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    MadMax got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in Shopping Spree   
    Hi Guys,

    I've been vaping for about 3months now. My set up is a E-go twist 1100 with Pro tank and iClear40 tanks
    I use Sweet Southern Vapes because it's a 60% Vg.

    I recently bought some cowboy 18mg, but I forgot to wash the tank out and I had left over 555 residue
    I got upset because my tank with the Cowboy juice tastes like 555 now . Next time I will change the wick
    and rinse the old juice out with water, making sure the parts dry out of course.

    2. I bought a Pro-tank and like it much better, more flavor in the bottom wicking tanks
    and more smooth, I bought it because its a glass/pyrex tank that wont' be damaged when
    I vape Atomic Fireball, (Which I really like)
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    MadMax reacted to Bebop in Top Brand Vaporizers   
    If You're willing to spend a $100 we can set you up nicely but thats for everything including back ups ...

    .....and if you do get the $50 starter you will be back for more within a month anyway...

    In fact - I would go to the Vaportalk store right here on this site

    Get the evod kit $46

    Then buy some juices and add an ego twist (variable voltage) battery or a Vision Spinner which will run you another $25 and you're good to go for a while til you figure out what else you'd like to do after you get some experience.
    ...but that kit will do you nicely for a while and wont go to waste.
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