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Everything posted by ThatCarGuyDFW

  1. Finally upgraded to a mechanical mod after running a Smok Zmax for a while. I got a Smok Magneto and I have a Kanger Aerotank on it right now. Next step, dripping!!!
  2. This whole trend is really making our lives difficult. A field sobriety test is a simple fix, not banning vaping outright. But wait, that's right, big tobacco probably caught wind of this and encouraged the ban.
  3. Kanger Protank II a couple weeks ago then a Smok Zmax. I love this thing. Huge step up from the ego batteries that I was using.
  4. Alfa Romeo ended up falling through but I ended up at Allen Samuels Dodge in North Richland Hills. Asked the manager about vaping inside and he said "Its ok, just keep it discreet." and he expressed his happiness that most of his employees were vaping now and that reduced down time for the sales team. Got a couple guys that got hired along with me and I am getting them on board. I think my case was helped when it snowed yesterday and all the smokers were outside freezing while I was happily vaping in my warm office!
  5. Box of chocolates and a nice dinner, maybe some woohoo afterwards if she doesn't have too much wine at dinner.
  6. Blew out my Vivi Nova. It was in my pants pocket when it failed, went and bought a Kanger Pro Tank II.
  7. Agreed completely. It's nice to see some people thinking about this outside of OMG IT LOOKS LIKE SMOKING!!! BAN IT!!!!
  8. I am glad that's the extent of what's being said in the ordinance. We will see what's said in the meeting. Thank you for finding this btw. I guess I am just rubbish at finding things
  9. My grandfather runs the local news in GP and he hasn't received anything even though he did an article about the ordinance yesterday. The only thing in the article is a link to the American Heart Association.
  10. Not getting any information about this proposed ordinance from the folks proposing it. I know that today is MLK day but you would think that at least one person has a link to the ordinance for the general public to read. I have looked and haven't found anything. Something tells me that vaping is included in this ordinance and they don't want us to fight it. I am attending regardless to speak up if vaping is brought up.
  11. The city council meeting is set for Jan 21st at 6:30PM. I am getting info as to what the ordinance covers. I want those of us that live in The DFW area to go and defend vaping if electronic cigarettes are included in this ordinance.
  12. Yup. They have been making a huge deal about it this year because ALMS and Grand Am have merged. Should be interesting to see what happens.
  13. We are just 10 days away! Who will be watching and do you have any plans to help you stay up for the whole 24 hours?
  14. Calling senators and the Dallas mayor tomorrow. Noticed a lot of comments on facebook about how they are glad it isn't their city. Getting tired of people sitting back and watching the rest of the country lose their rights to vape.
  15. Googled "e cigs are stupid" this morning just to see what the big tobacco and big pharma folks are putting out there to stop us. I came across this... http://www.sonicyouth.com/gossip/showthread.php?t=96460 Reading the comments are hilarious. I am assuming since it's called "sonic youth" it's a bunch of holy high horse bible school kids that claim to be non judgemental to your face but flap their gums the second you turn around. I notice a few "I will never quit" comments in regards to smoking. Yeah, cool joe, let's see how that works out when you can't keep up with someone at a walking pace in 15 years.
  16. I am going to be heading up there tomorrow to pick up some new juice flavors and wanted to see if anyone wanted to join me. I figure I will be there around 1 or 2. If you go, I will be the guy in the Shelby t shirt driving the blue mini.
  17. Long drag, inhale, hold, exhale. Sometimes I will blow rings and have fun with the vapor. Just depends on my mood really.
  18. His definition of alternative method is the patch or gum. Neither worked for me when I tried before I moved back to Texas. This is the only thing that has worked for me that hasn't made me feel sick or feel the desire to smoke analogs.
  19. He did, often saying that I needed to find some alternative.
  20. Local news ran another story about vaping. Again the usual nobody under 18 and they also touched on no use allowed in theaters. I can agree with that but that's another topic all together. I was watching this with my grandfather in the room and he asked me "So what do you have to say in defense of what you do." I kindly said "Let's just agree to disagree." He then spews at me "Yeah your just saying that because you know your wrong and you do something that is disgusting." I am trying to not to bite off my tongue right now.
  21. Thank you. Completely forgot to check first.
  22. I just wanted to know before potentially messing up the threads on my ego
  23. I did laugh a little when I realized that FIx It Again Tony owned Alfa. That being said, from what I have seen here in the states, the 500 has been a very reliable car. I know a few people who own one and they have never had to take it into the shop aside from general maintenance. I can only hope for the same with Alfa when they come back over here.
  24. That's what I am afraid I will have to do. I don't want to get into a confrontation with him.
  25. NBC 5 in Dallas just ran a story talking about how Frisco, Texas is implementing regulations on e-cigs to stop sale to people under 18. I agree with that completely. They then stated that flavors of the juice was directly aimed at kids. To which I said was bullcrap. My grandfather (I live with my grandparents at the moment) then goes on this rant that it's all a ploy to get kids on real cigarettes. He went on to talk about how they are not known to be safe so they should all be banned until research is done. I said research won't be done if it's banned. The FDA won't waste their time researching something that isn't legal. Or at least they won't focus on it as much. Still looking like a couple more months till I can afford to move. How do you guys deal with living with someone that is so strongly against this?
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