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GEFFiCART got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
Idk if i'd have an issue with slight bumps. It might be because it's new, but I have to like force my Nemesis in the holder. It's very tight.
GEFFiCART got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
how long did it take for you to get your fast tech order?
GEFFiCART got a reaction from Rixter in best rda for single coil setup?
imo best rda for single coil would probably be the igo-L
but if you're looking for dual or quad set ups in the future you can go with the Igo-w, you can build single coils in there
but what's common with both rda's is the airflows that come with it stock are a bit tight, so they might require some drilling out
GEFFiCART got a reaction from BestVapes in Cloud chaser,or not?
I have 3 mods and 3 atomizers that give me difference results depending on my mood, where I'll be vaping, as well as, what I'll be doing while I vape.
With my 3 mods I have:
A Cloud Chaser
A Flavor Chaser
and a vape in balance with clouds and flavor
My mood dictates what type of vape I want to produce
Where I'll be vaping asks the question "would a storm cloud be too much for where I am?"
Lastly what I'll be doing ask the question "would a lightning cloud be in the way of what I'm currently doing?"
If I'm in a crowded public place I do not want to be puffing clouds everywhere and causing too much unwanted attention.
Or if I'm driving I don't want to hotbox my car or mistakenly exhale in front of my face to obstruct my view of driving.
This is why I have 3 builds to my liking.
My Cloud Chaser:
Brass Nemesis Clone | 18650 mode | Igo-W w/ clear cap | dual nano dragon coil | cotton wick | 0.4 ohms
My Flavor Chaser:
Hammer Mod | 18350 mode | Kayfun Lite | single chimney coil | cotton wick | 1.2 ohms
My In-between:
SS Nemesis Clone | 18490 mode | RSST rba | SS cable | 0.8 ohms
GEFFiCART got a reaction from LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape in mods and VV / vw advice
For anyone that is confused about VV and VW, RipTrippers just uploaded a very informative video on the topic. He made it very easy to understand the difference and when you would use the two.
GEFFiCART got a reaction from Tam in YouTube Video: Quad Micro Bunny Coils
It's okay! Lol. There are many levels in vaping. And I want to continue to make videos for the wide range. From egos, to mods, to AVPs, to safety, whatever I learn or come across id like to share.
GEFFiCART got a reaction from Tam in YouTube Video: Quad Micro Bunny Coils
I have another video up on YouTube.
It's better than my first video, check it out!
GEFFiCART got a reaction from hookahhighness in Cloud chaser,or not?
I have 3 mods and 3 atomizers that give me difference results depending on my mood, where I'll be vaping, as well as, what I'll be doing while I vape.
With my 3 mods I have:
A Cloud Chaser
A Flavor Chaser
and a vape in balance with clouds and flavor
My mood dictates what type of vape I want to produce
Where I'll be vaping asks the question "would a storm cloud be too much for where I am?"
Lastly what I'll be doing ask the question "would a lightning cloud be in the way of what I'm currently doing?"
If I'm in a crowded public place I do not want to be puffing clouds everywhere and causing too much unwanted attention.
Or if I'm driving I don't want to hotbox my car or mistakenly exhale in front of my face to obstruct my view of driving.
This is why I have 3 builds to my liking.
My Cloud Chaser:
Brass Nemesis Clone | 18650 mode | Igo-W w/ clear cap | dual nano dragon coil | cotton wick | 0.4 ohms
My Flavor Chaser:
Hammer Mod | 18350 mode | Kayfun Lite | single chimney coil | cotton wick | 1.2 ohms
My In-between:
SS Nemesis Clone | 18490 mode | RSST rba | SS cable | 0.8 ohms
GEFFiCART got a reaction from Happy Vapor in My very first YouTube Vape video
My first ever video of myself.. it was weird, but I hope to do more in the future including build tutorials
GEFFiCART got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in My very first YouTube Vape video
My first ever video of myself.. it was weird, but I hope to do more in the future including build tutorials
GEFFiCART reacted to Joshuab3687 in New to sub-ohming,any advice?
It can lower the resistance by, I think, a third. It also creates a hot vape. It helps with flavor and vapor production.
GEFFiCART got a reaction from vaporraper in Cloud chaser,or not?
I have 3 mods and 3 atomizers that give me difference results depending on my mood, where I'll be vaping, as well as, what I'll be doing while I vape.
With my 3 mods I have:
A Cloud Chaser
A Flavor Chaser
and a vape in balance with clouds and flavor
My mood dictates what type of vape I want to produce
Where I'll be vaping asks the question "would a storm cloud be too much for where I am?"
