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Everything posted by Drewet88

  1. I wish I could've grown my own, I would've saved so much money (which I have little of) and wasted some extra time (which I have to much of). I don't know where you're getting your amazing quality from but I wish I was there lol. I haven't tried DIY liquid yet but I did plan on it one day... I don't know what it is but I feel bad when I throw away a used coil knowing it could be salvaged and reused. With my new current coil I'm enjoying some tasty honeydew and life is good, until my anatomy final Wednesday.... Good to know about the batteries, I didn't order anything from them yet, I'll just grab batteries from a local supplier. I buy the replacement heads I seem to have bad luck with them. About 1/3rd of them do not work out of the box, sometimes the store honors a replacement sometimes they don't it just depends on the employee working at the time. I just purchased a 5 pack and so far so good and delicious. I'll keep trying to build my own coils because I heard many people say they get more flavor after a little trial and error to find that sweet spot. That and I'm accumulating a lot of dead coils in a jar that I can't bring myself to throw away. Thanks again. O and the 5 pack cost me $15 a way better deal, I'm glad I checked out the new vapor spot but I don't think they're KPT heads because they don't say the ohms on the side like the others I've purchased but they work. EDIT: they're EVOD heads not KPT. I think I'll just order replacement heads online instead of the store since my local shops seem to be expensive for coils and juice. I already order all my flavors online it's only a few more clicks to add on coils..
  2. Slightly long post summary of questions at the bottom.... So after many attempts at rebuilding a protank coil I started getting the hang of it but I continue to have a few problems. My voltage jumps around on the ones I get to actually read a voltage, and I still either wrap the wire to tight or to loose. (I'm using 32 AWG Kanthal wire and 2.5mm silica wick). I only ordered a few feet of both and after all my mistakes I'm our of wire (still have plenty of wick). I can't find a local supplier for either yet so I was searching online and found kits that are ready to use on fasttech. Has anyone ever bought goonk brand rebuildable atomizers from fasttech sku # 1464502? It is 50 replacement wicks with the wire already wrapped around it for the price of what I pay for 1 replacement coil locally. They say 2.0 ohm, silica wick, and nickel-chromium wire (it doesn't state the gauge of the wire). I have no experience with that type of wire but the reviews are good but I trust the opinion of the people on this forum more. If it is a good option I may just order 2 packs, I'm also ordering another battery from them and possibly more wire and wick to continue trying to build my own. I'm currently vaping on a coil I built but I choked the wick and had to turn the rubber grommet upside down to allow enough juice to the wick to not get a burning taste but it doesn't have the flavor I would expect from a new coil and I really want to taste my new flavors. Summary..... I suck at building coils. The product I'm looking at is on the fast tech website SKU #1464502. I'll be wasting another $10 tomorrow to buy a couple of coils. If it is a good item to purchase it will also be xmas gifts for a few friends so they don't have to continue to buy coils as well. If no one has any idea about them I"ll purchase them and let the forums know about my experience whenever they arrive. EDIT: I'm using a lava tube and the batteries it came with are 18650v. On the website they have 18650v and 18650vv I'm guessing the vv means variable voltage, which I do believe the lava tube is, should I purchase the v or the vv? Thanks in advance ~Drew~
  3. I've been debating trying something from the vapor room or reordering some of these 5ml bottles I bought in bigger sizes. I'll most likely order from the vapor room and just make a mental note to reorder some of the dragons series and some mind bender. I'm on a new hunt to find something I like that isn't so sweet, still looking for something I can vape all day but I do enjoy changing flavors 2-3 a day.
  4. Well I can say there are plenty of juices that I haven't steeped before but thats because I didn't know that was a thing. The only thing I thought when I found out about steeping was "it gets better" which is a good thing for some but I was having a hard time waiting that long so I went ahead and did a big order (big to me) to make sure some make it to steeped age. I never steeped my dragons juices before but now I'm making sure the rest of this dragons steeps and since it has no nicotine I might order another bottle depending on how much better it gets. So far I have no complaints about any flavor but the mind bender and my only complaint is that its gone lol. Thats definately getting reordered one day after I shop around a little bit. ~Drew~ P.S. I also tried my hand at rebuilding a coil and got a 0.1 so I tried again and got 0.4. I must be shorting it somewhere, guess I'll go a little slower and find my mistake.
