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    Bridgewater, NJ

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  1. since you have 28g, why don't you just do a single coil instead of a double
  2. just let her get a ego c-twist its VV
  3. great job keeping this thread up guys! I haven't been logged on here in a while nor have I made anymore videos on youtube. I've been very busy with my 2 jobs, photography, cars, new car blog/crew im starting, my vinyl work [car wraps and decals] but I hope to be on this more
  4. there's a very informative video on YouTube by RipTrippers on VW/VV devices. in a nutshell think of the vaporizer as a car. VW is like automatic, you choose your watts and it'll take care of your voltage accordingly. if you set your watts it really doesn't matter that much on your resistance of your coil because if you change your resistance the AVP will adjust the voltage to make sure it keep that watts at the level you set. and think about VV as a manual. you set your own voltage. with different resistance requires different voltage settings I hope I got that right, im still learning myself on AVPs, but check out the video if you cant
  5. what resistance are you aiming for? I wouldn't use ekowool to wick a genesis atty with cotton you just have to put enough that it fill less than half the wick hole, you don't want to over do cotton as well as not put enough cotton the roll of mesh you have to torch the mesh before your coil is on it, then when the coil is on it you have to pulse the mod till you have the coils running red from the inside out with mesh you also have to worry about shorting on the bottom of the tank Me personally I have a RSST, genesis style atty, at first I used to use cotton, but now I use cable wire as my wick. I am firing my rsst at 0.8ohms with NO dry burns with genesis style tanks you also have to be aware where you wick is inside the tank so that your tilt your mod while you vape so that the wick is immersed in liquid
  6. well first off do you have any pics of the aga and your build? what are you using? cotton? cable wire? mesh?
  7. oh man.. those helios clones from fasttech only have air holes on one side not on both sides as the original is made I wouldn't recommend doing dual coils on those things unless you drill holes on the other side of the cap
  8. I haven't yet but all I have for kanthal is 28g and 30g. Those aren't the ideal gauges for that coil
  9. some people have mixed experiences with 100vg juice and protanks my friends around me that vape that use protanks with 100vg juice are vaping fine but I have read many instances where that is the complete opposite from others where 100vg will simply not work. I guess it all depends on the juice. and maybe the ohm and voltage setting can have an effect on the results as well.
  10. imo best rda for single coil would probably be the igo-L but if you're looking for dual or quad set ups in the future you can go with the Igo-w, you can build single coils in there but what's common with both rda's is the airflows that come with it stock are a bit tight, so they might require some drilling out
  11. the Igo-W is probably the nicest and cheapest 3 post atty you can get. And as for drilling the holes to make the airflow bigger this is common with most rda's
  12. Personally I like the nemesis clones the best did fasttech give an update on your order? it can take about a month to get your order to your door, maybe even longer depending on the availability of the product
  13. major vapor!
  14. Thanks! I just don't want anyone getting hurt in building. I mean the occasional burn and/or stick with a needle is common haha To add on to things I've just got a job at my favorite B&M in their soon to be newest location, its exciting. Are there any types of builds any of you would like for me to do? or get information to explain about a topic or issue?
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