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Drewet88 got a reaction from spydre in Getting rid of the Pluid smell?
I've seen them on the kanger website before but I only saw packs of 100 for $10.00
Edit: found these too 5 for $1.00 http://www.sun-vapers.com/buy/o-rings-for-rdas-and-protanks-5-pieces/
Hope that's what you're looking for.
Drewet88 got a reaction from spydre in Kanger AeroTank (got mine yesterday)
I pesonally didn't have any problems with my KP2 besides the airhole issues. I just seen a lot of postings (not just on this forum) about small issues that many people had with theirs. I only had one problem with mine and it was an airhole issue that is taken care of now. I like how the entire tank can be taken apart for cleaning, my KPmini broke the other day (apparantly they don't bounce just glad I had another one) and there was nothing to save since its just one solid piece but I kept the base (I have no idea what I'll do with it).
I personally like Kangers but I haven't tried any other brand so I have no idea if I'm missing anything. I never had anything survive a vodka soak so Pluid must be a STRONG smell, maybe another Vodka soak before putting it back together.
In other news I can't wait to see the final AeroTank in person. HnyBear you are so lucky, have you done work with Kanger before to make them choose you?
Drewet88 got a reaction from HelloMiakoda in Fake Batteries
Oops I must've missed that part, in my defense I watched it at 5am when I probably should've been sleeping. I'm glad more and more reputable vape stores have been opening near me...
Drewet88 reacted to Uma in Smoking kills, & so might...
ECig Regulating.
By Dr. Ross
"Effectively excluding e-cigarettes from the market via stringent regulation would have the effect of killing smokers and protecting cigarette and pharmaceutical markets. E-cigarettes, a far safer form of nicotine delivery, should not be submitted to tougher regulation than cigarettes.
Americans should not have to die from misguided regulation."
The entire article is quotable.
Drewet88 reacted to Uma in Under Seige
The towns, cities, states, and countries are under seige. There's too many at a time to post about here. Please visit ECF legislature sub forum to keep abreast, and also please join CASAA.org for info. Even CASAA has their hands full trying to keep abreast.
ECF http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/legislation-news/
A few of the many facing threats:
Beverly Hills
Your town USA & not so USA
Watch your local towns, cities, city council agenda announcements. They are sneaking in meetings with just a few days notice, called "emergency" meetings.
Why are they doing this? Namely 3 main reasons, all of them centered around money.
1. TSET (tobacco settlement endowment trust like http://www.ok.gov/tset/Grants/) whose smoke money is dwindling extremely fast as more and more smokers switch to vaping. Their programs are under threat of becoming extinct. Their pockets are drying up. The TSET divvies the money up amongst various "health" groups, such as ACA, ALA, ETC, towards tobacco control programs.
2. Smoke tax money is dwindling for the states. The states rely on smoke taxes, gas taxes, carbon taxes, etc, but the money coming in from smoke tax has extremely reduced because of the eCigs popularity. The Attorney Generals of each greedy state are trying desperately to ban the eCig, if they can't be taxed like smokes, which is why they demonize them, to prep for excessive taxes. Until they can tax them the same, they want them completely banned, to force smokers to smoke and keep the tax money rolling in. It's their cash cow, and the cow is drying up.
3. Big Pharma is also showing losses on their smoking cessation products, along with the products associated with smoking. (Allergy pills, cough Meds, etc). Companies, such as the Chantix company, are even going so far as to promote Nicotine Free world instead of smoke free world. Why? Because they promote quitting nicotine without using nicotine. Chantix is owned by Pfizer, pfizer is owned by Johnson & Johnson, Johnson & Johnson is owned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The RWF is a foundation which gives grants to towns, cities, universities, etc, towards a nicotine free world.
4. Many of these greedy politicians, cities, are vying for grants and bonuses, smoke tax, from all of the above.
TSET, for example, has been rumored to promote 3 levels of grants, and if a city also bans eCigs, they will receive all 3 levels of grant money. (Bronze, silver, gold).
All these towns are reaching for quick financial rewards, that will dry up quickly, instead of taking their power back. They could easily fix their broken bank accounts by rolling back regulations, taxes, and more. Giving power back to individual business owners, giving spending money back to the working man by not taxing him to death, and so much more. Reason.com recently released a powerful article, explaining just this. http://reason.com/archives/2013/12/03/fixing-california-freer-markets-and-fewe
Please, jump in, visit the Legislature sub forum daily, write your congressman, city councils, sign petitions, join the Twitter bombs, ... There is a LOT each of us can do to save our right to vape.
Many of us have been doing outstanding jobs of fighting the fight, and a huge cyber hug isn't big enough to show us all the appreciation felt by every Vaper out there.
Others don't realize there is a dire fight going on. Hence the reason for this thread.
There is zero time to waste.