  5. Cool I had Fuzion, and Vape Dudes on my list of places to try but it looks like Vapor Room will get added and probably leap frogged to the front of the line (can't beat free juice). I just realized that the free juices I got from ECB has 0 nicotine but thats okay its just to see if I want to buy the flavors. I've had dragons blood before and according to their menu that they included with my package dragons tear is just dragons blood with strawberry added so I'm sure that will be delicious too. I have the mind bender sitting in a tank right now (waiting for the wicks to saturate) like I said theres no nicotine so I'll be vaping it just for flavor so I hope its good *fingers crossed*. I'm going to hop on these other places website so I can start searching, who knows I'll probably end up ordering way more juice than I need but it seems like a good thing to have on hand just in case. I just tried the strawberry shortcake and I can say I'm not a fan but I'll let it steep for a few weeks and see if it gets any better, if not I'm sure I can find someone that would like it. I also have a kettle corn, sounded good when I ordered it but the smell is so strong that I haven't opened it yet (whole room smells like kettle corn) I'll let that one steep too and hope some of the smell goes away. Thanks for your input ~Drew~ EDIT: Just googled vapor room lol not what I was expecting to put in my vape but good to see they deliver. I have to remember to add "the" to vaporroom.com or you end up somewhere completely different.
  6. My first online order finally arrived from ECBlend. I'm still new to full time vaping even though I had my equiptment for a while and I've just been buying my e liquid locally for almost $10 for 5ml, then I found this forum and realized that I could purchase it online. ECBlend was recommended to me in a different thread that I started and I have to say I am very pleased. I ordered a total of 5 different flavors with different base mixes and in different sizes and the only downside was waiting for it to arrive. It wouldn't have been hard if I liked either of the two flavors I bought to wait for them to arrive. Well to make a long story short I realized while reading through their website that I would have to wait for everything to steep after they arrived because they were mixed fresh. Well the package arrived (a day early) and they included a few free gifts; a free friend tip, and two different juices dragon's tears and mind bender and it says both say they were premixed and steeped already so I have something delicious to vape while I wait. Very happy right now, I planned on trying other companies just to see what other options were out there while I wait but I'm very happy with ECBlends right now. Anyone want to share some happy stories about places they're ordered from so I can see if I should still shop around or just be happy with this company. I plan on making another order in a week or two just so I can start having a constant supply of steeped liquids so recommendations are welcome as well. I figured this is kind of a random post but I'm just a well satisfied customer seeing if theres other places that make people this happy. ~Drew~
  7. At first I was using the 1.8 coil that came with my protank 2 but I couldn't taste my apple candy from vaporall anymore (tasted fine the day before but that was in my mini protank), since it was the only flavor I had on me that day I continued to vape it so I wouldn't grab an analog. When I got home I took out that coil thinking it was burnt and put in a 2.5, same problem so I switched to my mini (which was full of mango) and it was fine for about 5 mins then I couldn't taste that either . So then I cleaned out the protank 2 and refilled it with pineapple and I refilled the mini with some Dragons Passion and I let them sit all night I haven't tried to vape it yet. The more I tried the worse things tasted (besides those few minutes after I ate a bowl of grapes) so I just wrote that last post and retired for the night. It was probably vapors tongue because I was studying a lot yesterday (hours and hours) and vaping throughout the entire study session and it was the same flavor all day. My vape is sitting next to me and I just had a cup of coffee so I'll test it right now............ The Dragons Passion taste is better but I still don't feel like it tastes like it should, I still can't taste the pineapple but I only have these fruity flavors to test from I probably need something stronger to wake up my tastebuds. I'll just grab some menthol juice and maybe one of those disposable atomizers for the next day or so. O yeah and all of my juices are currently 60pg/40vg the other ratios haven't came yet but I'm hoping this taste problem is gone before they arrive, order status is still awaiting shipment so I should have some time to battle this problem.
  8. Thanks again forgot yesterday was a holiday so I guess my package will be put in the mail today. I will definitely be picking up an ohm meter so I can rebuild these heads and see if I can get some more flavor out of my protank, I'll be going to the store today to pick up some EVOD coils to see if I can notice a difference because the replacement heads that came with my tank don't seem to taste right but it could just be my tastebuds. Worst case scenario I just have more heads to rebuild which just means more replacements waiting for me. ~Drew~
  9. That wouldn't matter to much with vv right? I think it's less wraps lower resistance don't quote me on that I'll have to watch a few more youtubes before I attempt my first one.
