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Everything posted by HelloMiakoda
I've got a lovely bunch of clearos! There they are a-standing in a row! Pink ones, silver ones, some are even glass! Give 'em a twist, a press of a switch - That's what the vape girl said! Ohhh... I've got a lovely bunch of clearos.....
So.... yet another top coil shat the bed. So... I was in a vape shop today, and got myself an eVod for my Maple & Brown Sugar juice... Yeah, that was worth loosing some of the warmth. Oh my GOD, not sure I'll still need the extra flavor next time I get a bottle!
When I went to bed, my maple and brown sugar was nearly full. When I woke up, it was nearly empty. No evidence of it having leaked out. Is it possible to sleep vape? People sleep eat, sleep drive, and sleep sex, so I guess it's possible. LoL
I didnt dry burn. It was a fresh head, so I let it soak up my juice for a while, andgot to vapin
I replaced the atomizer head in my Kanger mini pro tank 2 because the old one started leaking horribly. Now, the leak stopped, but I have this hint of rubber flavor. What's going on? I even put the original drip tip bacm thinking there might be something wrong with my tip (which I got the same day as putting in the new head).
Yep, precisely what she's looking for. Thank you!
I picked up another CE5 in a pinch when my clearo broke... and no, no no no, why did I do that?! It's been a few days, already problems with it. Damn thing in the middle is somehow now too short to meet the drip tip! HOW?! I got it to KINDA stop leaking by banging it against a table till it was high enough, and then tapped the sides till it was straightish... God, How was this POS $7?! I feel like it's something I bought at a dollar store! If this was bought at a dollar store, I wouldn't be so pissed that it's having issues. I'd be willing to throw away $1 for a few days of vaping till I could get my hands on a better replacement. CE anything just SUCKS *** SO BAD! I should have drove the extra miles and at least got an evod or something, this is not worth the warmth of a top coil! AAUUGGHHH!!!!! If the gov wants to stop vaping so bad, just pass out the CE5s for free - This headache would drive anyone back to analogs!
Awwww... I wanted to answer the question! :p Yeah, I can't do anything over 60% PG.
I vape openly. No smoking? Cool, I wont. Somebody around here gave me crap for that, asking why I would think I can vape where I can't smoke. Umm, same reason I think I can use headphones, wear perfume, or drink water were there is no smoking. No smoking is no smoking, not "No doing these other random things". If I decide to actually smoke, I'll actually go outside. Up until a month ago, nobody had ever told me to stop. Now, when it comes up, I find somewhere else to do business. As far as "bothering people"... I can't stand heavy perfumes, obnoxious cell calls, screaming kids, that god awful hispanic music that plays from so many cars around here (no offense to any hispanics, I just can't stand your music. I'm sure mine sounds as awful to you.).... but I accept and tolerate these things that wont actually harm me as part of being in public, with other humans. And if somebody would just nicely say "Hey, mind turning that off for a while" instead of whining to management and getting it outright banned, I'd be more inclined to just turn it off for a while. Case in point, one person in a restaurant asked me to swap seats with my friend if I'm going to vape. I was happy to oblige and actually vaped very little for the rest of my meal. I do, however, turn my VV down for a smaller cloud and refrain from using my funkier smelling flavors, like chocolate or coconut.
My CE5 just started pouring **** from the tip... I bought another in a pinch (I just cant be without my Maple and Brown Sugar juice). I didn't really have the money, but stressed is not a good state of mind to be without my vape. I'll probably get a T2 when I can. I'm getting tired of cheap parts. Once I have some cash, definately stock piling some spares. Everything is quite half assed lately.
Where might I find an inexpensive electronic pipe in green? I was trying to help somebody find one, but google keeps interpreting "green" as environmentally healthy.
One of my last 2 survivng CE5s is giving me headaches. Its a pain to get the drip tip to meet the cap on the atty head. It leaves a little gap, letting juice pour out through the drip tip. Ive taken it apart probably 2 dozen times to orrect this, the best I can get is barely usable. It's also not tasting right anymore and throwing droplets of hot juice on my tongue. Its become, quite frankly, a miserable vape. Any way I can salvage this thing? I can't really afford a new clearomizer. A new atty head helped with the flavor a bit, but still poor and weak. If I'm forced to replace it, any suggestions on a new top coil? This juice is plastic safe. I cant do bottom coil on this, I need this flavor hot or it seems flat to me. I vape it a hair below burnt. Im also not a big fan of dual coil clearomizers.
