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Everything posted by HelloMiakoda

  1. I've had batteries in other devices fail catastrophically. The worst being large computer UPS units. In both occasions, I put off attending to charger warning lights. One nearly burst, another split, destroyed my floor, and cost me all of my rental deposit. All batteries need to be handled with some intelligence. That goes for everything from e-cigs, to phones, to laptops, to cars. Anything that is USB and follows USB specifications will output 5v. Using a computer to charge an e-cig should be perfectly fine. The advice against charging on carpeted or upulstered surfaces is good advice. I dont always follow it though. My ego lays next to me on the bed. If you drop your e-cig, make sure the battery connector and casing aren't damage before charging. If your charger doesnt light up the way you expect it, dont charge. (ie, if you need to "trick" your charger in to charging your battery, best not to use that battery on that charger). And always use the right charger!
  2. That's the problem with humans. Most of them demand that their way to feel "well being" be the ONLY way. Most of what keeps my headmates and I content and happy doesn't match a "normal person's" idea of content and happy. If vaping gets banned, it will not be the first time there is a ban on something that emensely helps one or more members of my system. There was a recreational that was legal in our state that made switching hugesly easier for us when one of us used it. That substance is now illegal. I'm fearing the day they take caffeine away from us. ... if you enjoy it, somebody wants it illegal.
  3. Government is evil. I've known that for a long time.
  4. The woozy only happens when chain vape AND a mouth of juice. Chain vape alone rarely does since cutting back my juices nicotine levels. (I think the hand-to-mouth thing is strong in me.) We call it juice.... it dont taste like juice. Burns. I might take a journal, write down exactly what I was doing when mouth of juice. There has to be a pattern.
  5. My fear of planes is bad enough that I have crashed a car when a plane came in low over the car. Right off the road and in to a ditch. I have no idea why I'm so terrified of planes.
  6. I seems to happen the MOST if I've been chain vaping, put it down for a bit, and come back to it. It's usually within the first few drags after picking it back up. It happens least when I'm up and about. I had one clearo that did it constantly. When ran empty, I took the drip tip out, and the little cap, and used a pen tip to straighten the tube down the center. I had noticed it was way off. That reduced how often it happened for that clearomizer. The others, though, aren't crooked and all 3 still do it a few times a day.
  7. I can't stand people like that! For god sake, man... Sit back and be amazed humans can ******* FLY! There is one positive to having a paralyzing fear of planes. I don't have to put up with that.
  8. When I get a glob of juice in my mouth, even though I've never swallowed it, I get aweful burning in my throat and I feel sick for a bit. Is this risky? I can't seem to completely avoid it. Is the sick feeling just from getting too big a dose of nicotine?
  9. "Another advantage of changing the goal to smoking cessation is to enable us to meet the needs of smokers with depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, for whom nicotine is very effective in helping them get through the day far fewer disturbing side effects than their prescription medications. " This is PRECISELY what drove me to use nicotine! I, individually, have some issues. Mostly depression and some OCD tendancies. However, the effects of prescriptions on a multiple are WILDLY different than for the general population. (If I were to take meds for my depression, my headmates can't even function, let alone have a meaningful life. So much so, the one who we put in charge banned the use of such medications. This effect is probably due to my headmates not having the condition anti-depressants would treat.) I don't have that problem with a little nicotine. My nicotine use has had almost no affects on my headmates, yet my depression has become managable. So... why should I not be allowed to avoid lung cancer?
  10. My vape guy replaced the clearo. He didnt have any more clear with a link tip, but he let me keep my pink drip tip. I'm not a fan of the pink tank this one has but whatever. I have my menthol back. My PV looks like a toy now. Oh well, even with the clear tank somebody mistook it for a vibrator. I guess a non-adult toy is better than a vibe.
  11. I got lanyard! Yay! No more PV randomly dropping from my cleavage like some vaper's R rated slot machine!
  12. That word for cigarette cracks me right up, always has. And the idea of people quitting them just makes it even funnier. "I can't seem to quit you. Don't tell my wife." Not to mention us LGBTs traveling in packs, like wolves. (My apologies if anyone is offended by my humor. My childish imagination takes a silly sounding word and runs with it till it trips and puts it's eye out.) My question for the idiot is... If you are hiding it, how the bloody hell are you "stinking up the room"? Antis are so whiny.
