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Everything posted by Cornelius
Should your juice taste as clean as a hookah tobacco?
Cornelius replied to Cornelius's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Well, I just called the retailer back, and they admitted to me that they made a mistake and held my package over 24 business hours past when the order was placed and past when other orders, ordered after mine, were sent out. They tried lying to me at first about their scheduling times, but I caught the retailer in a lie (they originally told me that 1PM Friday was past their shipping time schedule for the day, but they didn't give my package to the post office til 2PM on Monday, which the vendor then said was the first shipping time for their business-day schedule, which caused a further day wait for me, 7 total, because the package missed my local delivery truck by just 1 hour today.) This means that the package both could and should have been sent out Friday, or at the very least, in the morning on Monday, depending on which lie is the truth. Either solution could have had my package here two days ago, or at least today, but it's now going to be a full 7-day wait for a package that was sent out maybe 3 or 4 States away. My recent experience with another vendor from the same area sent me a package and it got here 48 hours later. Deal. So yeah, I'm reporting each member here who accused me of being a liar or causing my own problems. Delusional tards. And I called the post office and they said they don't give a darn about wrong zip codes, they always realize it and fix it. And btw, I know about 3 people who like the Protank. My local vape shop and my local delivery-vape guy said they were the worst devices they've ever encountered - both shops bought multiple ones for testing and hating them. Both shops also said Blu cartos were the devil, and that CE5 and CE4 Clearomizers are junky and last about a day. And for the Aspire, it has a plastic-like coating on the non-resistance wire part of the coil, PBusardo's review shows this very clearly, so I'm also reporting whoever accused me of lying about this too and "dreaming" it up. Oh wait, that was a supplier, no wonder... "Anything wrong with the devices is the users fault." I forgot about that law. -
Should your juice taste as clean as a hookah tobacco?
Cornelius replied to Cornelius's topic in General Vaping Discussion
I just think 7 days is a bit much; especially now that the package will probably be returned, it's just going to be one heck of a wait. I have nothing else to vape, I think anyone who's had the luck I've had with vendors and devices would be pretty upset over anything. I've already had to wait longer than a week on a replacement battery from another vendor. I once waited a month on another order because of mess ups. I have a pretty short fuse with these things because with being a vaper for so long, I've discovered the ins-and-outs of these businesses and most vaping vendors are really very lazy and care less about customers. The factories of these products are even worse. It isn't like these vendors have just one person working there. They usually have at least a few, and there's a number of people able to simply hold off a couple hours on the post-office visit or whatnot. And trust me, vendors are busy, but they're not Amazon busy. Especially the ones that aren't running a website from a local shop where the customers are simply in and out all day, but simply have a office and a website. Overall, I've never had an experience where my order took 72 hours exactly to be placed. Again, that's why I'd think on Fridays, that the packages would be lumped all together and dumped off at the post office right before it closes for the day. These companies aren't like Walmart where they have to send a shipment truck out early in the morning to reach a destination states away. It's more like guys loading up a bunch of cardboard boxes and envelopes into the back of the car and dropping it off on the way to their kids' soccer practice. The guy on the phone even said that they deliver packages out twice a day, and that right there is sort of a faulty process; I can understand shipping out the night-before's orders the first thing in the morning, but at least on a Friday, I'd think the later-day shipments would be held off til the last moment possible to give everyone a chance. I didn't order on Saturday or Sunday and I'd have been more understanding if I did. My only real positive experience with any vendor has been a local guy who does home deliveries; I've had bad luck with a few of his products as well, but he's always turned around and given me all sorts of freebies anytime there's a problem. A really good guy, great to chat with. And with the BDC, I already ordered it way before the Evod advice; seems that members here, like the vendors, don't really understand the just how long 4 days is with nothing to vape and only cigarettes to smoke and choke on. If I haven't been trying to vape for the past 4+ years, I wouldn't have no clue just how good vaping is, and I wouldn't really be making a big deal. But I know better. All it takes is puffing on a Blu