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Everything posted by AshtonAshton

  1. Best genesis style rebuildable?
  2. I was looking at maybe getting a vamo v5 or a tesla mod, im not sure what you would recomend as ive been vaping for 4 months and ive been using a Vision twist 1300Mah 4.8V max and a kanger pro tank 2. I want a battery with variable voltage and wattage and a lcd screen, and a tank similar to the KPT2 but creates more vapor and uses a atomizer... Also ive notied a problem with my KPT2 its very hard to draw on it maybe the airflow but i tried screwing it on tight and loose and the only time its easy to hit is when its on their loose what could be the problem? Thanks - Ashton
  3. I've been vaping for 3months and I mostly used a egoc twist and moved to a vision twist and they are normally 1100-1300 so I was just saying 1100 plus
  4. So I'm looking to get a new battery and I'm looking for stuff along the lines of: -Medium sized battery -can go anywhere from 3.5v-15v -Decent price -Has batteries instead of charging the battery itself -1100mah+ -LED screen -mods of some sort -durable battery And a few mor things if anyone has anything they recommend I would be all ears to listen! (-: thanks! (Also if you could list the name of it and link me to a site I would appreciate it!)
  5. how do you dry burn a coil?
  6. can I pick both thoes up @ a hardware store?
  7. Does anyone play computer games? Lol I'm a nerd I know :P but just curious to see who does, like steam, games and such(:
  8. mate not trying to sound weird but is their anyway you could maybe Skype me as I try and fix it? For like a kinda walk through on how to solider? If not can you post a picture guide I would greatly apprechiate it!
  9. I was it with hot water ever 3-5days, and then let dry, and I clean if out with a qtip everyday, and then I'll clean the atomizer off some days like every 2 days maybe? Is that enough cleaning or too much lol
  10. I just wanna see what a very nice modded one looks like? A personal one, just to see how my differences, thanks!
  11. thanks(:Is the tank changeable? And what kind of charger does it use? Lol
  12. thanks! And how would I pull it upward what kinda tool would I need? And is their a video on how to fix it somewhere?
  13. Can someone link me to a VTR? And what is the Real name just VTR?
  14. So my vision Wolnt connect to my charger? When I try to twist it in it dosent twist in? It just keeps spinning and dosent connect, the other day I got it to connect and the light turned on and charged, but today when I tryed to do the same thing and it connected the charging light wouldn't come on, the only way it charges now is if I push down on the charger and manually hold the charger pushing down into the battery for it to charge
  15. I climb cell phone towers for different phone companies and I take down the satellites nd rewire and manage them(: and am able to vape as freely as I want when I'm on the job (except when climbing haha)
  16. My friend told me their was and I don't know if he was bluffing, if their is can someone list the names of some and or link me to them?(: thanks(:
  17. Does Anyone like trap? (: or electronic trap music? If you do should check out DJ Serafin he's amazing!
  18. What's your preferd and favorite? Which has the best smoke and flavor?
  19. I'm gonna do a pinstripe I bought some paint and thin paint brushes, and I bought a wrap if it dosent work.
  20. Maybe you need a new 510 or need to switch they have some cheap ones on this site http://www.healthcabin.net
  21. Is vision a good brand, I have a twist, 1300mah 4.8V Max
  22. What exactly are you trying to lock it into your charger? Or just your tank Wolnt connect right?
  23. Get a q-tip and try and clean your threading or order a new 510 online, maybe you stripped your threading, I would need more info the determine the problem, anyways cheers, and good luck.
  24. http://www.healthcabin.net They have the cheapest fluids I've seen 2$ for 10ML bottles, thought someone might appreciate it.
  25. Btw (powder coat) is a thin powder you put on it, and then put it in the oven at 1000+ degrees and the powder melts on the metal and it becomes a paint.
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