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Everything posted by sparc

  1. I have it and I like it. I like how easy it is to adjust the airflow, good flavor and vapor production using the supplied 1.8ohm coil. It's a little pricey but it beats the snot out of my mini protank 2. There is a little bit of gurgling at times and it did have a tiny bit of leakage once but that could of been of user error because it hasn't happened again. Aspire Nautilus by kiu101, on Flickr
  2. My Expromizer rebuildable tank arrived yesterday. My first impressions here Expromizer on left, Kayfun lite+ on the right Expromizer and kayfun lite+ by kiu101, on Flickr
  3. Hello I received my Expromizer tank yesterday and I like it. It's a Kayfun / Taifun mix. Has adjustable airflow control and the best part for me is that I don't need a screw driver to fill it like a Kayfun Lite+ =Win! My main issue with it so far is that part of the tank is plastic like the Kayfun. But you can purchase a SS section for the tank cracking juices. So far I don't having an leakage or gurgling. Unlike my Kayfun lite+(original) which started to leak at the fill hole which caused some flooding, easy fix was to replace the o-ring on on the fill hole screw. Expromizer comes with extras: several o-rings, two terminal screws, and a keychain screw driver. I don't know what it's called but the area where you put your wicking material inside the chimney seems to be larger than the kayfun lite+ which is good, more juice to your wicks and more wicking material and the juice channels do appear to be deeper. Also has a self-adjusting center pin. Expromizer on the left, Kayfun lite+ on the right Expromizer and kayfun lite+ by kiu101, on Flickr
  4. Honey Peary from Vapor Chef is one of my new fav. Also Melon Boba and Deadly Sin from GoodLifeVapor
  5. My vote is for the Aspire Nautilus. It hasn't leaked on me yet. The flavor and vapor production is on par with my kayfun lite+. Nautilus has adjustable air flow control
  6. I ordered another rebuildable tank, the eXpromizer. It's supposed to be a kayfun, taifun mix. Here is Todd e-cig review of it
  7. in my current rotation I'm using KFL+, Aqua, and aspire nautilus. the vapor production and flavor of the nautilus is really on par with kfl+, both setups are around 1.5ohms. Nautilus has more of an airy draw compared to the kfl+ but the aqua has more than those two .
  8. What's the resistance(ohms) in the kayfun? I find it strange that a mech-mod with Sony 30A battery doesn't provide enough watts to power the kayfun but it does provide enough to work for 0.2ohm rba. If you're running a 0.2ohm coil on the mech at 4.2V you are at 88Watts
  9. today using Origin mech-mod + Aqua tank in hybrid mode w/ Alice in Vapeland's A Quiet Morning juice.
  10. Maybe adjust the top pin by completly lowering the top pin down, screw on your rda, then screw the top pin in until it can't screw in anymore. Also try the adjustments with or without the kick ring. I got the original magnets and they are fragile. I droped the mod from 2.5ft on to hardwood floor. The mod and tank took no damage but shattered one magnet. So i'm back using the springs and the only positive thing is that the mod will not fire now when setting it down.
  11. the Kayfun lite+ is a good one. I also like the Aqua which is dual coil, adjustable air and juice flow control. As said, it's more difficult to build vs kayfun. The flavor and vapor production of the Aqua is very good. The Aqua clone can be had for around $20. My main issue with the Aqua is that the tank isn't clear to see your juice and it doesn't hold that much juice.
  12. Nemesis is nice. Are you going to get the magnet switch upgrade? I did and the fire button isn't crunchy with the magnets, it's nice and smooth. If you do get the magnet I suggest getting 2 sets because with only one set the weight of the nemesis + tank has the possibility to trigger the firing button when setting the mod down without locking(saftey) ring engaged.
  13. Yep, your collection is looking good. Enjoy the K100, it's a good mod.
  14. I got my Aspire Nautilus tank yesterday. I must say i'm impressed with the flavor and vapor production. Aspire Nautilus by kiu101, on Flickr
  15. It's funny how they always mention an ingredient is used in anti-freeze but fail to mention why it's in anti-freeze to begin with. Because it's safe and our kids and pets won't die from drinking it. Propylene glycol has a very low toxicity level, so low that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has classified it as an additive "generally recognized as safe" for use in food. - http://www.ehow.com/about_6726306_ethylene-vs_-propylene-glycol.html
  16. “ Kids smoke regular cigarettes that taste horrible and, quite frankly, it’s easier for kids to get cigarettes. To what extent are we going to keep giving money to Big Tobacco and closing any real way for people to make the break from tobacco products? No, instead we are using children to fight for Big Tobacco. Awesome.” - http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2014/jan/15/citylights2-e-cigs-face-enormous-obstacles/
  17. Congratulations. Doesn't it feel good!
  18. I'm thinking about joining. What's the nic level in the juices?
  19. I wonder why that tip cost $2k as everything else is around $30-$50. Crazy thing is that it's been Sold!
  20. this morning Im using eGo twist w/protank2 mini and goodlifevapor's deadly sin juice. Deadly Sin has a bakery taste with a hint of cinnamon and very very slight tobacco flavor, goes great with my morning coffee and oatmeal. yumm
  21. kayfun lite+ is very nice and the only issue I have is that the tank is plastic and not pyrex/glass. It's unfortunate because I have to use another tank(pyrex/glass) for certain juices.
  22. Got my Hcigar Nemesis clone in the mail. Nemesis + Kayfun lite plus in 18650 battery configuration nemesis & kayfun lite+ by kiu101, on Flickr nemesis & kayfun lite+ by kiu101, on Flickr
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