disposable and suddenly you realize that there's a standard out there to vaping that could and should be met; the Blu disposables are my definition of what a perfect vape should start as - not one single burnt, soggy, or sour taste, a full-bodied vapor, no nicotine bite or bitterness, and enough throat hit to make it comfortable on everyone. That's my standard and after $200 wasted on faulty devices, sure, I can be a little on the edge with retailers. You finally get to a point where you have to treat people how they treat you, and I'm tired of vendors treating me and others like a disposable e-cig. You get a good few drags out of 'em and don't care what happens to it then. Anyway, about the BDC, I'm merely getting it for three points; a combiend .ohms of 3.2+, the safety-coated resistance wires that help prevent burning of other inside materials, and the reviews that say it is a wicking dream. There's no real "mastering" concerning single-wick devices. Either they work or they don't. Anyone who gets a burnt up device and tries to blame it on themselves is suffering from the same delusion doctors use to get out of malpractice scenarios; take a bunch of sick, desperate, weak-minded people, get their money, and if something goes wrong, make sure they think it's their own fault. But vaping isn't rocket science and it all boils down to faulty gear. I've tried every trick in the book with single-head devices and they don't work simply because they're built about as well as something from the Dollar Tree. Even the simplist of solution, getting a thinner juice, only works half of the time. I'm getting the BDC because of build quality; I dont see any reason why "I can't handle it." unless it ends up being broken. I've already said I'm considering various things if this one doesn't work. Tumbler. Evod. T3's I think. I got a whole list. Also, the problem with the Protank is either that they use really bad wicks, or there's a coating on the wicks that doesn't allow it to wick very good. Protank worked fine with the thinnest juice I had, but I can't vape White Ice my whole life, so I said bye to the Protank. Good news is the vendor who does home deliveries to me gave me a big ol' bottle of his DIY watermelon that he didn't think turned out good. It's been a bit of a savior to me. My messed up taste buds tasted watermelon for only about 5 hits until my tongue turned it into a simple white cotton candy flavor (fluffed sugar flavor), but so far, it's wicking great out of a new clearomizer he also gave me, and doesn't have one single bad nuance to it, and I've been getting by with that all night. Only two cigarettes so far in the past 5 hours or so! The taste is simply like vaping on a very mild sugar, but at this point, I'll take anything that doesn't taste like a wet sock or burnt sliver of automechanic metal. My tongue somehow now translates White Ice into Wet Paper, Chocolate Mint into Cod Fish, and Captain's Rum into Captain's Bum. My tongue has been acting crazy, that is indeed what my tongue is doing, but I've been through about half of my devices where they did taste extremely burnt right off the bat - the burnt hits are what puts my tongue in a frenzy to begin with, the same thing happens to my tongue after it's exposed to the compound used to make dental molds. There's a lot of compound structures out there that I'm really sensitive to, and the combustioned result of whatever creates the burnt taste in vapor is one of them. It's also why I'm not really in the most tolerant of moods. Faulty devices effect more than my money (on my income, $200+ is about %50 of my monthly living expenses), they effect my mouth and my ability to vape and stay off cigarettes. I stay off cigarettes by the taste of vapor, not the nicotine. I'm not a nicotine fiend and that's why I don't care anything about vaping a rubber tire. Er, I mean a Protank. -
What's going on is that I have a White Ice (no menthol, just pure White Ice, made from flavor crystals) that tastes just like a wet napkin, very wicky, my Mint Chocolate tastes extremely bland and sometimes very fishy, my Captain's Rum is simply very flavorless (in both the 0mg and 12mg versions, I have two), and surprisingly enough, my NET experiment, MOV's Sunday Morning, tastes probably the "nasty-less" of them all. No burnt or wicky tastes, just I think I don't like the juice - it tastes more like an unlit cigarette than any real tobacco. All the juices do the same thing in most of the clearomizers I have. What's strange is that I LOVED all of these juices the very first day I tried them - they all tasted like true vaping juice. Surprisingly enough, I have one clearomizer from early on that ended up, by mistake, getting a mix of White Ice and Captain's Rum in it, and to this day, it's giving me an "ok" flavor - nothing bad. Just nothing worth vaping. I think it may be my heads, or I think it may be some bad juice. Or it could be my taste buds being extremely strange (I'd think they'd get better after slowing down on cigarettes, not worse...) And I'm taking no medication. I'm not the world's biggest water drinker, but I drink a lot of fluid in general.
Should your juice taste as clean as a hookah tobacco?
