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Everything posted by sparc

  1. thanks for heads up I've been interested in their Simplicity mods. Now I'll be an owner of a 18350 Simplicity as I just placed my order, $63. For an authentic, it's a sweet price.
  2. A good solution is to using the locking ring/mechanism when the mod is not being used. Greatly reduces the chance of auto fire.
  3. GP Paps X GP Paps X v1.5 by kiu101, on Flickr
  4. Can always vape on the public sidewalk. That's what the people across the street from my work do. The medical company they work for(rhymes with maiser) also has a smoke free campus policy even tho it's a non-medical facility. The parking lot is still company property but the public sidewalk belongs to the city. If the city allows smoking in public then you're good to go.
  5. Vaping is a healthier alternative for cigarettes and is also a hobby for a lot of folks. The culture surrounding vaping is big. Look how may forums and websites are dedicated to vaping vs cigarettes. Vapers battle amongst themselves a lot. The anti-cloud folks, the anti-clone folks, anti-authentic folks, the people who feel they can vape(stealth vapers too) anywhere, tube vs box vs regulated mods, mouth vs lung hits, the list goes on. We do agree that vaping is a healthier than smoking a cig at least </rant>
  6. I was past the diaper days also as my daughter is 6yrs old now but "Oops I did it again". Now I got me a 1yr old too. Anyone try the wicking method I outlined in my early post? thoughts?
  7. From my experience there is a difference in diaper brands. In a nut shell, my daughter started to get a rash after a popular brand diaper changed their formula to a new absorbent material. We switched her to another brand and the rash went away.
  8. Sean from Glas Vapors sent out holiday/appreciation gifts to the folks that have purchased a mech-mod from him. It's very kind of him to do that. The packaging is top notch with magnetic flaps and a wax seal on the bottle 100ml Pound Cake 6mg. Happy Holidays
  9. Some smart chargers may recover an overly discharged battery. I like to change my battery out around 3.7v for 18350's and 18650's.
  10. Congrats on the 29, it's a nice mod. For polishing, Autosol metal polish, and Cape Cod polish cloths are good. For a quick polish I recommend Cape Cod.
  11. Do you have the Glas Titan and Titanium? I got my Titan serial#46 earlier this week. I should contact my uncle to have him gold plate an atty to match the Titan. Mokume is very nice and sought after. I like the wood ones a lot too.
  12. I ordered button magnets from Fadora Vapor
  13. Nice. Did you place an order for the Glas Titan? I got my order in Glas Phantom(18350) and Rogue atty
  14. Give this method a try with Japanese cotton pads. I find the wick keeps it's shape a lot longer and it creates a juice channel. With Japanese cotton the top and bottom layer is more dense than the center. We will use this to our advantage. Separate the cotton pad by peeling it apart, keep the denser part(top/bottom) of the cotton on the outside and roll it like you would a cig. So the the wick will have the denser on the outside and fluffy on the inside. Like I mentioned that the wick will now keep it's shape and will not get all mushy after some use, don't need to re-wick as often. Juice will soak through the dense outer layer and at the ends where the wick is trimmed. I talked to a few vapers and they really like this method of wicking with cotton pads.
  15. Kayfun 4 is supposed to be released early December. dual coils, more air flow, larger capacity tank, different look, over 40 pieces to it, comes with 3 tanks. I'm really thinking about getting one. What you all think about Kayfun 4?
  16. I have the infinite plume clone and i like single micro coil around 0.8 ~ 1ohm with japanese cotton. A few buddy vapers like it around 0.4ohms dual micro coils. The Plume is a defiantly a fav of mine. Enjoy yours
  17. I use older generation AW 18350 and my usual tank build is around 1ohms. The AW that Comp posted is the newer 18350. I would a few of these for the higher mAh
  18. Already a lot of good suggestions. If all else fails contact Cartel to see if they may be of some help.
  19. There is a thread in the Cloud chasing part of the forums on the big dripper and some thoughts about it. I have the clone and from what I read all the parts are interchangeable with the authentic. Cons: only air flow for dual coils, no single coil airflow option. It's too tall for me. only one outlet for juice to drip onto coils Pros: It works
  20. There are pre-built/wrapped coils available for sale if don't want to build your own. The price is not bad for 50 pieces at around $3.00 at fastech. The lowest ohm they sell is 1.5 ohms. I think it's great option for people who don't want to build or can't for whatever reason.
  21. sparc

    Box mod

    Ares Extreme Modz 300W box mod. uses a 11.1v battery. Not sure if regulated or not but dang. 300W!
  22. A good beginner mod is the Kamry K100 telescopic mod. Simple to use and practically no adjustments necessary. My second choice would be the hcigar nemesis. Another simple to use device but you do have to adjust the positive/top pin so it makes contact with your atty.
  23. Enjoy your Big Dripper. I've let a friend borrow mine after 3 days of ownership since it does not support single coil air flow. I prefer single coil builds. He says it drips nice and has no problems with it, the flavor is good but not better than his PlumeVeil.
  24. The increased air dilutes the flavor. That's how it is with RDA/RBA A known mod/atty producer in Europe created one of their tank atty using 3 air flow holes. Then they redesigned the air inlet to a slot type to increase air flow for the US cloud chasers.
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