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Everything posted by Tw1sted

  1. That thing has a beautiful interface. What is it you need help with?
  2. SS 69 Mech. Mod IGO-W with drip tip Kick clone Atomizer resistance meter All for under $50! Giving Fasttech another shot.. this time I was able to choose USPS as my free shipping option, hopefully it will be weeks instead of months when my order arrives.
  3. I'd like to get the rough dimensions for this, I work for a metal fab shop and we could definitely whip something up
  4. Different aluminum alloys (2024,5052, 6061) all have varying amounts of other elements in the material so that could be part of the explanation of the poor contact, also domestic material vs. foreign material makes a big difference when it comes to the chemical composition so that could also be a possibility. It's also a very soft material and threads made from aluminum are known to wear down quickly which would further reduce the contact between the male threaded screws and tapped hole in the body of the device.
  5. Vision Spinner 1300 They rock
  6. I agree with the suggestions for a Vision spinner battery, they provide enough energy to vape all day without the need to constantly charge, and the Kanger Protanks are awesome. I personally like the mini-protank when I'm out and about because of the slender profile it fits well in my pocket, and I use the Protank 3 as my all day vape tank, and I also own a Anyvape Davide which is a very nice tank as well. As far as juice is concerned you'll probably want to try a bunch of different flavors/blends/nic levels until you find what works best. I'd suggest checking out http://www.virginvapor.com/ they sell 100% VG juice, along with all natural/organic juices and I think that the flavors rock, I'm also a fan of EC blends because of the large selection and highly customizable options for each juice. Goodluck and welcome to the community!
  7. I'm not familar with the SID, but there is an option to check the resistance of the atomizer/cartomizer (ViVi Nova head) once you know the resistance you can look at one of the charts available on the net http://www.vaporsworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/power-vaping-chart-lg.jpg and play around with the voltage settings based on the reccomendations on the chart to find your "sweet spot" - the voltage is probably too high and that's why you're getting the metallic taste and massive amounts of vapor.
  8. What kind of cotton do you use Geff, cottonballs?
  9. I'd like to hear some more input on what people are using for cotton. I'm going to start rebuilding and I've purchased some silica but I've read some good reviews with people using cotton. Does everyone just use cotton balls (or qtips?) What are the other options out there for cotton wicking?
  10. When I first started vaping, I was using my vape throughout the day to help me cut back on cigs, but after doing that for 2 weeks or so I stopped smoking analog cigarettes completely and it's been over 2 months now. I would say it's been very effective. I immeditely noticed my sense of smell and taste coming back, and I felt better, and the smell of regular cigarettes after someone smoked was really offensive, I'm definitely glad I made the switch and the transition was quick and painless. After seeing how successful I was, my father and brother also got in to vaping and both have cut down on their analog cigarette use substantialy
  11. The Kanger Mini Protank is awesome!! It's my go to tank when I go out and want to bring something that will fit in my pocket without feeling awkward. It uses the same coils as the KPT1 and 2, and you have a few options as far as resistances go. It uses pyrex which is very sturdy, and o-rings to seal the top and bottom of the tank. Mine has survived several accidental drops to the floor. I think you'll be very happy with this, and who knows.. you might consider getting a larger version of the protank also after using it.
  12. A month of that time (11/4-12/4) it was "held up" with HK post. Between 12/5-1/8 when it was delivered it was with Singapore Post and USPS. The postmark on the package said 12/5/2013 and it didn't arrive in L.A until 12/25, then finally in NY on 1/8/14.
  13. The parts from FastTech seem to be genuine and the same quality you would find from any reputable online vendor located in the states, but the shipping time is HORRORENDOUS. I ordered a Vamo V5 from FT on Nov 4th, 2013 and did not receive it until 1/7/2014. The customer service/communication was terrible, I was basically told to be patient and give it more time. So if you don't mind waiting 1-2 months to receive it, by all means use fasttech
  14. http://shop.vaperev.com/nemesis-matte-edition.html - That came up after a quick Google search. And there's a few reviews from other customers who've purchased from Vapor Revolution that seem happy with the Nemesis. $185 for the "Matte" edition without shipping, and it's in California so you'll save on internation shipping charges.