Let's fill this thread with the studies that prove eCigs are safer than smokes, minors are not becoming addicted to nicotine like the professional fear mongers say they do (this one is so dam laughable. Hookah pens, popular amongst curious minors, are ZERO NIC, so please, tell us again how vaping zero nic addicts people to nic).
Refutes and debunks, all needed here. A library of truths, a quick reference.
Let's get 'er done.
Drewet88 got a reaction from Tam in First ECBlend order arrived :)
Cool I had Fuzion, and Vape Dudes on my list of places to try but it looks like Vapor Room will get added and probably leap frogged to the front of the line (can't beat free juice). I just realized that the free juices I got from ECB has 0 nicotine but thats okay its just to see if I want to buy the flavors.
I've had dragons blood before and according to their menu that they included with my package dragons tear is just dragons blood with strawberry added so I'm sure that will be delicious too. I have the mind bender sitting in a tank right now (waiting for the wicks to saturate) like I said theres no nicotine so I'll be vaping it just for flavor so I hope its good *fingers crossed*.
I'm going to hop on these other places website so I can start searching, who knows I'll probably end up ordering way more juice than I need but it seems like a good thing to have on hand just in case. I just tried the strawberry shortcake and I can say I'm not a fan but I'll let it steep for a few weeks and see if it gets any better, if not I'm sure I can find someone that would like it. I also have a kettle corn, sounded good when I ordered it but the smell is so strong that I haven't opened it yet (whole room smells like kettle corn) I'll let that one steep too and hope some of the smell goes away.
Thanks for your input
EDIT: Just googled vapor room lol not what I was expecting to put in my vape but good to see they deliver. I have to remember to add "the" to vaporroom.com or you end up somewhere completely different.
Drewet88 got a reaction from ChrisP in First ECBlend order arrived :)
My first online order finally arrived from ECBlend. I'm still new to full time vaping even though I had my equiptment for a while and I've just been buying my e liquid locally for almost $10 for 5ml, then I found this forum and realized that I could purchase it online. ECBlend was recommended to me in a different thread that I started and I have to say I am very pleased.
I ordered a total of 5 different flavors with different base mixes and in different sizes and the only downside was waiting for it to arrive. It wouldn't have been hard if I liked either of the two flavors I bought to wait for them to arrive.
Well to make a long story short I realized while reading through their website that I would have to wait for everything to steep after they arrived because they were mixed fresh. Well the package arrived (a day early) and they included a few free gifts; a free friend tip, and two different juices dragon's tears and mind bender and it says both say they were premixed and steeped already so I have something delicious to vape while I wait.
Very happy right now, I planned on trying other companies just to see what other options were out there while I wait but I'm very happy with ECBlends right now.
Anyone want to share some happy stories about places they're ordered from so I can see if I should still shop around or just be happy with this company. I plan on making another order in a week or two just so I can start having a constant supply of steeped liquids so recommendations are welcome as well. I figured this is kind of a random post but I'm just a well satisfied customer seeing if theres other places that make people this happy.
Drewet88 got a reaction from Tam in First ECBlend order arrived :)
My first online order finally arrived from ECBlend. I'm still new to full time vaping even though I had my equiptment for a while and I've just been buying my e liquid locally for almost $10 for 5ml, then I found this forum and realized that I could purchase it online. ECBlend was recommended to me in a different thread that I started and I have to say I am very pleased.
I ordered a total of 5 different flavors with different base mixes and in different sizes and the only downside was waiting for it to arrive. It wouldn't have been hard if I liked either of the two flavors I bought to wait for them to arrive.
Well to make a long story short I realized while reading through their website that I would have to wait for everything to steep after they arrived because they were mixed fresh. Well the package arrived (a day early) and they included a few free gifts; a free friend tip, and two different juices dragon's tears and mind bender and it says both say they were premixed and steeped already so I have something delicious to vape while I wait.
Very happy right now, I planned on trying other companies just to see what other options were out there while I wait but I'm very happy with ECBlends right now.
Anyone want to share some happy stories about places they're ordered from so I can see if I should still shop around or just be happy with this company. I plan on making another order in a week or two just so I can start having a constant supply of steeped liquids so recommendations are welcome as well. I figured this is kind of a random post but I'm just a well satisfied customer seeing if theres other places that make people this happy.
Drewet88 got a reaction from Uma in Question about testing ohms
Thanks Uma, I remember reading the lavatube I have has safety protection but I might use a meter too and play it safe
Drewet88 reacted to pdoan2006 in New to vaping and this forum.
Rebuild materials:
- TEMCo (I buy both resistance and non resistance wire here. Have flat ribbon too. Super cheap)
Wick and mesh:
- The House of Vapor (best price I have found for Silica wick, good price for SS mesh)
- PBDragon