Cornelius replied to Cornelius's topic in General Vaping Discussion
So I'm pretty livid. I ordered the Aspire BDC at 1:50 PM on Friday, and I'd expect a vendor to try and wait til the last minute to ship orders on Friday so that everyone can get a chance at getting the package on Monday or Tuesday. Yet I just now recieved an order confirmation at 2:00 PM Monday today (even later a time than what I ordered it on Friday). So it'll be in all probably a 7 day wait on a clearomizer that I actually require to vape (none of my devices are working properly). I don't think it's appropriate, since I live on the same coastline as the vendor. I called in to see if the vendor would be kind enough to offer some sort of store credit or package insurance or something, and nothing. It doesn't help that I mistakingly put down the wrong zip code (local, but about 10 miles away) so if the post office isn't smart enough to figure it out, it may be a two week wait. Told ya'll my luck was really bad. -
Should your juice taste as clean as a hookah tobacco?
Cornelius replied to Cornelius's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Nah, I don't rebuild my heads, but they sure do taste awful. And I always screw my heads tightly into the plate before I put the plate on tank. It seemed to wick fine with a really watery juice (maybe just a good head though), but doesn't wick with anything else. Surprisingly enough, it also held up OK with a NET from MOV, which is actually the second watery-est juice I have in my stock, and they even use high VG. I'm considering the possibility that a lot of juices are simply made wrong (my coffee from GeJ sure seemed to be, it is like molasses and tastes like monkey butt because the extract is so extremely strong and dark tasting, but I never use that one), but then again, I could consider that possibility with tanks, clearomizers, and whatever, and then you have an endless combination of things that could be wrong... -
Should your juice taste as clean as a hookah tobacco?
Cornelius replied to Cornelius's topic in General Vaping Discussion
That's the confusing thing with the Protank - other than boiling the heads in hot water or something before I use them, I've done everything in the book, and they just don't seem to wick well at all - yet a lot of juice will get into that bottom plate under the coil head, so I know juice is getting in that bottom area and touching the wick. I have a range of juices, and the White Ice seems to wick better on anything. All the other juices are a bit thicker, probably 70% PG (they don't say), but it's not like they're pancake syrup or anything. Fairly runny too, just a bit less than the water-like White Ice. And I don't really try to do anything with my juices, I'm not really up to mixing anything with anything yet. The Protank doesn't really have any sort of tight draw either, so I can't really get any suction to gauge the wicking like I can with tighter draws. I bought a air flow controller but it was so finicky that it barely would fire my Protank, and I couldn't get it to work with tightening the draw much at all. I mean, the only thing that I could possibly attribute it to is either that using a high resistance head causes the juice to gunk up like crazy and taste burnt, that maybe a low resistance head evaporates the juice so quickly that it works better, but I simply don't know. Haven't tried the 1.8's for the Protank yet. But for me, the Protank has been as hit-and-miss, if not worse, than my CE4's and CE5's, and I use the same technique and same juices each time for those. I wish there were a lot more reviews on the Aspire I'm getting in, but from the ones that are out there, people report that they wick like something insane, and actually allow you to chain vape, that it doesn't really give you dry hits unless you're doing some extreme voltage or sometimes if you're using something thicker than a 50/50 juice. (I believe my motto would be to either stay in the %70 or %100 PG range, or the %100 VG with %20 water that some vendors sell.) Some have reported that some of the heads have an awful taste right off the bat, so hopefully I don't run into that (probably will, I always can predict the exact problems I run into even before my device arrives...) -
Should your juice taste as clean as a hookah tobacco?
Cornelius replied to Cornelius's topic in General Vaping Discussion
I happened to see one of those when researching about the Aspire, Eigate (who makes Aspire) also makes an electronic hookah - it seems like the device has 4 atomizers in one cartridge, and the cartridge holds so much juice that it's "supposed" to last for 1,500 puffs. At this point, I'd vape something the size of a TV if it just worked right and always did. And about the Protank II, it wicked fine with a White Ice juice I had that was clear and literally has the consistency of water, but doesn't wick at all with any sort of colored juice I have... I mean, at all. Burns up even after just a few very spaced out puffs. Been through 10 heads now, no vaping out of any of them. -
Should your juice taste as clean as a hookah tobacco?
