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Everything posted by SipsCo

  1. Okay so I have a TVS Diablo clone. I have been wondering it will work with an 18350 battery or if that would be too small. If it is too small what battery would be a good fit so it's more compact?.
  2. Okay so I have a question. I have a very limited budget & I'm looking for a different tank. I'm currently using a Davide Anyvape Mini. And RBAs are still beyond my level of vaping. So if anyone can suggest a decent smaller sized tank that gives good flavor & produces decent clouds please let me know. I know it might be hard with a $10.00-$15.00 budget limit but there has to be something out there. Also I have tried a couple carto tanks and don't really like them.
  3. Spydre thanks but I don't wanna buy a whole new tank to use if I don't have to. I have purchased so many different ones Kanger EVOD, T3,Protank,DID Clone,iSmoka BCC, 510 Locking UDCT, C3. I think I might get the Smoktek Terminator tank since it looks pretry good for on the go. And use my Steamboy & Locking 510 for at home. And Joe thanks I found some cartos that are like 2.00. I appreciate the help guys.
  4. I have a locking 510 UDCT tank. The carto that came with is was a dual coil 1.5 or 2.0 ohm with 2 holes. I was using a 70/30 ratio juice. The first few draws where great but after a while it started flooding & I kept getting juice in my mouth & on my lips. I guess what I am trying to find out is if there is a carto that would work work with this tank that is also good with thinner juices like 60/40 or 70/30 ratios?
  5. I was looking around the forum a bit that's one of the reasons I joined. I wasn't actually asking for help bere though just wanted to give a little bit of back story.
  6. Hi there my name is Chris I live in Las Vegas, NV. I joined here in hopes that people here are a lot more friendly & receptive. The last forum I was part of gave me the short end of the stick pretty much. I noticed they had a pay it forward section. So I someone who is not so well off in life. I take care of my fiance who has very bad asthma back problems she is almost always in some sort of pain. I am on unemployment & get food stamps and I'm still struggling. I currently trying to find 2 job just in order to be okay. I was given a bunch of vape stuff to get me started by a very kind soul to which I am very greatfull. Though I had to buy a cheap knock clone mod as I am not able rto afford anything fancy. I was barely wven able to afford that. I am not always able to afford juoce. I went almost a month without any juice and ended falling back to reg. tobacco cause all I could afford was a pack of rolling papers and whatever I could scrounge out of an ashtray. I'm borderline homeless pretty much. I asked for a little help in the pay it forward section only to be told I'm not an emergency case. When I saw the mods posting for people that had jobs already and where asking for 2 weeks of juice for these other people. All I asked for is just a few bottles like anything 12mg or up just something to help me get by & yet I'm not worthy of a little help. I do what I can for people. I helped a friend of mine try to quit by giving him what little juice I had & a cheap starter battery & old tank. I constantly give people change if I got it on me regardless of thier situation. Cause I know how it is to be down & out & struggle to even make ends meet.
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