tears! Amazing!
  6. Get a tattoo of a provari!!! Portrait style bro!!
  7. Your unloading a provari huh. How much
  8. Which one did you get. Who is the manufacture?
  9. Which one did you get. Who is the manufacture?
  10. Great post. I have been thinking about the Russian 91% for a week or so. I really want one but was on the fence about the Russian on kayfun lite. Great post. I have been thinking about the Russian 91% for a week or so. I really want one but was on the fence about the Russian on kayfun lite.
  11. For me a vtr is my next mod purchase.
  12. The svd has ego and 501 threading. A svd and aurora bft is vaping bliss.
  13. I have a provari,svd,zmax. Out of them, the provari is my favorite but not by much. The svd is second and zmax third. The svd is awesome but it is a lil long. I love the menu and button scheme on it. I also am a big fan of wattage vaping over voltage.
  14. I have noticed a diff In the dragon tears too. I love that one as I do the all the dragon series but it has fell off lately. I just want the old sensation and flavor back. On a better note, I just received my first bottle of flan, tam.
  15. I ordered some juices from vape dude and they are amazing. Strawberry fields, candy cane, blue jitsu, black honey. Vape dude has officially made my top 2 places to order from. I just ordered 16 bottles of juice from him last night. However, I do order what everyone recommends to try it out.
  16. Awesome I'm gonna try them out. Thanx
  17. Who's got the fairy blood? What's it taste like?
  18. Sean is that hawk blend anything like the hawk sauce from mt baker vaper
  19. I used to do a pack and a half a day of menthol full flavors. I can't get into the crossover menthol tobacco. Instead I have gone to menthol fruit mixes. I love the dragon tears, and the whole dragon series from ecblends. They do need to steep like two weeks for best results
  20. Dragon series is awesome!!! Gotta steep fo sho. I just tried a new method for steeping where I put a heating pad under a box. I then put the juice bottles in with the caps off. Heating pad was set to med/high. I honestly think it sped the steeping process up by 5-7 days. I only tried it with the complete dragon series. I also had dragon bottles that I had sit with the lids on with no heat.
  21. The flan is definitely on my next order list. I just ordered 7 bottles from vape dude. I'm excited to try his stuff cause I've heard a lot about it. Who makes the backwoods brew?
  22. I'm looking for that one that I just can't get enough of. Honestly I'm not worried so much about price, I want quality. When I smoked analogs, their was only one kind that I had to have and I haven't found it with ejuice. I like a lot of them but not that one yet!! Thanks for your post as I will try them
  23. In my short time of vaping (4-5 months) I have tried lots of juices. I honestly buy 5-10 bottles a week of juice. No, I don't go thru it all but I'm on the hunt for the best of the best. I really like dragon tears from ecblend but it seems like the last couple bottles are kinda funny. This juice tastes great until half a tank is gone, then it changes. I wanna know what your top 3 juices? I'm going on a hunt for the top juice! ( not big on tobaccos but if a lot if people suggest one kind, I'll order)
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