Cornelius replied to Cornelius's topic in General Vaping Discussion
I've tried both a bridged and bridgeless dripper, but I made a mistake with both of them and used a coffee juice by GoodeJuice that didn't seem to be mixed right, and instantly burnt up both of them (was working fine with other juices). I don't think the coffee juice has enough PG/VG in it for the mix, it tastes like if someone vaped a pure dark coffee extract - tastes literally awful on anything, and ruins anything. Overall, I learned though that the drippers weren't really my thing anyway; it was hard to try different juices, they kind of blended in flavor even after the dripper ran noticably dry; I also vape to the point that dripping doesn't have a feasable purpose for me in the end - I would do anything to even taste some of these juices the way they're supposed to be tasted, but until I can find a tank-like device to give me that, vaping wouldn't really be my thing. I have a Aspire BDC coming in the mail, everyone's raving about that, and it's a tank-dripper type device. Hopefully it works, but I'm a little afraid to put it on these two batteries. The 650mah strangely does a rapid LED-blink when I press the button with any device on it (not the on/off blink, but a very rapid, short-out looking blink) for a few seconds then fires normally, and the Spinner seems to have no visible problems but seems to hate Protank heads with a passion; the 650mah gives a completely better result for the Protank somehow. To me, vaping just seems like a huge rip-off after everything I've tried. I'm truly hoping this Aspire BDC may be the one product out there to end this whole silly game, but so far, CE4's, CE5's, and the Protank have all been complete jokes. I have one CE5 right now that seems to be putting out any sort of real flavor, but it's not even a strength of flavor worth vaping and doesn't keep me off the cigs. It's that bad, and that's the best Clearomizer I have in my stock. Despite tasting OK, it tastes like I have about %50 water in it. Either one curse or the other. And I'm using extremely thin juices, probably the thinnest juices on the market; that hasn't even really made a difference though; it all seems to entirely be which clearomizer wants to act up and which doesn't. I'm also extraordinarily careful with my voltage strength, rarely going above 3.3 unless I'm just absolutely not getting anything from the vape. (The 650mah itself clocks in around 3.7 at highest I believe...) And yeah, all of the clearomizers at my local shop tasted funky too the first time I tried them all - now looking back at it, they tasted like heaven compared to what I'm getting inside my home.... at the shop, they merely tasted a bit too hot, and as a result, had some slightly bitter notes. More of an alcoholish bitterness and less of a wick bitterness. Would rather it be an alcohol-ish taste than a burnt wick one, the wicky taste and cotton taste just makes me sick to my stomach thinking about how nasty it is. -
Should your juice taste as clean as a hookah tobacco?
Cornelius replied to Cornelius's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Like, I have literally 5 clearomizers that I filled with juice, let the soak (even upside down), and went to vape them on a little 650mah battery, and all of them instantly made a very loud "pop" and then tasted like a slightly singed cotton no matter what, and produced a lot less vapor than I'd expect. Sometimes it even does it on my Spinner. I wouldn't think I have two batteries that may be blowing up Clearomizers, and I already had the Spinner volt-checked, but who really knows. My luck is really horrible with this. -
A big question on my mind - do vapers universally agree that our vapor should be as clean tasting as hookah tobacco, or do many vapers out there experience (and even enjoy) vapors that taste cotton-like or burnt? See, years ago, I tried a Blu disposable, and it was the cleanest tasting juice I have probably ever tasted in the past 4 years - it had the super clean, sweet taste of buttered caramel popcorn, and tasted like that until the battery died. Since that day, 4 years ago, I have been buying and tossing complete junk because everything gives me a cotton-like, burnt, rubbery, or extremely weak vape - nothing to do with the juice because I sample juices on others' devices. As an experience, I enjoy hookah tobacco very much, and since that long-since-experienced Blu disposable goodness (even Blu has changed their tobacco formula to be weaker, no longer tasting like popcorn goodness), I just haven't vaped anything that's even in the same world. Everything tastes like a faulty product. Even cigarettes taste better. For me, I care about my health, but I simply can only do what agrees with my taste buds. If cigarettes end up tasting better than a burnt-tire like vape, that's what I have to go with. Does anyone else simply experience and live with a negative tasting vape? Or am I just in some sort of nightmare when it comes to vaping?
Well, I still smoked 3 days ago, and yet all the juices I tried tasted great (minus or plus personal preferences, some cleaomizers being bad at the shop, ect ect), even overpowering. It could be a series of clearomizers that just aren't wicking well for me (they didn't seem to at the shop today either - their samples gave me barely any vapor, and I'm sure they've probably changed them since I was last there - maybe they got a bad batch and that's what I'm vaping too since I bought from them...) but I'm just getting a strong cotton flavor with anything I'm vaping, and the flavor just seems extremely muted or sometimes sour. Food and drink seems to taste just fine. I just went and scraped my tongue clean really well (I have a condition that causes an extreme build-up of a type of harmless fungal-ish bacteria on the tongue, creating a thick, white layer on the top of my tongue) and no change in flavor at all - I even may be able to taste the wicky cotton in my vape more now than ever (yuck!). Using extemely thin, watery-like juices too. I dunno. Usually, juices are pretty stout even to long-time smokers, and they were to me 3 days ago. I could even taste my extremely lightly flavored Chocolate Mint in it's full complexity, not the horrible fishy taste I'm getting now. I'm seriously thinking maybe it's the burnt hits that have messed me up - I believe it used to do the same thing to me with burnt Blu cartomizers, leaving my taste buds jacked up for weeks - but I don't remember exactly.
