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Everything posted by VapedMetalhead

  1. Was always a runner/skater before I started smoking cigarettes. Got too winded too quickly to wanna work out because of cigs. Stopped smoking 6 months ago cold turkey, and started vaping 2 months ago for various reasons. Now I'm back into shape and just about as healthy as I was in high school. I'm back in the gym, back on the track, and thinking about joining an area Lacrosse team. Better lungs have helped steady my breathing patterns while riding my motorcycle on the track as well...It can be very exhausting taking turn after turn and using your body to help control the bike. More oxygen to the brain = clearer thinking and quicker reactions. I've actually taken more than 2 seconds off my fastest lap time, which is a large feat with no modifications to the bike. About to buy some new aggressive inline skates as well. It's nice feeling like you are 16 again.
  2. As far as I can tell...the only way to find out it is try them out yourself. Sometimes you find something that works great for you, sometimes you find something that is garbage to you. There is some delicious menthol flavors out there...and probably just about any flavor you could think of that would taste good to you. I see you are in india. What kind of access do you have to e-cigs? Do stores around you sell them? Can you order on the internet? What kind of e-cig do you have, or have been looking at?
  3. Just wondering if anyone has tried this? Did some searches and didn't pull up much. Saw a few people with the idea, but nobody follow through. I am using the cotton off of a q tip as a wick in my ce5 clearomizer right now...and I gotta say...It is working surprisingly well. I'd use cotton yarn...my mom just doesn't have any un-dyed yarn right now. I ran out of good coils, It's too late to go to a shop, and really felt like vaping (of course). My buddy happened to have a good coil head with coil intact that he had pulled the wick out of for use in something he was tinkering with...so I just boiled a q tip, dried it, pulled off the cotton, and twisted up a nice wick. I just twisted it while pulling it through the coil to kind of make it skinnier, then let it fluff up in the coil. Tasted a little funny at first, but I was using a pretty weak juice that had an interesting taste to begin with. Put some Lush Vapors - Belly Dancer (jolly rancher) and WHOAA HO! this thing is hitting nice now...Much better than your typical silica wick that comes in it. I might start doing this to some new coils if this keeps working like it is. Still waiting on some kanthal, ekowool, and silica wick so I can just rebuild heads while I'm waiting for a big order of goodies including a K100 and 24k gold Trident RDA from Fasttech ...Darn Christmas screwing up shipping times. I suppose you could just use cotton balls and pull the fibers apart to twist up some wicks...a bag of them is like 99 cents at Walmart, and would probably last you a REALLY long time. I only had cotton swabs available at the moment. Anyways, let me know what y'all think. Interested in what people have to say about this. If it's as viable an option as I think it is, then you could really save some money over the typical wicks you can buy. I'll keep vaping this through tomorrow (even after I go buy a few coils and some cotton yarn) and post a follow up as well...I have only been using it for about 45 minutes....
  4. Hello all, My name is Bryan. New around these parts. Quit cigarettes completely a few months ago, but have still often felt urges, especially around smoker friends. Tried out a few of the disposables . Found those to be crap. Tried out a friends that was for oils (not so legal around here) ...and found there to be MUCH more vape then came from the disposable ecigs I had tried, and realized I must be missing out on what the pen and mod vapes had to offer. Picked up a starter kit with 2 eGo batteries and 2 disposable clearomizers locally. Spent 55 after tax on it. Before you point it out...I know I got dripped off, as I've seen the deals online, but I didn't feel like waiting and it was a birthday present I got to pick. I'm MUCH HAPPIER with this pen setup than the disposables, and the fact that I can mix my own Ejuice for cheap makes it all the much better. Can't wait to pick up some MODs and some other new toys. If anyone knows of any awesome deals online shoot 'em at me, because I know I haven't seen/found everything yet. Anyways. Just pokin my head in to say hi! Expect to see me around here in the future! Good vaping!
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