  15. When I asked for my refund through PayPal absolutely nothing showed up with the tracking information, that's why PayPal processed the dispute and closed it in my favor because Fast Tech could not prove they shipped the item to me or that I had received it. It's just a coincidence that the tracking actually updated within days of getting my refund from paypal. I'm not going to send back the Vamo LOL - I'm going to keep it, why would I send it back? I had to use paypal to get my money back, it wasn't offered freely from Fast Tech. I ordered the item on November 4th, I checked tracking every couple of days for almost 2 months straight.. I've ordered other stuff from China, actualy electronics not just a Vape and I never had to wait that long to receive anything.
  16. SO just to provide an update, as of 12/30 I have still not received my Vamo V5 from Fast Tech, originally ordered on November 4th!! I was able to get a refund through paypal though, glad I used them to pay for the purchase.. and it turns out my item arrived in Los Angles on Dec. 25th, and was processed through the sort facility yesterday, so it looks like I might actually be receiving the V5 afterall. I ended up ordering a V5 from VaporAlley anyways. I don't think I would use FastTech again after this experience with them.
  17. Kanger Mini Protank on eGo with mix of cotton candy carnival and cherry vanilla swirl by Virgin Vapor, and KPT3 on V.V 1300mah eGo with Cotton Candy. What can I say.. it's tasty
  18. I hate that. I'd much prefer if someone would just call me $#@!$ , I can at least admit to being one of those.
  19. Is it just me or is everyone taking things so personally? When I reccommend a cheap starter kit, it's for one reason and one reason only.. to make sure they are going to enjoy vaping and figure out if they're gonna stick with it. No sense wasting any extra money if they're not gonna stick with it, and if they decide they like it, they can always get an advanced pv later on, plus they'll already have a backup battery. vaporraper is right, the main point is that you're happy, and you're vaping and staying off the analogs.. everything else is a matter of preference.
  20. Listen to everyone's advice. I made that mistake when I purchased my first vape, I bought one called the '710 Pen' and the kit was just about $100. Little did I know that I had spent about 10x more money then I needed to on a started kit, and I would be purchasing the well known and very compatible brands shortly afterwards anyways. eGo are a great choice and you can find tons of different options and models, I prefer the variable voltage personally, and you can use them with just about any tank/clearo/atomizer etc.
  21. I just can't see how someone would reccommend a Provari to someone who is inexperienced with vaping and looking for a starter kit. Provari and other APV are usually an upgrade down the road for most people once they've become more familiar with vaping and are ready to move on to the next level. eGo batteries are very cheap, yesterday I purchased a 650mAh eGo-k with CE4 and usb charger for $11 and free shipping for my father who has shown interest in vaping, it's small, cheap, and he can learn the basics of vaping without investing much, in this case absolutely nothing because it will be one of his Christmas presents
  22. Vape mail over the weekend! Got my v.v Vision eGo spinner 1300mAh battery and iClear 30s from aquavapor, along with 1oz of 100% vg Cotton Candy Carnival and 1oz of Black Cherry Marshmallow from VirginVapor. It wasn't such a bad weekend to be snowed in my apartment in the North East
  23. I do too, but I like knowing this tank is bullet proof..
  24. I suggest the KPT mini, or I'm a big fan of the ViVi Nova slims and I have one with a stainless steel barrell that looks great on my stainless ego, granted you can't see the liquid level, but you'll be able to tell when you need to refill it by the taste/flavor of your vape. http://www.madvapes.com/smok-tech-slim-vivi-nova-replacement-tube-stainless-steel.html - I couldn't find any links for the entire unit,http://www.hoosierecig.com/Smok-Tech-Slim-Vivi-Nova-and-X2-Vivi-Nova-Tanks_p_491.html (Go with the X2 dual coil!!!!) so it looks like you would have to purchase both the ViVi Nova slim tank, and then the replacement stainless steel tube.. Totally worth it IMO.
  25. I agree that if a B&M store has trial units and offers samples then it's not necessarily rude to go there and proceed to not buy anything. I don't think that it should happen all the time though, maybe some weeks you're only going in to try new flavors or check out a new apv, but at some point you should also try to make some significant purchases from them. Online sites will almost always have better prices, and it's great to save money on certain purchases, but we also need to support our local economy and buying local at B&M stores is one way we can do that
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