Hey guys, when I first got my kit three days ago, it had been awhile since I did really any vaping, and when I got that kit, I could taste my juice flavors really well. Some of the juices at the shop were actually a bit overpowering, and I got some Chocolate Mint that I could both taste the chocolate and mint as crisp as could be. A day later, it starts tasting not so great - almost like a fishy menthol. I've also been having bad luck with all my other vapes, and the only juice that seems to come through to me is White Ice, and even that has a bit of a dull, downer taste to it. I went back to my shop and sampled their juices; same thing, an extremely low key taste. I haven't been vaping all that much, however I have been getting a lot of dry hits and that burnt flavor. Is it vapor's tongue? Or is it the dry hits that may have rendered my taste buds useless for awhile? I seriously hope that the whole burnt hit thing doesn't damage the taste buds in any sort of way... it seems really odd that I'm experience this, and after just one day of very mild vaping.
Lung inhales vs mouth to lung inhales
Cornelius replied to loneranger721981's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Honestly, the big reason that not getting a icky taste in my devices is so important to me is because I always hold the vapor in my mouth and then inahle if I ever want to - that's how I smoked cigarettes too. But with vaping, I really enjoy tasting the vapor more than feeling it go down my throat. Not that I don't like a thick, creamy throat full of white... vapor... but I gotta have a good taste with these things; none of that direct lung inhale to ignore a bad, salty taste for me. I gotta have my wick really lubricated in wet, gooey, cool moisture to really get the whole experience. That's why I'm getting an air controll condum for my stick. I can't have the air going in and out of my tank like I'm throwing a hot dog in a hallway! The vape has to be really thick and create a lot of pressure in the tank or else it won't ooze that juice right onto my wick at the height of all that hot, steamy coil action. Lord @ puns. I'd love to see Tim & Eric vape, no telling what they'd come up with. -
Well, like where I live, there's an amazingly cool guy who runs a local home-based shop called Clarksville Vapors, and he does home delivery, and he brought all his juices over - he had some cheap ones and some more-or-less gourmet ones; the latter were made by a company that makes their own extracts too. Surprisingly enough, I loved one of the cheap ones and one of the gourmet ones on his CE4 samples. Bought the two and am getting no flavor from them on my CE5 that has the "safe tasting" high resistance head that came in the CE5 boxes, but am getting a fairly burnt taste with the replacement heads that he had the exact numbers to show they were lower resistance. The two flavors are White Ice (the cheap one, and it's made from flavor crystals, which is really an experience) and the more expensive one was Captain's Rum, which, on his CE4 set-up, tasted just like how a bag of fruity pipe tobacco smells. It was excellent on his CE4's. Sadly, he only had CE5's to sell, so I ended up buying a couple of those, and have had no luck with them at all. I also have the Chocolate Mint from another local vender that was cheap as all get-out (on clearance), but I LOVED it on my CE4, and have hated it on the CE5's. It's just something about the CE4's that give me a better vape, and yet as luck would have it, nowhere locally seems to have them except in kits. But again, I think it's a wicking thing - on the CE4's, they somehow give me a bit more suction, which allows me to pull in a little pressure before I vape. People are complaining about the same thing with the Aspires; the people who don't buy the air flow adjuster are either getting not enough wicking with thick juice, or too much with thin juice. Phil made a later video showing where an air flow adjuster is really something that amps up any vape, that it saved his experience with one of the Aspires, and others on Youtube are practically dancing about the adjusters. They're selling out online like crazy ever since the discovery, every single shop is now sold out and I was lucky to find one. If the Aspire+adjuster doesn't work, it's either to T2's or Tumblers. But so far, the only negative about the Aspires anyone has reported is that sometimes the wicks come in tasting funky, and that boiling water helps clean them. Hopefully I won't even have that issue; many don't seem to. I just know that so far, if I get a low resistance head, it tastes burnt quick. If I get a high resistance head, it never tastes burnt, but never tastes like anything much. The Aspires are 3.0ohms+ (two 1.8ohm coils, which when the power is split between two coils, the resistance is virtually doubled as whole), which is a safe zone for me and my taste buds, but it also has two coils, which automatically means more vapor and flavor even at a lower voltage. And the physics behind the system make a lot clearer sense to me than many. So I'm excited!
