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Everything posted by Jerryosterdockjr597

  1. I have found a really good juice chef. Dbliquids.com , db has taken over my top 3 and I carry 4 mods with me pretty much everywhere(all with diff flavors) and all I vape is db. Straw/dragon fruit is amazing. They have a really good strawberry period. I vape basically fruity/ sweet juice. I highly recommend everyone try this. I am not a vendor nor am I receiving anything for this. I'm just a strong believer in giving props where props are due. I have over 150 bottles of ejuice and have tried a lot. This is the top of the chain. I got turned on to this from vapor rater.
  2. Amazing
  3. I vape between 8-10 watts with the svd. I usually have my ohms right around 2.0 . Start at 7 watts and take a pull then bump it up till you find the sweet spot
  4. Straw/dragon fruit from db liquids is my new top vape, vampire kiss from darkest day vapor. Db also has this mango dragon madness and bras berry mint which are stellar as well
  5. Does that ball gag have a 510 connection or ego threading? Sorry, it was wide open
  6. Holy smokes, awesome post! Lmfao
  7. Contact them! I would love to hear what comes of this
  8. I know I'm prolly gonna sound like a dumb a.s.s. But I can't ever get a coil to work for me after I build it. I have a z atty pro 2 tank, rsst , couple igo's and a russian ,kayfun on the way. I have tried everything to get these to work. I find myself using innokin 30's as my go to tank. Help please the just show or tell me something Easley to do and I can build off the. What's good for wicking too? Thanx
  9. I like the term **** sticks. Been free for 6 months or so and my sinus problem disappeared, the common cold I usually get 2-3 times a year is gone. I smell **** sticks now and it like stings my nose, god lord do they stink
  10. I'm in. Hook me up. I want one message me
  11. Aspire nautilus was ok but not great by a stretch
  12. No, the svd only fires down to like 1.2-1.4 ohm area. It's a great mod!!!!
  13. I have the malto and been using it. I'm really trying to make dragon tears from ecblend. I have found 3 different recipes and tried them all. It just baffles me that I done get flavor on every vape. What does the candy corn flavor add to the flavor? Thanx for the advice everyone.
  14. What will they come up with next
  15. All my juices so far have been 50/50-60/40, pg being 60. I mix around 20% flavor, if I have multiple flavors then they all add up to 20%. The juices I have made smell great but don't have much taste. The first vape has some flavor, second vape very ill to no flavor. I'm using the flavor apprentice flavoring.
  16. I have been trying to do the diy thing. I would really like to just get to the point that I don't buy anymore and just make everything. However it's not going well. I mixed a couple flavors up last weekend and they have a lil flavor on the first hit but no flavor after that.
  17. I really love fruit mixed with sweet and creamy flavors. I have tried sweet cream and so far it's not what I'm looking for. Please help!!!
  18. What kind ya got
  19. Damn that's like 007 style vaping!
  20. The pic is very helpfull.
  21. I just did a decent cotton wick with 32ga kanthal. Is the ss mesh better than cotton? I'm really after flavor.
  22. I wanna thank you for the help by the way. Just you guys taking the time outta your day means a lot.
  23. I tried the cotton but I have it too tight. I tried it sun, I'm gonna try it again. I try to make my coils a round 2 ohms, my mods won't fire anything under 1.2 or so. It seems like every coil I make works great, then when the juice gets added it all goes to hell. Ohms drop, error codes start popping up. How many rolls do you roll your s.s. Wicks?
  24. Provari or itaste svd.
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