  10. Nice. My order won't be shipped until tomorrow. When I tap the power on button (not the fire button) it tells me the ohms. Congrats. Hopefully I do it correctly too. I only have 2 replacement left until I have to buy more unless my package comes. I'll probably just grab a 5 pack just in case. I'd hate to run out.
  11. Thanks Uma, I remember reading the lavatube I have has safety protection but I might use a meter too and play it safe
  12. Thanks for the info I had just purchased some silica wick and wire from eBay but I will still look into these sites and see what they have. SS mesh I see people talk about it all the time still unsure what it is but I'll try a simple rebuild before I start trying new things. 1 step at a time lol.
  13. I am going to have to dedicate a liquid spot where we can all set our flavors. There are already a few flavors that I know I'm going to buy the big bottles of and I was just wondering about storage and now I'm learning about seeping, I have never purposely let anything seep before so thats another new thing for me. This forums has made me realize how much the local smoke shop doesn't know lol. Yes I am seeing backups are a necessity, I just bought my mom and girlfriend different eGo pens (1 twist and 1 plain eGo) and they love them so I know I need even more backup parts now just so they don't use a mishap as an excuse to go back to analogs. My house smells delicious with everyone vaping lol. I am going to get more tanks and eventually more pens but slowly because I see how easy it is to turn this into an expensive hobby. Yea I probably used the coil longer than the norm and I tasted the burnt taste for a day or two before I changed it out. (Had an extra coil the whole time just never realized it was sitting in the box). When I changed it I realized how nasty the other coil had gotten but I blamed the liquid because it darkened and I didn't know they did that over time. (5ml of skittles wasted btw, i poured it out thinking I stored it wrong). I ordered from ECBlend this time and I'll be looking at different places real soon. I have 2 other people to stock up so I think the collection will be nice real soon.
  14. I see we're in the same boat I would think we should be able to use it that way but I just wanted to be safe and check. I can get my hands on a meter if I really needed to but I was just wondering if fthat would be a safe way of checking. I'll probably just play it safe, check with a voltmeter and then see if it matches what my lt reads. I still have to wait for the new wick and wire to get here so I have a little over a week of just watching youtubes etc.
  15. I currently have a lava tube V2 and when I screw in an atty it tells me the resistance of it. So far it seems pretty accurate I've only seen it off about .1 from what the atty said it should've been at that may have been the atty. To make a long story short I just ordered some silica wick and twine and will be attempting my first rebuild. Can I just screw my finished product into my lt and assume that the resistance reading is correct? Sorry if this is a stupid question I just don't want to mess up my lt doing something stupid. It is currently my only vv device but I will be shopping around for something new soon since I seem to be the only person on the forum with only one pen. I just bought a second pro tank because I realized I was the only one without a backup as well. Never thought about it breaking but if it did I would be pissed so backups are a good idea. Thanks in advance ~Drew~
  16. Thanks for the info, I just ordered a few juices that seemed good in different ratios. I read the PG is the throat hit and the VG is the vapor. I'm currently vaping 60/40 PG/VG (I never tried a different ratio before) so I ordered some in that ratio, 50/50 and 40/60. I'm looking for less of a throat hit so I can vape all day I may even get a few 0mg just to vape for flavor but that will be after I find a ration I like. Thanks for the tips on gurgling, I'll add some napkins and maybe even a pipe cleaner to my carry case. Just ordered some 3mm silica wire and it came with some free wire so I'll get to attempt my first rebuild soon. P.S. I also learned that the smoke shop I go to charges the same price for a 5ml bottle that ECBlend charges for 30ml. I feel like I've been getting ripped off lol especially considering that I've been buying a lot of bottles trying out all of their flavors. I'll probably still buy from them occasionally but I ordered a good supply so I'll be set in a week or two. ~Drew~
  17. I got her a normal ego (non variable voltage) she's using the clear atomizer that came with it. It is a top wicking system so I'll look for a bottom one for her or give her my mini pro tank since I just got a myself a pro tank 2. I decided to keep it as simple as possible for her so she wouldn't get frustrated and go back to analogs. She used it for 5mins and loved it so I'm sure with a better tank she'll be extremely happy. I still have to get one for my girlfriend but I'm going to take her with me and let her pick her own so I have no idea what she'll grab but I know it will be "cute" lol. I'll probably let them buy their own tanks really because I want to start carrying different flavors without having to dump and clean a tank every time. My new pro tank is great (and I even forgot to take out the flavor wick). It also came with 2 heads 1.8 & 2.5, I'm using the 1.8 right now but I don't think it really matters much when used with VV. But at least I have extra heads for when I attempt to rebuild my first one. I seen on youtube that some people just dry burn the coil clean and put a new wick over it without recoiling anything does that also work or is recoiling the best option? Now I just have to expand my flavors so I can have more options.