Well, for some reason, I like the CE4's, but I hate the CE5's. The CE5's just seem to make things taste nasty. The CE4 that came with my new little starter (that I bought for simple testing) was absolutely marvelous the first day I had it - my Chocolate Mint taste awesome. The next day it tasted like a burnt fish scale. The CE5's did that right away, didn't even give me a good single day to wallow in some form of flavor purity. And I've tried two dripping atty's - to be honest, they didn't really improve the flavor for me, and they burnt up extremely quick. I believe it may be a resistance issue - my vendor described it best; a lot of people who vape actually want a smokey layer to their juice. I don't unless it's practically an NET.
Protank 2 issue - anyone else have this problem?
Cornelius replied to VaperG's topic in General Vaping Discussion
For me, what I do is screw the head into the base plate, then screw the base plate into the Protank. It allows it to screw on easily 10x what it will screw on if you simply put the head on the Protank's inner tube and then screw the base on. With this method, you'd really have to be unscrewing the tank quite a bit before anything comes out. This method also may fix firing issues with the Protank because the center post goes much deeper down into the base's post collumn with this technique. In all honesty though, I've never had this problem. But again, I screw my bases in pretty snug, and instead of leaving them loose for certain air pressure techniques, I hope to get these things to work by using an air flow controller. Any device that you have to leave loose and leaking isn't one that really is built well to incorperate proper physics. The Protank II isn't a well made device in my opinion - it simply doesn't have enough suction, coupled with no real way for air to get into the tank to push the juice into the wick, and always creates a burny, sour flavor for me. -
Well, I'm hoping the air flow control device really helps the juice suction for me, and that the combined 3.0+ohms of the Aspire BCC helps preserve flavor. I had a CE4 that was working really well (no burnt or sour flavors at all) the first day I had it, and it made me realize that vaping still is for me - I prefer it so much over cigarettes. It's simply that out of all the devices I've tried, I get a very sour, dry hit if I vape it more than twice in 5 minutes, and for people who vape really light flavors like I do (no tobaccos or extreme fruits - things like light mint), they have reported a persistant sour, dry taste as well. Someone else in my exact situation had an amazing experience with the air flow device, and by all terms of physics it should improve my situation, but I have to wait until it comes in - I didn't actually know they existed until I saw Phil's review, and I consider myself a pretty knowledgable guy when it comes to all the makes and models. Now, the CE5's have a little bit looser draw than the CE4's, and I hate the CE5's so far (except with my odd 3.0ohm+ head that seems to really preserve that crystal clear flavor I love). I'm not a perfectionist when it comes to vapor amount or throat hit, but I can't have a slightly dry wick giving my vapes a sour flavor. They really do that, and most people simply don't notice because they're not picky or they simply use extremely heavy or smokey flavors. I like the velvety vapes, so I really notice if something's sour instead of sweet. My Chocolate Mint ended up tasting like a fish scale, believe it or not, when it wasn't wicking good enough. Wicking really changes the flavor! It also doesn't help that I can taste certain things that most of the population can't. There's a certain small percentage of people out there that can taste extreme bitterness in certain chemicals and foods that most people never notice. I happen to be very sadly in that small percentage. It prevents me from eating a lot of foods as well; for instance, coconut actually burns my tongue because I taste so much of an acid-like taste in it, and I'm not even allergic to it. Same with the pesiticides on certain fruits, especially what they put on fast-food lettuce to preserve it. It literally will taste like a poison to my taste buds. I'm a half-pack a day smoker and I still taste these things! I even taste the chemicals in most cigarettes - there's only a few cigarettes out there, like American Spirits, that I do not taste as many chemicals in. Regular Marlboro Reds taste like rat poison to me. If you dry burn a wick and inhale the smoke, you'll know the exact taste I'm talking about, and you'll still probably taste it in your juice from that moment on if your vaping flavor isn't perfect. And when I taste that stuff, it simply makes me want to put the device down - it doesn't even have to be a strong taste of it, but it's something that really downs these flavors and makes them sour, if the wick isn't wicking %100 of what it truly needs to.
