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Everything posted by miatafrank

  1. There you have it. With real numbers, real calculations, and real world measurements, the results can't lie. Conclusions: Darwin, nice well built mod? - Ok, I'll give it that. Features all they claim to be? - Not from what I see. Well worth $229? - You decide
  2. Those of you who have gotten a provari, the provari can display the resistance of the atty right?. Could someone look at the resistance cold, hot box it for bit, and measure it again (very quickly so as not to let it cool down). This will tell us just how much the atty resistance varies, and we can figure out how much voltage change the Darwin would compensate with. That would put to rest just how worth it the Darwin would be.
  3. Look at the numbers I posted. Unless the resistance of the atty varies ALOT more than 0.2ohms, the voltage change it compensates with is maybe a third of a volt, and that's not going to make an atty last longer or shorten it's life.
  4. It depends on if you connect them in series or in parallel. In series you add the resistances, but in parallel it's calculated as product divided by the sum, and will always result in smaller than the smallest resistor. In series it would double the resistance, and in parallel it would be approximately half.
  5. Honestly, if someone does a review of a PV, it can be evaluated on a number of points. This makes sense to me, but juice reviews are another thing. Everyone's taste buds are different, and what one person loves, another will think tastes like puke. I don't think that judging one juice based on taste alone is valid. Juice reviews should be on a juice supplier's overall offerings. How many different flavors have you tried? Did the majority of the juices from this supplier taste like they should have? (rather than a single juice) Do they offer a large number of flavors? Does the supplier offer both PG and VG? Do they offer mixes of PG and VG? What size bottles are offered? What nic levels are offered? Anything else stand out? (natural? organic?) Are their prices good, fair, or expensive? Shipping - Was it timely? Were they packed well? Did the bottles arrive without leaking? When you review only one flavor and simply say that it is awful, you can easily get 10 other people to say that they tried it and loved it. Similarly, if you review only one flavor and simply say that it is wonderful, you can easily get 10 other people to say that they tried it and thought it was awful. All of this is just my own opinion of course, as I have always found flavor reviews to be highly subjective.
  6. I finally got these up at vimeo, so let's try this again. Here's part 1 and here's part 2 Hope it's helpful to some of you.
  7. Yes that does help, thank you.
  8. I seriously doubt it.
  9. He himself said that one of his co-workers quit with the ecig, so wait till he tells to his co-worker what he got for Christmas. Sometimes reinforcement from someone outside the family circle is just what a stubborn sole needs to be able to think it was his idea, instead of a family member pushing him. I do understand, as my dad was also king of stubborn, and leary of anything new. It took us years to get hin to like the remote control for the TV, because for his generation, if he had to figure out anything that had more that like three buttons on it, he didn't want to hear about it. Good luck
  10. In the ohm's law calculations I made in my previous post, it would take a voltage adjustment of only 0.34volts to get you back to the same power. The question is, can you notice the difference of 0.34volts in taste, feel, or vapor production? Answer that, and you'll know if it is worth it to you.
  11. OK, I split it into 2 videos. The first one turned out to be under 10 minutes, so that's cool. I can't seem to get the other one under 20 minutes, and youtube won't acept anything over 15 minutes. Anyone know where I can post a 20 min video?
  12. That does seem to be the concept behind it, but more importantly is what happens with the same atty. What happens when you heat something up?, it expands. and when the coil of the atty expands the larger surface area causes the resistance to go down, and the amount of curent it caries to go up. An increase in current at the same voltage will cause the power (wattage) to also increase. The Darwin claims to sense these changes and make constant adjustments to the voltage to atempt to hold the power constant.
  13. I had an inexpensive one that lasted me less than a week, but my VP/PT is still going strong at 8 months and counting.
