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Everything posted by Eddieruckus

  1. Like I noted in the ry4 thread, try dueling banjos from high desert vapes, its like a maple tobacco, very good
  2. Myshells ry4 from high desert vapes has a great tobacco flavor , I don't even vape tobacco flavors anymore but will still vape their ry4 and dueling banjos Plus all their juices from now till end of October are 40 off with code fortyoff
  3. I'll be the first to go , I got a few 24mg juices that I won't use because I no longer vape 24mg , I got 2 almost full 10 and 2 with a little more than half . that's all the info I'm gonna give , anyone wanna give it a go?
  4. I have a few juices I'm not gonna be using, one full 30ml and a couple of 10s probably at 8 , I was wondering if anyone would be up for trading , make it fun and keep it a secret till they arrive. Just make sure it's juices you won't miss
  5. Yeah don't get me wrong, it's definitely a complex juice and has tons of flavor, however the blend just doesn't tickle my taste buds like some other Murdock flavors , I'm gonna give it another go tommorrow after taking a day off from it , I'm sure some people will love it I also mixed it with 20mg pluid, and that was ok, I think I'm just too stuck on pluid right now
  6. Got the new mmmm and km not crazy about it
  7. So I bought the supplies to start making or at least attempting to make my own juice and I forgot to order pg, in a rush I bought this http://bit.ly/19NM6Ch and after reading more realized I may have bought the wrong stuff, can anyone chime in
  8. Nothing beats pluid... Waiting on the bottles of mmmm and maha ras that I ordered last week, excited to try more Murdock juice
  9. Hey guys what do you guys think about these , I'm looking into getting one but haven't the slightest clue which ones to get , any suggestions Also, first post , rock on
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