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Everything posted by terrychester

  1. I was in the medical field for 20 plus years as a Paramedic and a Medical Lab Tech for a Clinic until I became disabled after an er doctor in another town blew the diagnosis. Now I live with only 20percent of my intestines.
  2. Love to Hunt Deer, I am now using a TenPoint Crossbow. Love to sit in the Ground Blind, and watch the bucks and does come in. I have several pounds of summer sausage left but am out of jerky. Need to get one on the ground and into the processor. Best of luck to all hunters, May you be blessed with nice deer for your endeavors. Terry
  3. I am in Decatur, TX and would be interested in meeting. Decatur is 38 miles N NW of Fort Worth up hwy 287
  4. Thanks for the welcome. I am a newbie this time around. I tried ecigs about 2 years ago but had bad information and made some bad choices. I feel like I am on the right track now. My sister and I ordered out hardware last week and it was delivered Saturday. Today we found that our little town has two shops in it. One we had been in and left almost as soon as the staff there started talking. Today we went into the second store, Met the owner and his staff, stayed for about an hour visiting trying some juice, made a couple of purchases with the promise to come back in with our hardware next week and a promise from the owner of this store to give us as much help as we need to really feel comfortable with the Halo kits we purchased. The latter part of this week I will be laid up recouping from the first of several oral surgeries. During that time can you recommend a couple of web sites to read that would have good information to read to really get into this new hobbie of ours. Both I and my sister have been sucking on the nasty analogs for a better part of our adult lives and are ready to kick that in the butt, literally and get on with life. Best wishes to all and hope a good friendship developes. Terry
  5. Greetings from Tx Eighter from Decatur, County Seat of Wise. M/55 from Decatur TX located North and a little west of Fort Worth, Fairly new to Vaping but not from those stinking analogs. I will definitely be asking lots of questions when they come up. A wise old man told me once a long time ago, son the only way to learn is to ask question. Terry
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