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Everything posted by smokepuppy

  1. Yes the Iclear 30
  2. Can someone recommend a site to get replacement coils for the I30s clearmiser
  3. Yes have tried 4 different coils with no change. I think it just me thu cuase my wife just started using it an works great for her. It just dont likee lol
  4. Ty y'all for the replies. But I think I might as well give an toss it an start over on payday
  5. I leaked right out of the box I got that to stop but can't fix the dry hits have tried removing one the two wicks with no luck I have even tried dif type wicks even made on from cotton with no luck. I really like the look an feel of the kpt2 an love the draw on. But to tell the truth I'm about ready to throw it out the window an go back to the tanks that came with my itaste :'(
  6. I tried removing the top flavor wick with no luck I get a few good pulls then I start getting dry hits again even if I try an puff it a few times with out firing the coil first it still does it a lot. Have tried evo brand juice an one by white rinon dont know the pg/vg on those but they dont look thick. An one that was mixed for me an it 50/50 they all act the same
  7. Ya. But still no luck on finding coils for it. Gues when I run out I will toss it. Back to trying to fix the dry on my pro tank 2 :-( but at least it finley stoped leaking:-)
  8. It's the only one I hsve seen like it
  9. No but I will look into it ty
  10. I was I need of a tank an had to buy one from a B&M I had never heard of it "atmos xt" it vapes pretty good but I can't find replacement coil online or at a B&M any help on finding one would be great I also have a kpt2 but everything taste burnt in it have changed the coil 5 times in the last week but still seem to get a lot of dry hit no matter the juice. Have tired 3 different brands
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