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Everything posted by Popsicle

  1. I like menthol, I don't MIND clove.. not a huge fan... either way, I'll have to check that out. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! Hey Joe! Having a life is overrated. Don't believe the hype.
  2. Ahhhh I see. Thanks for the heads up!
  3. Plastic tank :-( I'm assuming citrus flavorings do something weird with the plastic?
  4. Heeey you're still here! Menthol, Pink Spot, noted. Thanks. I'm using a Lavatube at 5.5 with the iClear tank, the second version I think?
  5. Heynowww VT! I'm back for a minute. Not sure if anyone I knew is still on here. Anyways, I'm trying to save money, and regular vaping has got to go. I'm down to 6mg, and the lack of a throat hit is driving me nuts. Current e-liquid is PG/VG, so I know I need to switch to 100% PG for starters. But I was just wondering if anyone knows of any suppliers known for a strong hit at lower levels. I really don't think the lack of nicotine is bothering me, I am addicted to a really severe throat hit more than anything. Thanks in advance!
  6. I know nothing about HR atomizers. How much does that bring down 5 volts? I'm open to it.
  7. Thanks. I have VT Tobacco so I'll have to try that when my batteries recharge. Yeah, at 6v I was getting about two days per atomizer. Fingers crossed, on 5v I'll make it to three!
  8. Thanks Jeff! Heard good things about Bobas Bounty, so I'll have to check it out. Also need to get more Dulcis, I loved it at 3.7 anyways.
  9. I start too many new threads... I finally got my Big Kazoo working, and as I expected, a lot of flavors just lose it at 5v. I like everything else about it, aside from having to drip a lot. Constantly. That's not so good... So I was just wondering what other 5-6v vapers like. Bonus points if it can be purchased in an ounce or more. Thanks!
  10. Oooh, nice find. The one with the flames DEFINITELY looks smaller to me; slightly shorter and not as big in diameter. But that's what I'm saying. It seems that they're all considered the same battery when they're not.
  11. I was thinking that as well, but then I remembered that Grimm Green said the batteries without tabs won't make a connection.
  12. Not yet, I'm not even sure how to phrase my question, which is why my post was so jumbled. I believe protected batteries are longer than the unprotected ones, but their site specifies nothing other than 14500. I'm thinking that I may need unprotected batteries, but even those come in at least two different types from what I see.
  13. Business as usual, I tried something new and it didn't work. I got the infamous Big Kazoo. It requires two 14500 batteries. They sell some 14500s with flames on them, but I already have many of the silver protected ones. I assumed that if a website simply states "14500" then it's smooth sailing. Guess not. The silver Trustfire protected 14500s are almost impossible to get in. I did finally manage to jam them in, surprise surprise, it didn't work. My next thought was that maybe it was made for unprotected batteries, but that doesn't make sense either. At this point, I either broke it while trying to put in the batteries, or if the batteries are too big, they still don't make a connection. All the 14500s look the same to me. I have no clue what to do other than going on batteryjunction.com and ordering two of every 14500 that they sell. Which I almost did. As a last resort, I'd order their flashy flame batteries, but I'd prefer not to. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help me make this $30 box of wires do something.
  14. Ooooh alright. That makes sense. Thanks!
  15. LR?! ARGH! *SHAKES FIST* I'll keep that in mind. Haven't heard that one. Why can't you drip while the atomizer is hot? Just curious.
  16. Interesting. Maybe I'll have better luck with 5v then, as 6v is a little too hot for me anyways. I'll have to try cartomizers on 5v. I hear they're good that high although I don't care for them on 3.7v. If I like it, those will be nice and cheap. I was thinking of high resistance, but it seemed to me that those would defeat the purpose. And yeah, I probably need to work on getting a feel of when I need to drip more. I know you have to drip more often with higher voltages, but I'm not used to it just yet. Could help. Thanks for the tips!
  17. When I first got my Silver Bullet, I decided to put two CR123 batteries in it (Shush. Don't want to hear it.) Killed an atomizer. In 2 days or less, I heard an unusual pop and the vapor dropped to almost nothing. I just chilled at 3.7v for a while. No issues. Recently, I was craving high voltage again. I just ordered a 5v box (Big Kazoo) but since it will be here no time soon, decided to give it another go. It was going fine, and then my CR123s died on me. Put them in the charger, and put my 510 back onto my eGo passthrough. I am getting almost no vapor now. No pop this time, just a silent and mysterious goodbye. My question is, am I an idiot? Am I doing something wrong? Am I incredibly unlucky? I know that lots of people go up to 6v, and I know they don't go through 2-3 atomizers a week. I plan on getting on 5v from now on, but I can't be killing atomizers left and right. P.S.- Before anyone suggests it, I hate LR atomizers.
  18. I LOL'd at microprocessor. American suppliers, you need to get on this. I haven't seen a single microprocessor device on ANY of your websites!
  19. It's like the video tape from The Ring. No matter how horrified you are, you can't look away... ... and then someone finds you dead with your face like:
  20. Are we really still on this whole "NOT A SMOKING CESSATION DEVICE" thing? Really? Dear medical community, come on over and check out all these smoke free banners. We've got proof for you. High five to Katherine Heigl.
  21. Ummmm, I reeeeeeally need to know where you got that drip tip. Thanks. It is kind of hot.
  22. Butter Mint and Wintergreen sound freaking amazing. Wintergreen sounds almost like a mint version of Atomic Cinnacide. Yum. God... I mention that liquid in roughly half my threads. I probably sound like I am getting commission.
  23. I made the mistake of reading the comments as well. FACE+PALM!!! Omg, second hand nicotine vapor?! That's probably almost half as much nicotine as you get if you eat an eggplant! The HORROR!
  24. ^This^ Go with the eGo. And at all costs, avoid Volcano. They're great people, but the product kind of sucks. A lot. HOWEVER, their liquid is pretty good. I really like Cherry Lava and Vanilla Bean.
  25. My first kit, which was Volcano. Volcano is the same thing as Blu, for those unaware. Nuff said. I am still disappointed because the idea behind Volcano/Blu is wonderful. They look great. But performance is awful.
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