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Everything posted by highpass

  1. Is the battery going to explode from this combination? A dumb question but I thought I'd better ask.
  2. Ok first attempt at finding a replacement is a kanger t3s with mini ego battery. Still kind of massive, looks like some sort of syringe bomb. Will probably get stopped in the subway if seen holding it. 1.8ohm head - nice throat hit - tastes crappy 2.2ohm head - ok throat hit - tastes ok A question... I would like to know why it is that after 3 puffs on this setup i am satisfied, whereas with the eroll i will puff on it every 5 minutes all day long. The throat hit is only marginally different so it can't be that. I wonder if this clearomiser method produces more nicotine in the vapor vs the eroll? There must be a scientific explanation for it. Bebop - i went the opposite route - started with big egos going from assorted C types to eCab to eRoll. Small size is key for me (I remember feeling like i was carrying around a flute with the C).
  3. Ok ordered some Boge cartos and long/short ego cones. I guess the setup is battery to carto, cone over the top and tip plugged into cone? Also where did you get the 3.7v minis - i can't find them anywhere. I have the 400's coming but every millimeter counts. Thanks a lot
  4. Hm. I could only get hold of a 400mah mini battery (350 is out of stock everywhere) which runs 4.2v at max charge. The HH.357 clearly says nothing over 4v. Not a good match?
  5. well... anyone want a Vision 510 clearo? haha
  6. Thanks - ordered, although I'm dubious how the two connect. The eRoll battery is a twist/lock type, not screw.
  7. No worries. I looked into the Vision and wasn't impressed with the reviews so passed on it. Same for the HH thing. Did come across the A7 which I'm researching now. Cheers for the guesses
  8. Ah, ok I'll go grab those. Just ordered a mini battery/kanger t3s clearo with 1.8ohm head. Trying to put together a mini system to replace my eRoll.
  9. Cheers. Excuse my ignorance, but what is then plugged into them... nano clearomisers of some sort?
  10. Rixter, What are these two little guys?
  11. Hi Vaportalk, Bear with me on this... I've been using ecigs since the Ego-C, and switched to the eRoll when that came out. Bought my girl one. Since then have bought 5-6 batteries, countless atomizers, 2 replacement charging cases. It's a love/hate thing; the size is perfect. Everything else... not so much. Atomisers... these used to last me a week or two. The last batch are lasting 2 days a pop. They're official - or appear to be. My girlfriend seems to make hers last months. I maintain them using ye olde dry burn method but it would appear that's not the way to go any more. I vape this thing a lot. It craps out a lot. I use 24mg liquid, so it's not like I can bump that up to lower the usage. I suppose my questions are: is there a clearomiser mod for this, and would such a thing even make a difference? are there any alternatives that are similar in size but better for heavy vapors? how many of you experience the same annoyance with this kit? what's the longest you've had an atomizer last? is this enough questions? Cheers HP
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