  18. Thanks for the help I'll search through those sites and make an order of some juices. I want the order to be worth waiting for so I'll have to pick up 1 or 2 bottles.... yea right I'm going to order like 5 and be set for a while. 5ml of juice doesn't take that long to go through a protank. Does anyone here refrigerate their e juice or do you just leave it next to your vape pen like I do? I was told you're supposed to refridgerate them but they're always just sitting on a shelf in stores so I like to keep it close. ~Drew~ P.S. I found the edit button yay!
  19. Thanks for the reply, I just looked them up and they seem like something she would like. I'm going to go to my local smoke shop and see how much they cost there. I looked at them both on myvape store and the price is nice but I only wait on shipping when I have too. I have to get my girlfriend one as well so maybe I'll grab one of each, as long as they can use the same atomizers I'll be fine even if they don't I'll be fine as long as rebuilding it is the same steps.
  20. Hello everyone! I currently have a lava tube v1 and I really enjoy and showed my mom whose been smoking analogs on and off for as long as I can remember (20+ years). She liked the idea; no smell, no buying packs of cigarettes every other day (I think shes at almost a pack a day) and for the last 2 weeks shes been using the Blu menthol e-cig and she really likes it. I want to get her something that she wouldn't have to continue buying disposable e-cigs and could just clean and refill. I just want to make sure it has an "Ego thread" like my lava tube so I can always have a couple of extra coils laying around when I need to rebuild hers. (I never rebuilt one before but I'll be practicing on one of my extra coils soon). I don't think she cares if its variable voltage or not but if she doesn't like it would become my backup pen. I currently use a Kanger mini V1 if that matters. Thanks in advance ~Drew~
  21. I didn't see an edit button so I hope no one gets upset at the back to back post. I'm so happy I never threw away my mini protank box because I never realized it came with another coil. So now I'm going to visit my neighborhood smoke shop and see if I can get some items. I still don't know what size wire and wick to get because so many people are using differnt sizes depending on their preferance. Any suggestions? I mostly smoke cigarillos and have cut back to one a day but I could easily vape all day if I could get clean flavor and thick smoke allday. I don't find the pull of the protank to "airy" as I've seen many people call it and if I can find the items I need I'll attempt a rebuild tomorrow and possibly grab another tank so I can carry different flavors without having to dump my leftovers. ~Drew P.S. where does everyone get their e liquids? I've noticed that ever since I've switched to the mini pro the juice goes faster but I also started buying my juice from a new local source because I wanted 6mg and the place with thicker liquid only went down to 12mg.
  22. Hello everyone this is my first post and sorry if its too long. The only pen I currently own is a lava tube I've had it for about a year. For the longest I only used the atomizer that came with it, I still have it but I didn't like the way it would come apart and spill if I wasn't careful so I went and bought a Kanger mini pro tank, the difference was amazing I wish I bought it sooner. Last night it started tasting burnt and I had noticed that my clear e-liquid was turning dark brown, its 60%PG 40%VG if that matters. I searched google for a quick solution (stores were closed or i would've bought a new coil) and I found out how to "dry burn" the coil clean and I removed the flavor wick. It was the best smoke I've ever had great taste and a lot of vapor. While I searched around the forums more I learned that the gurgling and small amounts of E juice that would get into the mouthpiece weren't normal. I thought it was a normal occurrence and just got used to hitting it softly so it wouldn't happen. Then I read about someone recoiling their pro tank with a larger wick and they said it took care of the gurgle and improved smoke quality even more. I watched a youtube video about it and it does look easy but I don't want to mess anything up. Can anyone tell me a good place to buy the recoiling material online (I've found a few places but I do not know who is reputable), or is it something that I can find in a store? I only have one tank besides the original that came with it. Should I have more than one? Is there anything else that I can do to improve the smoke, it is already great but if I can fix the gurgle so I can go back to taking good sized hits that would be nice. I have a billion more questions but they aren't that important. ~Drew
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