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Everything posted by sparc

  1. The kayfun lite + is the one with adjustable air flow and it's a nice tank. I ordered the Aqua (clone) RBA that has adjustable airflow and juice flow control. Kinda excited about that and it's only $20 at slowtech
  2. I bought juice to try out. Twas Brillig and A Quiet Morning from Alice in Vapeland. Deadly Sin and Melon Boba from GoodLifeVapor.
  3. The k100 is my first mech mod and I also like it. I also thought about buying the original but who knows when it's back in stock. I recently ordered the hcigar Nemesis clone and the Aqua clone tank atomizer which is only $20, not a bad price to try something out.
  4. Try the dragon coil and the "chimney" build. youtube it
  5. You will need to know the discharge current(in Amps) and voltage of the battery to determine the lowest ohm you can go. for example using a battery that is 4.2V with a discharge current at 10A and calculating with ohms law, 4.2v /10A=0.42 ohms. That is the lowest coil you can build but IMO it's not safe because you are at maximum discharge current of 10A. If it was me I would build a 0.7ohm coil which puts the discharge current at 6A which is much safer. Even if the 18650 battery is rated at 3.7V but when fully freshly charge they are 4.2V. To be on the safe side use 4.2V in your calculations.
  6. amazon has the xtar vp1 and it's around the same price as the Efest LUC v4 smart LCD
  7. Go for it and pickup a lower nic level and give it a try. It's about experimenting and finding out what you like. When i drip with 6mg nic it gave me a dizzy head spin kind of sensation in a relatively short time. I feel that the nic hits harder and faster near/at sub ohm. I don't get this sensation when vaping at 1.5ohms or above on my RBA's. I enjoy my vapes around 1.0-2.5ohms w/nic juice
  8. This might have been posted already...
  9. I got two RDA's, one at 0.5ohms and the other around 0.7ohms. It sure does pack a punch and it's too much for me when I drip 6mg nicotine juice. I use 0mg nic and it's much easier for me to vape. I also need to make the air holes bigger which supposedly will make the draw airy, not has hot, and lessen the punch.
  10. I got the Sony 30A 18650 and mnke IMR 20A 18650 battery. Couldn't tell you which I prefer since I'm only running 1.58ohms on my kayfun lite+ I really like the charger I have. It's the xtar vp1 and it has real-time digital readouts so I see what my current voltage is for the batteries and it's intelligent charger. Can also choose how fast or slow you want to charge the batteries by selecting the charging current (Amps): 0.25, 0.50, or the fastest charge time at 1.00A. I haven't really timed it but I can charge a 18650 battery in about 1.5-2hrs or so xtar VP1 VP1 charger is a professional lithium ion battery charger which has three optional charging current. It can also display battery voltage(when batteries voltage≥1.5V) and corresponding power. You can charge two rechargeable 10440/16340/14500/14650/17670/18500/18650/18700(3.6V or 3.7V)lithium ion battery independendently. With the function of charging in three-gradation and 0V battery activation; VP1 use soft start function to avoid the damage of battery's instant large current. VP1 has a built-in over discharged cell activation function which can activate the over discharge battery,thus it can make repairing and charging synchronously.
  11. Awesome tip. thanks I'm still using the vertical coil but at 1.58ohms instead of 1.08ohms. As of now, I'm not fond of warm hot vape from low ohm builds. The flavor and air draw is good since it flows through the coil like a "chimney". Thanks
  12. I keep a few bottles around for when I have to empty the tank to rebuild the coils or re-wick. I don't like to pour used juice back into the same bottle.
  13. I bought it from local B&M. 101vape has the k100 kit for a good price
  14. When I picked up my K100 kit it came with this Kick which fits just fine with 18650 battery http://www.kamrytech.com/Product/130954559.html They also have this new Kick, might want to contact them to see if it will work in k100 http://www.kamrytech.com/Product/475839534.html
  15. I'm a fan of Dragon Crown. My favorite so far from the Dragon series
  16. Hi, Ohm meter is very important. I didn't build my first coil until i had it. The safest battery for the resistance of the coil you built, I got the Sony 30A 18650 battery so I could build a sub ohm coil if I wanted to. Other less important things are tweezers or needle nose pillars to compact your coil if you're going to build micro/nano coils. Yes a tooth pick can work or whatever that is cylindrical like a drill bit or needle. But the most important part is to get the resistance of your coil by using an ohm meter so you don't push your battery beyond it's limit.
  17. Hi all, I got a bunch of vape mail last few weeks which included Kayfun Lite+, 28g Kanthal A1 wire, ohm meter, Sony 30A 18650 batteries +charger and some e-juice. This is my first time I have ever tried to build a coil. I've been using Protank Mini 2 and CE4 so I didn't need to rebuild coils. I've been watching a bunch on videos last week about rebuilding coils and the possible dangers of sub ohms and it sure helps. My 1st coil build is a victory for me. On to the pictures I went with the "chimney" micro coil build. image by kiu101, on Flickr Testing and removing hot spots, pinching coil to compact it. I used cotton for wick and wrapped it around the coil. The mech-mod I'm using is the Kamry K100 image by kiu101, on Flickr I like the flavor from kayfun lite+ The workman ship is very good. But I also enjoy the flavor from my Ego Battery and Protank Mini. kayfun lite+ by kiu101, on Flickr kayfun lite+ by kiu101, on Flickr Thanks for looking
  18. Got an Ohm meter, Sony 18650 30A batteries, and xtar vp1 charger.
  19. So the shop owner is vaping with K100 + drip atty and I got to try his out. The juice he was using had good flavor but the inhale was a little hot for me. So I threw on my KPT mini 2, not bad. I walked out with a new K100 Now I'm in search of a drip atty that has large enough air holes so the vape isn't so hot. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm in need of good batteries. I'm going to do more research before going sub ohm. Will mainly use cartos for the time being. I placed an order for an ohm reader elsewhere because I know I will be wrapping my own coils once I find a drip atty to my liking.
  20. Thanks for the response all. I'm researching the sub ohm. So far it seems that picking the right battery to be used is a very important part of sub ohm vaping. I'm going to my mom&pop shop and see which mech-mod the owner is vaping with and maybe be able to test some.
  21. Sorry, I noticed I might have put this in the incorrect forum section
  22. Better than my eGo battery + Protank Mini 2? I've been vaping for a touch over 6 months now using eGo standard battery with KPT Mini 2. I recently started to read forums and such about vaping so all this is still new to me. My main thing is that I would like to be able to taste flavor more than I’m tasting now. I barely taste any flavors. I buy my juice from mom&pop tobacco shop and got some samples from EC Blends dragon series. Yes, I’m also chasing the vapor clouds a little. I'm seriously thinking about getting the kamry k100 since it's priced really low. It got some good reviews. Not looking to turn this post into a clone vs original debate. If I get the k100 and a ProTank 2 w/1.8ohms coils will I taste the flavors more vs my current setup? Planning to use 18650 MNKE IMR battery + xtar VP1 charger. I've read/heard somewhere that with this mod setup I might as well stick with what I use now because lowest ohms I can use is 1.8 w/KPT 2. Or should I look into something like a variable voltage battery and forget about the mech.mod? Your thoughts and suggestions? Thanks
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