Well, I plunged down and bought the BCC. At this point, my spending is getting way overblown, which is really hurting me with this, but I also ordered an air-flow controller, which (as I've been telling my local vape shop for months) I believe my real problem with any device has been lack of proper suction. Simple properties of physics dictate that these wicks just don't "soak up" liquid very well on their own - they're like sponges, not tubes or paper; you put one end of a big sponge in water, it's not going to make the other end wet. They absorb water that they're specifically immersed in, but they don't transfer it very quickly, and wicks seem to behave the same way. You may think the space of a centimeter or two should be easy for a wick to transfer, but I've dripped on wicks and sat there and watched them; you can drip a ton on one section, and two centimeters away from it, it'll take forever to travel, minutes. Too much suction in a tank causes flooding, but like with the way the new BCC seems to be designed (not sure, I still have to take a look), the reality is that a device should be designed where for every puff a vaper takes, at least a tiny bit of liquid pours onto the wick in a way other than there being a tight hole with a wick in it. The simple tight-hole-with-a-wick-in-it might work if there were two seperate, tiny tubes inserted into each end of the wick, like two tiny straws inside the wick, stopping right before the coils, where the liquid is pretty much sucked in right to the point of the coils. (Physically, though, this would probably be impossible for manufacturers to manufacture.) Alternatively, if you do have a wick-in-hole device, a good amount of suction simply needs to be used for there to be some good effect. About %50 suction, more or less. That's why the CE4's worked better for me, I believe; they had more suction, just by a bit, and still not enough. At least, that's my theory. I'll be able to test it soon! Btw, I bought an air-controller for the CE4 type tanks, is there any reason it also wouldn't work on a tank? I couldn't find the tank version in stock.
Nope, nothing has worked for me - I've been a cigarette guy the whole time, attempting to vape once every few months. Someone did recommend me the Tumbler before, so that is something I'm considering, and I'm seeing great reviews on the Aspire Viva Nova BCC which is said to wick extremely well (and is 3.0+ohms with the dual coil, which is exactly the safe range I like playing with on a Spinner.) Any reviews on the Nova?
That's what's strange about my Protank II - my CE4 had a tighter draw. And on the Protank II, I went through 7 heads; each tasted horribly burnt after just a few test puffs - I dripped on the wick and let it sit forever too. The only thing I'm having any bit of luck with is my odd CE5 coil that me and my vendor suspect of being a very high resistance coil (2.8-3.2) that the factory accidentally put in the package (they said that usually the heads are 1.8-2.5) and the vapor production is quite decent and it hasn't burnt yet, just no flavor really (cranking it up on the Spinner doesn't really help the flavor... it could be bad juice mix though.) The coil is extremely less powerful than my other CE5 heads - you can just automatically tell. Any tips on wether a really high resistance coil or low resistance coil ends up burning the least I'm not having any luck at all with 1.8-2.5 coils, I believe 2.8-3.2 may just be my sweet spot for flavor. But they're so rare!
Well, it could be that my PT2 has some sort of fault, but the airway on my PT2 is like sucking through a straw. There's no sort of suction whatsoever - the complete opposite of the Vivi Nova I sampled. And yeah, I have a range of juices. MOV, GoodeJuice, local-shop-bought, I even have some from a vendor that even makes their own extracts, ect ect. I have a Chocolate Mint that I absolutely adored on my CE4 when I did 4 primer puffs before each hit, but it started tasting like a sour sock or fish scale after a day, and trying it on CE5's just burnt it up. I have a Captain's Rum that was excellent on the vendor's sample CE4, but now doesn't have hardly any taste on my CE5's. And then a White Ice that was again excellent on sample CE4, but usually has a sour aftertaste on my own CE5's. Overall, the big pattern is that I seem to have better luck and a better taste with CE4's. Could this be some sort of factory primer doing this?
