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Everything posted by HelloMiakoda

  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Now... somebody make a cranberry and stuffing e-juice. LoL
  2. Since 2 of the three are people I'd share a soda can with, the offer was there. (I am hoping to get some of those "friend tubes" to let more people try it) I'm always like "I have choooooclaaaate"
  3. I will do damage, but you likely won't loose the whole machine. Yes, PG has some conductivity, but knowing what a busted liquid cooler causes, it would likely survive a PG spill. Of course, flavorings and nicotine would change it's conductive properties. That all said, I still use a lot of caution with any liquids near computers. I don't use my laptop as a vape filling station. Cigarette tar is one of the most damaging substances I've had to deal with as a tech. Not so much the initial exposure, it's the build up. It chokes a computer like it chokes a human.
  4. 3 smokers coming in from a smoke, for about the 6th time tonight: "****! IT'S ******* FREEZING!!" Me: *takes a long drag, exhales while talking* "Sorry, I hadn't noticed. Man, it's toasty in here, and this couch is so comfy. There's even a TV in front of it! Mmmm.... Chocolate. What flavor's yours? Oh, that's right." Maybe I'm mean, but I love rubbing it in!
  5. I had to lower my nic level to accamodate how much I like to vape.
  6. I've never had a customer who is a vapor, nor have I had my PV long enough to see any affects on my own equipment. I know computers and the common causes of corrosion, not the reactive properties of VG on circuitry. Vaping is not common enough for me to have seen it in the field. Sorry I asked.
  7. My style is currently Broke *** Unemployed Computer Tech Who Has to Wear Clothes Her Headmates Will Put Up With Until We Have Enough Money to Have Our Own Outfits.
  8. I'm an age slider. In a multiple, that's a member of the system who can change age. So, when I'm little, I tend to dress childish. I have been known to rock Hello Kitty on some of my outfits. I'm "weird" and proud of it. "Normal" people are freakin boring. Another example of dressing weird... I have friends who are furries. When I age slide little, I see them as giant live action stuffed animals. I warned them they would be excessively hugged, LoL. Goth, Lolita, lolligoth, also examples of people dressing weird. Since I know you will ask... Goth Plus Lolita Equals Loligoth
  9. Would you be willing to pop open the side of your PC and see if anything is corroded? Particularly the heatsink fins and board around the cooling system. Also, do you use VG in your vape goo?
  10. It just occurred to me that PG is the same PG that is in computer coolant. Ok, well that solves that question! Spilling it your laptop probably won't kill it, aside from gumming up the keyboard. Well, for PG e-juice at least. I dont know the conductive properties of VG. Of course the anti-vape people will insist it will lead to your computer smoking! LoL, see what I did there!
  11. I knew about tar. I had to deal with tar as a computer tech, and once got a nasty eye infection when some got near my eye. You can scrape it off with a screw driver, that stuff is so thick. I've had users ask "Is that in my lungs?!"...yep, and much more of it! The vapor... I was concerned with just how much water is in the air around someone vaping, particularly since it's heavier than air and would head right towards my lap where the laptop is.
  12. Is the water vapor an issue for computers? I mean, I assume if I blow it in to the vent, that would be bad. I'm talking just using my laptop on my lap as I vape.
  13. I've come to enjoy slowly exhaling up, so the cloud falls on my face. It's just cool.
  14. This is just my two cents. It's not meant to be dictating terminology or anything, just to get people thinking and talking. That said... All these bans popping up on "e-cigarettes", maybe we should use the term "personal vaporizer" or "vape" instead. People's anti-smoking ears perk up with anger at the word "cigarette" like my cat's ears at the sound of the vacuum. Whenever somebody questions what I'm doing out in public, I just say "It's my vape. It's just water vapor. Let's me feel like I'm smoking without smoking", and they let it go. It's just a thought. It's a tactic I use when explaining a lot of things.
  15. I use my car as a camper (you should see my setup). I can still get decent clouds when not using the in-dash heater. In camper mode, there's 2 other heaters, one electric, one propane. The propane heater allows for real nice clouds. I found that out the other day when I ran out of gas and had to sit at the side of the road for over an hour. Oh, and feel free to be jealous that when I break down (or drink too much at a party) I have a bed with heater right there. Nice and warm, comfy, complete with lighting that doesn't make the starter battery flat.
  16. I'm a weird person. I'll admit that. I dress weird (when not at work), I act weird, that's my thing. Yet a cage on my face... I'd be afraid of being made fun of. "Yo! Cage face! Yeah, you, Hannibal!"
  17. Heh heh, I want to walk up to him with my PV, take a puff and say "Look! Cage free!"
  18. I'd rather die of lung cancer than walk around with a cage on my face.
  19. http://www.factswt.com/did-you-know-that-a-turkish-man-locked-his-head-in-a-cage-in-a/ and yes, the topic title is sarcasm.
  20. Comp, you were the first person I thought of when I noticed it looked like a atomizer element.
  21. had to share... Vaping is peaceful and relaxing!
  22. It's what I do. Menthol/Mint, Chocolate, and Honeysuckle, all nicely labeled in my vape case. I hope to add some more flavors, I'm a little bored.
  23. I am truly shocked at just HOW MUCH the same flavor can vary between different vendors. Menthol at CT Vapes - OMG. Settling on another shop for Menthol - meh, it's better than licking grandma's old dish of mints. Menthol/Mint is the flavor I'll cope with getting anywhere when I can't get my preferred brand, or I'm completely out. I figured, How bad can you possibly **** up mint and menthol?
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