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Everything posted by Moradiss

  1. A little late to the party, so forgive the slight thread rez I buy my unflavored nic at 100mg/ml, and premix into two different strengths, one for 20% flavor, and one for 30%. I put 24ml of the mix for 20% flavor into 30ml bottles, and 21ml of the mix for 30% into 30ml bottles. Now I just need to grab the strength I need, and add my flavoring, and only need to clean a syringe or two. I keep some of the 100mg nic for any mixes I do for friends/family
  2. I find putting my pv just out of reach helps with non stop vaping. If I feel the urge, I'll grab it and take a few hits, and put it down. Part of being smokers, we have this hand/mouth habit to break, if the pv is in my hand, I'll keep vaping. Another thing that helps me, is dripping. I'll drip 3 drops into the attie, and when I need to drip more, I put it down.
  3. Hi all. Registered here over a year ago when I started vaping
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