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Everything posted by capitanovapor

  1. Yep, it's healthier than the analog. You will find a pretty large number of vaper's stories and you will definitely learn that this is the best method to quit smoking.
  2. Survey completed
  3. Yeah, not bad. More of these articles please
  4. Maybe I am too early in my vaping process but my goal is to become nicotine free. I smoke 18mg and I really want to start lower the nicotine level.
  5. flavor, volume of vapor and battery life are the most important things to me. oh, and the price
  6. Cup of Joe 18mg from Flavorz by Joe. awesome juice
  7. REC2 is as good as the first one. maybe better because the same story continues. i don't know how REC3 is but I've heard that is not OK.
  8. I will definetely watch Shiver. thanks. i remember another Spanish one, REC
  9. Parkland was ok from my point of view. I liked the Paul Giamatti's interpretation of Zapruder. Oh, and the scene when they carry the coffin up the airplanes steps was pretty intense
  10. iheartvape: The Conjuring was a pretty good horror movie so try to convice your daughter to watch this instead chucky My recommandation is Crash (2004)
  11. Finishing the last bottle of Gorilla Juice
  12. I was 21 when I started vaping.
  13. Tobacco flavors
  14. Hey there. Have you tried the Black Honey Tobacco from Perfumer's Apprentice?
  15. When I buy something that I really like i am always looking for the 30ML bottle and 18mg nicotine.
  16. Thanks for the link. Great list
  17. I did it for health reason but all the above are strong at least for me.
  18. I've read too that RY4 stands for Ruyan, the first ecig manufactures in China. But you don't find much information about the roots of RY4 as an e-liquid.
  19. Almost every vaper I know started his e-cig adventure with tobacco flavors. It's very hard to quit smoking and you want to be comfortable when you make that change. I don't think that tobacco flavors tastes like a normal cigarette it's just the idea. For example, I used to smoke Blue Dunhill and guess what was my first e-cig flavor search? Exactly, Dunhill )
  20. Hello. Name is Alex, from Romania. I am happy to be here and I hope that I will find useful information and some friends, why not? Thanks
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