It's the strangest thing. Like, to me, "vaping too fast" would be taking like 6 puffs in the span of a minute. I take one per minute, if that. I constantly will turn my Cleao upside down, fill it to the brim, all of that stuff. My Spinner even clocks in at 3.1 Volts instead of 3.3 at the lowest setting, so I have no clue what's going on. Basically, I'd describe the taste that I usually get as a "mix" between the vapor taste and a sour-cotton taste, when it seems that my coils heat up too much. Rarely is it a perfect taste, rarely is it a pure burnt-metal-wick taste, but those two happen as well. The only things I know of is that it could be a possibility that my coils, being medium resistance, are heating up the juice just to a point it cakes on the coils (maybe a high resistance simply vaporizes the juice instantly on contact and doesn't leave residue?) or that I may be tasting the factory residue (it shouldn't last a whole tank though...) For me, one thing that worked with the CE4's was to make sure to do 4 primer puffs, and that actually gave me a pretty decent vape, but on the CE5's, they have say a %25 decrease in suction, which renders primer puffs pretty useless. I sampled a Vivi Nova tank yesterday and the suction was extraordinary - it had no airflow whatsoever really. I seemed to get a decent taste out of the cinimon juice I sampled (I don't like cinamon juices though, I get very little taste from them, so I'm not sure if it was the juice or tank...) but if primer puffs seem to help me get a soaked wick, would the Vivi Nova be a good suggestion? It's just the craziest thing. I don't have a huge preference between a soft, velvety hit, and a warmer, full hit, but on any device that instantly makes a sizzling or popping noise, my extremely sensitive taste buds taste a mix between the juice and a really wicky, somewhat sour, almost smokey taste. A bit like a bad gas station vape.
(Please don't respond unless you do care about reading each word carefully and noting which devices and techniques I am using, I am sincerely sorry for stating this, but I simply am not looking for someone to say "Dial down the voltage." or "Don't vape too fast." That type of feedback gets very frustrating when you do your best to explain your techniques and devices properly.) ----------------- Hey guys, I've been desperately trying to vape for the past 4 years, and despite being an advanced, mature, professional-minded vaper with the proper education on technology, physics, and other various forces of nature that otherwise may give a "newbie" various issues in the beginning, I have alternatively, all while performing every single tip and trick in the book, had some of the worse luck, and some of the strangest stories, that I have ever seen in the face of vaping. To this day, I still smoke cigarettes because, since my vape, quite frankly, always tastes like a burnt sock or like nothing at all, or there's a major defect with the device. To start my explaination, my main issue is that on my abundant series of Clearomizers (CE4's and CE5's), any type of juice I put in them gets a foul, burnt taste after just a few hits - and I do let these things sit and wick, all while rolling and turning them, quite a few minutues after I take each puff! It lead to me buy even two more CE5's, and yet the surprising thing was that in one of my new ones, either it came with a much higher resistence coil (the other ones I had where anywhere from 1.8 - 2.5; it's hard to remember which ones are which because they don't say, but absolutely none of them tasted decent - I know some of them were indeed 2.5's though) or a coil that was partially shorted. Either way, this one specific unique coil rarely gives me a burnt taste (it's the only one I ever take puff on now) - however, the vape is simply so little and soft and tasteless that it's almost too much in that direction as well. I put it on my Spinner (I usually test everything first on a simple 650 non-VV Ego) and cranked it up, and it started performing more like one of the old heads, making those hot popping and sizzling noises, but also gave me a burnt taste pretty much right off the bat - I couldn't find a sweet spot for it! (The retailer is trying to contact the factory/main distributor for me and see if they ever put 2.8's, 3.0's, or 3.2's in the package.) My other stories consist of going through 7 2.5ohm Protank II heads as they all tasted immediately burnt on the lowest setting on my Spinner (two other people, a vaping shop employee and fellow vaper, both experienced this phenomenon using every tip in the book - dripping on the wick, allowing to soak, primer puffs, all that stuff), multiple "cig-alike" kits literally shutting off and refusing to charge after 6 days, and again, going through about 10 CE4's and CE5's. I've also had the craziest shipping stories and items that come in broken in such bizarre ways. Now, the one single thing I don't have the will to do is simply rebuilding coils - I'm very interested in it, however, each and every method requires a step that I feel is unsafe or too expensive for me. Ohm checkers, torches, ect ect.... I simply can't take those types of risks inside my household. I need a device that actually works like vaping is supposed to (granted, I'm sampled tons of CE4's and CE5's on shop juice samples, and I can't say I really like how any of them have worked...) I also use juice that should not be extremely problematic - anywhere from crystal clear, watery White Ice juice, to juice that's darker but still has at least %20 VG (I even have a higher PG and higher VG, I've tested pretty much everything but %100 VG with %20 Distilled Water). Does anyone have any advice for what device I could use for my juice? Novas? Smoktechs? Any device that actually has a dedicated range of resistance coils for those who don't like a burnt vape? (No tobacco juices for me!) And for those who have wicking problems on the simplest of gear, truly what combination of PG/VG/and Distilled Water works best? If you have any advice for me, it is extremely appreciated - I'm in an emergency need of vaping!