  14. Let's apply a little ohm'd law and see where things go. If you start out with an atty that is 3.2ohms cold, and you apply 5volts to it, that will result in 1.56amps of current. That much current at 5volts is going to be 7.813watts (heat). So what happens if that atty drops to 3.0ohms (0.2ohm drop as Will suggested) when hot? 5volts divided by 3ohms is 1.66amps, and that would be 8.33watts (heat). That is a difference of 0.517 (half a watt), and the Darwin would have to readjust the voltage to bring the power back down to 7.813watts. There are the numbers, you can decide for yourself if it's worth $229.00 plus shipping. By the way, it is very troubling when someone says that they don't understand OR CARE about ohm's law, when that is all that matters in how a PV works. It is also troubling that someone would refference ohm's law to slam something without doing the math to prove a claim that it won't matter.
  15. Well you already know about the VP/PT, and there's always the ego USB battery that can be used as a passthrough, but will always be 3.7volts. http://www.vaportalkstore.com/products/Joye-eGo-USB-Passthrough.html You could try MadVapes, they have some interesting acrylic 5volt passthroughs. http://www.madvapes.com/USB-Passthroughs_c_164.html There are also other 5volt passthroughs that are made as attachments to mod, like this one http://www.ecigsupply.com/Mod-Parts/Indulgence-usb-passthrough-p344.html used with mod http://www.ecigsupply.com/Mods/The-Indulgence-p342.html Or this passthrough http://ikenvape192.corecommerce.com/The-Chameleon-Line/Chameleon-USB-PT-Pass-through-p35.html used with this mod http://ikenvape192.corecommerce.com/The-Chameleon-Line/The-Chameleon-p16.html I hope that helps.
  16. I'm going to try to spit the video up into 2 shorter ones. Give me some time to work on it tomorrow, and I'll get them re-posted.
  17. I just thought I'd share a few ideas with everyone. Of course I always think that if I can think of something, a million other people are probably thinking of the same things. I'm sure that some people will find these ideas useful though. It's kinda long: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=JfTAXpCoIYw Sorry, youtube already removed it because it's too long
  18. I do plan to work on that, kind of a how to use a multimeter.
  19. Each one is different, and each one is breathtaking. Mine is Quina and Maple. The 2 different woods come together seamlessly in a diagonal, almost spiraling effect. It is truly the most beautiful and awe inspiring mod I own. Hand craftsmanship of this level of artful detail is rare in our modern world. Mark is a master who commands the wood to his ultimate vision.
  20. When it turns fully blue I get a short time left, maybe another 10 drags. When the LED stops turning on I get maybe 2 or 3 worthless drags and it's off.
  21. The green indicator is never really green anyway, it's more of a cyan because the blue is always lit in the background. When the battery voltage reaches below a certain voltage, the green goes out, causing the cyan to turn completely blue. If that is all that's wrong with it, then I wouldn't worry about it or spend the $30 repair fee. I use my Joker daily under constant vaping conditions, and here is what I have noticed about mine. When I first got it I did a test where I put it on the meter unloaded and fired it, then using a 3.3ohm power resistor to load it, found a .1volt (point1) drop (which is what is advertised). Now if I do the same test I get a .2volt (point2) drop. Not enough to worry about yet, but I am concerned.
  22. Amen to you Godfather, I stopped trying to clean my atomizers a long time ago. Right now, most of my attys are lasting upwords of 2 months or more, so if I get one that starts tasting like old gym socks, I toss it and get a new one. I figure if it lasted that long, I got my 8 bucks worth out of it anyway.
  23. I don't really vape tobacco flavors as they usually don't really taste like a cigarette anyway. Also I have decided that the last thing I want my vape to taste like is a cigarette, and if I was to try to smoke a cigarette again I know it would taste awful to me, further reinforcing that vape is better than smoke. With that said, although I find that some of the fruity/candy flavors are quite vapable, I don't find them as pleasurable either. My all day / every day vape tends to be the coffee flavors. The coffee flavors tend to be an adult non-sweet flavor that replaces tobacco quite nicely, at least for me. My favorites, all from the vaperite organically flavored line, are Coffee, Cappuccino, and Kona Cream.
  24. Dirty gym socks, I would imagine.....LOL
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