No reason to ban it. I encounter my allergy triggers all the time. I"ll talk with the person, or stand away from them, instead of just asking for stuff to be banned. Although, some states are trying to ban gay people (as in not straight. Still pissed *** is a dirty word here), so it seems I have bigger issues to contend with.
If it's working fine and tastes ok, you're good. Most mine are a little burnt.
When, oh when will my shot glass and coffee cup get e-mail?!
Ever wish the chatterbox who has you glued to the phone could simultaniously hold your vape hostage? Nope, Me neither! http://techland.time.com/2014/02/19/finally-electronic-cigarette-is-also-a-bluetooth-headset-for-your-phone/
There is no way someone sensative enough to have an attack from vape would be there with all the strong scents and smells already there, like cleaners, plastics, paints (I swear the wall color changes once a month), powders, inscence, perfumes, and what have you. I'm not overly sensative and I can only handle a day there. That was sort of my point in mentioning where I was. This place is far from asthma friendly, with our without my presence.
Thats why I vented here instead of arguing with the guy, and dont plan to go back. I do try to educate, but it was clear in two sentances that he was not going to listen, so I didnt. There is no law against it here, and most people dont care. What pisses me off is if 1 in 100 whine about something, people bend over backwards to please that one no matter how much of a pain it is to the other 99. I apologize to references to where I was. My point in mentioning it was its not a hospital, library, day care, or zen garden. As far as safe words.... none of the people i was alledgedly bothering had any issue. Side note... the other vaper there did not get spoken to despite his being quite the attention getter with clouds twice as large as anything I was doing. No idea why... but we both just ducked out of sight from that point forward. Funny part is... once the management left for the night, and remaining staff closed up (lots of people, including my ride, crashed for the night due to road conditions) the same people I was accused of bothering were all "Get your e-cig back out. Him and his girl are gone, and we dont care." I hadnt brought it up, they just said that all on their own.
Also, what about latex, cavicide, perfumes, etc? I'm sensative to cavacide and perfume - and so I stand back from where it's strong. I take responsibility for my own sensativities, instead of wanting the whole of existance banned! Or maybe a compramize. The place is huge. How about no vape in the main play area, or vape only in the back lounge? And I got no complaints from anyone, just management. Besides, If I can vape secretly right next to him without anyone knowing, it obviously is only "bothersome" if they can see it. And if someone had said "hey, that scent is annoying", maybe another flavor isn't as strong, or maybe turning my output down would be enough, or "Sure, I'll stand in the other room when I want to take a pull" - but no, it's always right to 100% ban! THAT is what pisses me off! 0 attempt to compramize! I had a neighbor who liked food the smell of which made me vomit. I nicely talked to him about it. Did I need him to never eat it? No, we decided to try having him give me a heads up before cooking it so I can close my windows on that side! He got his food, I didn't puke. Problem solved! Why the hell can't people who don't like vape try that kind of thing? Because they're selfish. I'm not asking to always vape all willy nilly in people's faces, I'm saying make some attempt to compramise! Here's an example of one from when I smoked. "Mia, that's setting off my asthma. Mind moving away from that vent, maybe to the other table?" "Sure, no problem." "Thanks." DONE! IT'S NOT ******* HARD!
It's a bdsm space! People don't go there for nice, gentle, hypoallergetic activities
I'm tired of being scum of the earth all over again!
"It bothers some people" he said. Ya know what, seeing some guy chained to a wall and whiped senseless REALLY bothers me - but this place is huge and I just do my thing in another area. ******* asshat! Hell, designate one of the two lounge rooms as vape friendly then! Boom, everyone can be happy! I'm here for my weird fun just like every other freak here, but no, antz gotta have their way even in a place like this. Seriously, it's a ******* bdsm space for **** sake, not a ******* Starbucks!
I kinda just assumed a place where we could play with knives and candles on each other (not what I'm here for, but it's available) would not have an issue with what is essentially a tiny fog machine. Seriously, what the ****!
A bdsm place, of all places. They have certain nights for non bdsm stuff (bdsm isn't my thing). So... we can whip people if we want, spank em till they can't walk, shock them with electric toys, stick thier junk in torture devices, cut them in knife play, burn them with candle play, and hang them by ropes from the rafters - but don't you dare expose anyone to a little harmless vapor! o.O Figure that one out! for the record - what's the health risks of latex and cavicide? I bet its far more risky than 2nd hand vapor! I know damn well knife play is a severe risk if done improperly!