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Everything posted by highpass

  1. I loved Prometheus. Even my girl enjoyed it and she hates anything sci-fi. Will check out Last Vegas
  2. Gefficart: followed! nice stuff Worked in architecture for 7-8 years, now an estimator for a demo company. Manage to fit in some rendering stuff on the side, and play architect for various production companies around new york. Recent work includes a Samsung show room, British Airways event, and Target's 50th anniversary; at which Alicia Keys sung one song and p***ed everyone off by leaving early. Ah well. Not my cuppa tea anyway. Long story short if you need renderings of something (mod idea for example) let me know, no charge… just 51% of the company shares. Cheers
  3. Yeah bit put off after reading that. Am buying up supplies for a RBA and have spent all day reading about the different types; silica, ecowool, cotton, hemp, bamboo, cheesecloth… blimey there's a load of alternatives. Settled on cotton. Seems that is not only safe but allows you to quickly swap the wick out of a micro coil without removing the coil. win win.
  4. Been reading on ECF about how silica wicks may/may not produce needle fragments that you then inhale/digest or whatever. What do you guys think about this?
  5. Rixter cleaned out Madvapes, but found one at Vaporbeast if anyone's looking.
  6. That link explained everything. Cheers rixter, been a big help today
  7. Thanks mate - as per the other topic, ordered that AGA S and a Spheroid to boot. Looked into the minigen and was put off by it being 14.5mm vs 16 (i'd rather have that hole totally flushed out). Couldn't find info on the battery type for the microstick, 18350… but can i use protected batteries on it?
  8. I have a little super shorty one that i'll use - but the profile of yours is way nicer Ordered that bad boy and managed to nab a Spheroid from vapourart. Girlfriend is going to be pissed
  9. Microstick from mini-ecig.com Now hunting for a no-fuss atomizer to compliment it
  10. In my never-ending quest to find the smallest setup, I came across the microstick. Only problem is it only fits devices under 16mm in diameter, which is pretty small. So I wonder, anyone know what would work with it? Not keen on getting into building coils yet, so would rather use prefabbed stuff like clearos/RDAs with prefabbed coils/tanks. I hunted around but madvapes for example don't show dimensions on everything. What I've found so far (includes non prefab type stuff): Boge F15 carto tank Hellfire mini Sophia with mini tank Spheroid mini pro tank with tatroe bottom cap
  11. Is this available from any US sites - and is it only for tanks or does it work on its own? Seems like a really nice and slim bit of kit. Been trying to find an atomizer no bigger than a carto in diameter and this looks great, although i fear only for tanks http://eliquidbar.com/shop/gv-sofia-σοφια-rba-atomizer-by-leo-detail
  12. Ever had English bacon? Hard to find over here but worth the hunt. Different cut, different taste.
  13. No way... Cheers I'll check that out
  14. Horses for courses; I moved to nyc from the south a few years ago and would never go back. Only thing I miss? Biscuits and gravy!
  15. I tried 3 alien vapors.. Bobas, red box full and super skunk. All have a certain spice to them I don't like; might need to steep a while though. Super skunk tastes more like low grade back yard weed at the moment
  16. Managed to nab a bottle of Pluid, came today. Good stuff but loses its wow factor after a little bit. Will vape some lesser stuff in between to keep it interesting.
  17. Where are you guys ordering Murdocks from - vapingwatch? ---nevermind - should've read the first post!
  18. Has anyone come across an all-in-one (batt + tank + carto, only drip tip protrudes ala Billetbox) mini box mod?
  19. I thought battery size (400, 650, 1000mah etc) was merely the capacity of the battery... why do low resistance items need a higher mah battery?
  20. Ah. I'm not so bothered about a battery exploding during charging, more so it blowing up in my face during usage. But as far as I can tell the people that occurred to were stacking/using them in ways not intended, is that right? I need this info to stop my girl worrying. If she had her way I'd have a bullet proof glass shield in between the battery and cart. tldr: pairing the wrong carto/clearo etc with the wrong batt is not dangerous?
  21. Well I'd read about mini 510 batts exploding with certain cartos and got paranoid about my setup. The combo works great so far Why exactly causes batteries to go berserk? Just so I know what not to do
  22. After a few days of adventure I ended up with a 350mah and 400mah mini ego batteries, Kanger T3S with 2.2 & 1.8 heads, Boge Cartos, and a Vision Nano Clearomiser. The t3s produces a massive amount of vapor, shame it tastes like crap even after messing with the wick/rubber bung. The cartos weren't much better - reminded me of the disposable ecigs I tried years back. Oddly enough the Nano that was bought mistakenly thinking it'd work with an eRoll is the best of the bunch. At the back of my mind I wasn't looking forward to its delivery, thinking it a waste of money that'd just sit in a draw, so that was nice. Wonder what next week will bring
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