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Everything posted by redhosmer

  1. Hey everyone, My wife and I started vaping about a month ago and love it! I smoked about a little over pack a day for about 40 years. I did not want to quit I enjoyed it, But so far I am enjoying this more.(or just as much) Started with an evod, stoped at Heathers Heavenly Vapes in Newnan the other day and got a vison spinner and a kager tech unitank and some of their juice. Great people ther! All I can say is it got even better! We have even got a few other people to start, a friend just stopped by and said he has not had a cig in two days and that is really good for him, I think he enjoyed smoking more than me If that is possible. Thanks for being here for the new people like me, I have already learned a lot just reading here. Thanks, Kenneth.
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