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    Tampa Fl

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  1. Hi Guys, I've been vaping for about 3months now. My set up is a E-go twist 1100 with Pro tank and iClear40 tanks I use Sweet Southern Vapes because it's a 60% Vg. I recently bought some cowboy 18mg, but I forgot to wash the tank out and I had left over 555 residue I got upset because my tank with the Cowboy juice tastes like 555 now . Next time I will change the wick and rinse the old juice out with water, making sure the parts dry out of course. 2. I bought a Pro-tank and like it much better, more flavor in the bottom wicking tanks and more smooth, I bought it because its a glass/pyrex tank that wont' be damaged when I vape Atomic Fireball, (Which I really like)
  2. Hey anyone familiar with this brand? I got a Ego twist 1100mah with iClear 40 tank So far the only juice i'm able to vape is Sweet Southern Vapes. I was told it has a less harsh Pg/Vg. Previously I had tried Lizard juice and it was absolute crap. (too harsh). But my problem is I am looking for a better tasting Tobacco flavored juice preferably with 18-24mg nicotene and a soft Pg/Vg. Besides that I like cherry/fundip combo that SSV sells, What do you guys vape for fun?
  3. I play Farmville2 on facebook and a hidden objects game called Criminal Case If anyone has a good facebook game send me a PM
  4. I currently drive a 2003 Toyota Camry Silver in the past I've owned 2002 Dogde Stratus Gold 1996 Ford Taurus Green 1992 Ford Taurus White 1987 Jeep Cheroke
  5. hi guys don't mean to sound old.. but is there a name for the new slow deep voice rap that i hear on the radio every once in a while, im sure the style is a few years old ... the only rapper i know the name of is Rick Ross.. anyone know some others? I need something with good bass and a slow voice too it, sounds good while driving in the car
  6. i want to blend cherry and fun dip flavored juice. i guess i might be confusing with DIY. but all i have to do is put the two flavors in a tank or mix a little and then start vaping right???
  7. 60/40 lizard juice.. i'm sure it's a dry hit though 100 percent, also did you know wicks go bad? well this is not the case either cause i bought it 3 days ago
  8. hello,i recently bought a iclear 16 tank with ego-twist 1100 battery it's dry hitting any help would be great thank you
  9. Anyone tried mixing lizard juice Cherry and Fun Dip.. I think it would make a nice sour cherry but I'm not sure, and it's a 30.00 dollar investment. Because I normally just vape cowboy
  10. any idea on how to fix the one that I have stores going to be closed until after New Years
  11. iclear 16 sorry
  12. Its called iclear I was told it was good tank it's replaceable wick.guess I'll take it back to the store
  13. I recently bought and he go twist 1100 with and I clear 2000 tank and I use lizard juice 6 milligram juice.. but after 2 days it was so hard that I couldn't Take a hit..please help
  14. My friend had an Ego battery (don't know the mah or volts) but the tank must have been pretty good because that was the best one I have tried.. Still don't know what to choose though Will re-read alllllllll of the suggestions.. and make a decision .. Will let you guys know how it works out. I'm definetly thinking The Tank, or wick and voltage has something to do with my problems but I have had a hard time getting a clear answer
  15. @Patricia I tried searching for "TheVaporStore" couldn't find it listed on the internet
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