Lastly what I'll be doing ask the question "would a lightning cloud be in the way of what I'm currently doing?"
If I'm in a crowded public place I do not want to be puffing clouds everywhere and causing too much unwanted attention.
Or if I'm driving I don't want to hotbox my car or mistakenly exhale in front of my face to obstruct my view of driving.
This is why I have 3 builds to my liking.
My Cloud Chaser:
Brass Nemesis Clone | 18650 mode | Igo-W w/ clear cap | dual nano dragon coil | cotton wick | 0.4 ohms
My Flavor Chaser:
Hammer Mod | 18350 mode | Kayfun Lite | single chimney coil | cotton wick | 1.2 ohms
My In-between:
SS Nemesis Clone | 18490 mode | RSST rba | SS cable | 0.8 ohms
GEFFiCART got a reaction from vaporraper in Good starter RBA that can be used as an all day tank?
if you're worried about leaking don't consider a RSST, that's one that will leak if you lay it down on its side for a period of time.
I go with what everyone else I saying
look up Russian 91% / Kayfun 3.1 / Kayfun Lite / Kayfun Lite Plus
easy tank, no leaks if done right, nice flavorful vape, I would chain vape one all day.
GEFFiCART got a reaction from vaporraper in General List of RBAs and everything rebuidlable!
I was having problems wicking the cotton at 0.8 ohms
When I used it at 1.3 ohms it was perfect, chain vaping with no problems or dry hits
I'm using my RSST as one that gets good flavor and a good amount of vapor.
So I tried different things that would work at around 0.8 because that was my resistance aim and found out that the SS cable with 3 wraps iirc is great
I'm running cotton still on my other two atomizers [Kayfun Lite & Igo-W]
GEFFiCART got a reaction from Uma in 1.2 ohm on an ego?
I don't think an ego will fire that low ohms
I think 1.3 is the limit on them
GEFFiCART got a reaction from spydre in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
it wasn't so much vape mail but Christmas mail.
Santa was good to me, I got a Hammer Clone from my fiancé, and a Kayfun Lite Clone from my fiancé's brother
GEFFiCART got a reaction from spydre in Help with understanding coil gauge and wrapping
Try looking through YouTube of builds. Pbusardo and RipTrippers are two good channels to look for.
You deff need an Ohm meter or Multi-meter to test out your coils. You also need to know how much amps your battery can handle to know your ohm limits.
Some "standard" tools would be a torch to oxidize your wick and wire. Nail Cutters/Wire Cutters. Tweezers/Pliers.
A brief overview for wire. Kanthal A1 Grade is recommended.
The larger the number guage, the wider the wire
The smaller the number guage, the thinner the wire
Wide wires have less resistance
Thin wires have more resistance
So for example if you're aiming for a 1ohm resistance it'll take more wraps on a wide guage than it would on a thin guage
And all in all its all about experimenting, using a multi-meter or ohm meter. Through experience you'll see what works and what doesn't. You'll also get a general idea how much wrap will get you what reading ect. ect.
GEFFiCART got a reaction from Tam in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Not steeping is like getting Heinz ketchup and just squeezing the bottle without shaking it first.
You'll get all that ketchup juice that collected on top without shaking instead of thick ketchup.
Steeping and shaking daily allows the flavors to mix and settle properly.
Juices not steeped and thrown right into a dripper are only getting partial flavor and mixtures.
GEFFiCART got a reaction from Aquatroy in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Not steeping is like getting Heinz ketchup and just squeezing the bottle without shaking it first.
You'll get all that ketchup juice that collected on top without shaking instead of thick ketchup.
Steeping and shaking daily allows the flavors to mix and settle properly.
Juices not steeped and thrown right into a dripper are only getting partial flavor and mixtures.
GEFFiCART got a reaction from BarbieVapor in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Not steeping is like getting Heinz ketchup and just squeezing the bottle without shaking it first.
You'll get all that ketchup juice that collected on top without shaking instead of thick ketchup.
Steeping and shaking daily allows the flavors to mix and settle properly.
Juices not steeped and thrown right into a dripper are only getting partial flavor and mixtures.
GEFFiCART got a reaction from bluesurfboy in Help with understanding coil gauge and wrapping
it would be the 5-6 wrap of 28G
30G has more resistance per inch than 28G
for example if you're trying to build a 1ohm coil
4-5 wraps on 30G would be equal to 6-7 wrap on 28G
now that was an example not direct measurements. maybe factors play into your resistance reading
GEFFiCART got a reaction from 3Rutez in New to Vaping Mechs
please do more research and have necessary tools
please pick up an ohm reader of some sort
please read the safeties of batters and safe ohms to run per battery