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    my son,my family,skating,hookah,and duh vaping

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  1. Sounds kinda suspect
  2. Oops I meant idk here, New tablet doesn't know me yet.
  3. http://www.nbcnews.com/health/cancer/you-vape-high-levels-formaldehyde-hidden-e-cigs-n290826
  4. U speak the truth
  5. Ah Jameson the beef stew of whiskeys my favorite whiskey loooove it
  6. . Whaaaaaaaat
  7. Joe your odd ya no this right.
  8. Informative yes, annoying 95 percent of the time deff. Okay in small doses.
  9. I think he isn't but his beard deff is.
  10. Red carbon fiber FUhattan, ciggreen mutaltior, 30ml gorilla juice from AVE, and a 17ml of their gamel. Gotta have my tobaccos for my orchid and dna30 set up. I have high hopes for the mutaltior. Ya I know it spelled wrong but IDC.
  11. Ripp trippers is educational but so annoying. I left that dude alone along time ago.
  12. Thanks comp I've never used imgur before tonight
  13. Idk how to put The pic and not the link up haha.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/DogYjUmh.jpg this is my aresenal I am missing some guys though, my brother has my vtr and my black dna30, my biddy was my vamo 5 aand my trixie vv box and my dual 18650 unregulated box mod is getting a paint swirl on it so I sent it to the maker. I have my fuhattan otw and countless attys for these guys.
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