  13. No, not that o ring. The one inside between the metal band and the clear plastic. The ring on the drip tip is still in place
  14. I have a ce5 clearomizer, I think. The gasket ring INSIDE where the drip tip goes, where the metal band meets the plastic tank, has come out. This makes it leak between the metal band and the plastic. I have the little gasket. How do I put it back in?
  15. I have a very pretty ash tray that is no longer being used, but it's pretty. Any ideas of any way I could repurpose it for something vapey?
  16. Ok, firstly, please forgive any proofreading mistakes. I dropped my damn contacts down the sink. To understand why I vape, it helps to know a little of my back story. Thus, that is where I will start. I began smoking in my teens. What brought me back for my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and then my first pack of my own, was nicotine. I love nicotine. It helps with a lot of what I've got going on. I also loved everything about smoking. The taste, the feeling of inhaling smoke, lighting it, opening a fresh pack, it was my thing. However, I am also a multiple. If you haven't heard that term, it's what psychologists would label "multiple personalities". We donn't see ourselves as mere "personalities", and we don't consider it a "disorder". {I have issues, but multiplicity isnn't why I have those issues). Since I share the body with these other people, and I didn't want to kill them, I gave up smoking. It's been 12 years since I've had a regular cigarette (until recently, I had 1). I thought, over time, I would eventually loose my desire to smoke. Nope. 12 years, every day, "I want a cigarette", "Damn, I wish I had a cigarette!". I also gnawed on asolutely everything from finger nails to pens, bottle caps, you name it. Stress brought me to the point where I was at the store, ready to buy cigarettes again, and undo 12 years of not smoking. Last minute, I piked up a disposable e-cig istead. It solved my problem! I finally don't want a cigarette! I'm FINALLY not tempted, constantly, to go get a pack of Camels. That is why I now vape. I enjoy nicotine. By now, I'd be back smoking. So now I vape instead. My headmates mean a lot to me. I don't care what happens to me, myself, but I don't want to kill my headmates by smoking with their lungs. For me, vaping is harm reduction by technology. Just like I still take the risk to drive, but I have air bags and use a seat belt. Nothing in life is a 100% safe, absolutely nothing. Even typing this post, I could be hurt if my laptop battery is faulty. Life is all about balancing risk and quality of life. -Miakoda of The JC Klatch
  17. I'm having trouble hearing the video. Anybody willing to give me a transcript or at least a synopsis?
  18. Great, now cinnamon is dangerous. Bah. I don't trust a lot of what I read. Watch, I'll die of something deemed perfectly safe. I am convinced that is how I'll die. You can have two labs test the exact same thing and one will say it will kill me and the other will say its perfectly healthy.
  19. A short answer though.. I like nicotine. The same as we all like cars and made them less deadly with new technology, e-cigs make the nicotine I enjoy far less deadly with new technology. Everything you enjoy in life carries some risk, reduce it when you can. Even lighting carries risk that has been reduced with technology. There used to be candles that can burn houses down, then light bulbs that can burn children, then CFLs with mercury, and now LEDs! OK, longer, more in depth answer to come. I'll even include my back story.
  20. Let me shower and get my laptop. I don't want my sloppy touch keyboarding in a news article, I need a legit keyboard for that. I'll definitely type up a nice response tho!
  21. Curious question. I ask because I don't know. I understand the reason for a tank. More juice, more vaping between refills. I understand why some like cartomizers, they don't have all that juice to spill and pre-filled dont have anything to do but swap them. However... What is the point of a cartomizer with a tank? Why not use a clearomizer? It seems like it's the downsides of a carto with the downsides of a tank, and the added work of punching holes. Plus it's not even screwed together, it relies on gaskets to hold the tank on the cartomizer. What's the benefit?
  22. Any migraine sufferers around here? What affects does vaping have on your migraines? vs smoking? vs not vaping nor smoking? (assuming you vape nicotine) Today was a migraine day and the roommate is insisting I'm just prolonging it with my vaping. So far, its been a distraction from the pain, even if it is flaring up my vertigo. (Menier's and migraines! Oh such FUN! Nauseous from the migraine, add in spinning, and it interferes with being multiple, the fun just never ends!)
  23. I loose taste when I chain vape all day. One thing that seems to bring it back is to go through a tank or two of the juice I dont particularly like. Then the good stuff tastes good again. Speaking of which, my menthol is tasteless to me at the moment. *sigh*
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