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Everything posted by ggringa3

  1. I take long drags, and yes, my package came with the pre-filled cartridges, but I have been refilling them. The amount of vapor I get is fine. I was thinking that maybe the flavor (Camel) that it came with is the problem since I'm used to Marlboro. I don't know.
  2. New to this whole situation: Ok, I keep reading all about how everyone loves their e-cig and how wonderful the vapor is, but I'm just not feeling it. I have the Expert 510, and it just seems to me that I'm not getting what I need. Is this not the right one for me, should I buy one of those cartomizers, what? I do know that my atomizer starts to get real hot after a couple of hits. Would somebody please help me!!!
  3. ggringa3


    Just wondering if there is a difference between the Joye 510 and the Expert 510.
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