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Everything posted by Sbwilson213

  1. Oh, I'll look into those...thanks
  2. Kato, what's a genny? And yeah that's the closest tank i had in reach Lol... I was at a friends house showing him. I usually drip at home. I'm looking for a new style tank though... Been looking at the cobra, triple v, and maybe your suggestion... How well does it work?
  3. Yeah I saw those, just don't like the price....lol. Probably gonna go with a clone though, just gotta find the right one. I was hoping someone knew of a cheaper alternative lol. But thanks for the advice!
  4. Okay SO I got the Hammer today...and I must say..ITS AMAZING!!! However...I am looking for a decent sized tank to go along with this beautiful piece of art...Is there anyone out there that knows if they make and where I can find a chrome wicked or coiled tank with VERY little or no (preferred) glass/plastic?
  5. I LOVE this thing! It's so unique and....well it's just awesome. It looks like Thors Hammer!
  6. I am waiting on a thing to come in as we speak to measure the resistance... If I'm not hitting the right resistant will that lead to flavor spitting? It smokes great, but the flavor isn't what I expected... Tasted very cottony and yes I did saturate it. So even though I am doing the 12 wraps, and the torching, I may not be hitting 1.8 ohms? And if not what do I do if it isn't measuring 1.8?
  7. Hello all, I have some questions about this build...Ive made around 4-5 now and I can't seem to find my "sweet spot" My cotton is either to thick and doesnt allow air flow, or not enough and causes flavor to pop into my mouth. I am doing EXACTLY like you say in this tut. I am using a Protank 2 with a eGo V v2. And also sometimes when I go to screw the tank back onto my battery the light for the burner won't even come on. I am new to the whole vaping world and any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks so much
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