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Everything posted by Drewet88

  1. I've seen them on the kanger website before but I only saw packs of 100 for $10.00 Edit: found these too 5 for $1.00 http://www.sun-vapers.com/buy/o-rings-for-rdas-and-protanks-5-pieces/ Hope that's what you're looking for.
  2. I pesonally didn't have any problems with my KP2 besides the airhole issues. I just seen a lot of postings (not just on this forum) about small issues that many people had with theirs. I only had one problem with mine and it was an airhole issue that is taken care of now. I like how the entire tank can be taken apart for cleaning, my KPmini broke the other day (apparantly they don't bounce just glad I had another one) and there was nothing to save since its just one solid piece but I kept the base (I have no idea what I'll do with it). I personally like Kangers but I haven't tried any other brand so I have no idea if I'm missing anything. I never had anything survive a vodka soak so Pluid must be a STRONG smell, maybe another Vodka soak before putting it back together. In other news I can't wait to see the final AeroTank in person. HnyBear you are so lucky, have you done work with Kanger before to make them choose you?
  3. Order arrived today (took forever I ordered them on the 4th but I'm not surprised it is the holidays), the coils come wrapped around a wick I'm estimating its the diameter of the standard wick used when buying new coils. The wick is much longer than it needs to be but that was a good thing, I just cut off the excess and used it as flavor wick. When I put it together and it read 2.8 ohms but I think I may have accidentally added a wrap when I was putting the coil together so its probably meant to be 2.5 but close enough. After letting the wick soak up some of the juice I've been vaping for the last few days I took my first hit and tasted machine oil or some other type of factory taste regardless it wasn't the fruit smoothy I've been vaping. I forgot to torch the wick and wire to remove the residue which messed up my first test. On my second attempt it read out at 2.6 and after doing my best to remove residue from the set up I have to say it tastes like a stock coil, not any worse or better but I only got to test two out of 50. And one of those tests were negated by my mess ups. Since I've ordered these I've gotten much better at building my own coils and the setup I use seems to be more flavorful than stock but I would say these are a good buy for someone who doesn't want to build their own coils but wants to try and save a few pennies. I'll keep this box and use them when i don't have the time to build a coil and if I get through a good amount of them I'll order another box. To sum it up they aren't worse than stock IMO but they also aren't better. They make it feel like a new coil out of the package but I still prefer my own personal rebuilds over these. I would buy them again if needed and they are being added to my box of extra equipment. EDIT: If you order these just remember to take a lighter to them or soak them in Vodka etc. to remove the impurities in the wick so you don't get a mouth full of factory oil vapor like I did.
  4. That sucks from what I read a lot of ppl didn't like the KP2 because of its many issues, maybe I just got lucky and recieved a problem free tank. Its to bad because a bad product can stop many people from trying any other products from a company. I would sell it or give it away and get something I could use, it would suck for that to be your backup tank it you had to use it for some reason. (But I'm sure you have plenty of tanks).
  5. Dual coil? Can it still be rebuilt and could I put normal KP coils in there if I wanted? I had the same problem with the KP2 on my lavatube but it fires fine on my Vamo and I love it. I think the LT was blocking the air holes on the 2. I've only had a kp2 and a kp mini, if its an upgrade to the kp2 I'll give it a shot since I'm already in the market for more tanks.
  6. I have always had good service with ecblendflavors.com. Sometimes they add in freebies (juices, friend tips, etc.) and they have 20% off until New Years. The code for their discount is on their homepage. I also ordered from a few of the other bigger online retailers and had no complaints, I just like the flavors and delivery time (less than a week to California).
  7. O I just remembered theres another vapor store that I used to frequent before I started ordering my juices online. They have good chargers and batteries so I might just go up there, bite the bullet and buy both today. I'll at least check out prices and see what they have to say about this battery I bought. If the brands they have are also generic or off brand I'll just skip them and order online.
  8. Okay I was in the market for a new charger anyway because I got tired of waiting for 1 battery to charge at a time. I'll look at a few of the chargers you suggested and see which one I like and auto shutoff is a must. lol I wouldn't be surprised but I was hoping to avoid that by buying from a local Vape shop. Maybe they got hustled as well, (they do have a big box of them). I could always just go there and return the battery (I hope) and if they don't accept the return or exchange then I'd know how they do business. I got the battery at a local vape shop that just opened a couple of weeks ago. The charger I do not know it was the one that came with my lava tube a few years ago. Yep I just looked at it again, there is no branding on the battery whatsoever and I'm not going to keep putting it on the charger until I know it won't blow up in my face.
  9. Hey everyone I searched around the forums and google but couldn't find an answer to my question. I just recently purchased a 18350 battery (blue with no writing on it) for my Vamo so I could start using it in shorty mode. Out of curiosity before I put it on the charger I used my voltmeter and it read 0.2. I put in in my charger (a generic one without a model on it that came with my lava tube V2) and it instantly turned green. I waited about 5 minutes and decided to take it off the charger because i didn't know why it was turning green instantly. After waiting a few minutes I metered it again and it read 0.5 so it was charging the battery but I didn't want to blow the battery up. I was wondering if there was a test I could do to see if the battery is bad so I could know if I need to take it back to the store before I bought a newer charger and had the same issue. I read that the smaller battery needs spaces to charge on some chargers but all of the ones I seen online were made for specific chargers and mine has no branding on it. My current charger only has its ratings on the back it says Input voltage: 4.2V DC 450mA/750mA/900mA. Since it is a generic charger and the batteries that came with it were Dishy brand 18650 I wouldn't mind buying a new charger that can charge more than 1 battery at a time. The only other suggestion someone gave me was buy another 18350 and stack them in the charger, that didn't seem like a good idea to me but I could be wrong. Any help is appreciated ~Drew~
  10. Same here. Every since I started using the technique mentioned earlier in this thread I've been building coils that I am very happy with. Now I just have to start buying more wire and wick online because the only store around me that has it locally sells the wire at $10 a ft. same price for the wick. Its much cheaper on eBay and even cheaper if I buy them both separately in higher quantities online. The kit I ordered from fasttech still hasn't arrived yet but it just made it to the states on friday and should be here within the next two days so after it arrives I will post about the quality of the coils.
  11. Cool my Vamo arrived today, after using my mini pro on it all day I decided to try my KPT 2 on it. I haven't noticed the center pin getting pushed down but I only tighten it until its snug. The KPT 2 worked great, none of the problems I had with it on my LT. On my LT I had to back the KPT 2 off so far it was super loose or it blocked the breather holes. With the Vamo I can tighten it until its snug and still get a good draw from it, now I can stop refilling the mini so often. I am also enjoying the variable wattage option and have been playing around with it all day. The LT is now in the drawer waiting to be called upon again...it's always fun to have a new toy. EDIT: the answer to the poll is everything's fine, no attachment needed.
  12. Bad aftertaste could be many things. Have u tried a new coil to rule out that possibility?
  13. Oops I must've missed that part, in my defense I watched it at 5am when I probably should've been sleeping. I'm glad more and more reputable vape stores have been opening near me...
  14. Wow... I almost bought some batteries off eBay yesterday but I'm glad I didn't. I'll just pay a little extra and get them locally. Did u order it yourself? If so can you name the seller so we all know to never buy from them?
  15. If it matters I like the draw on my mini pro. Never got my Protank 2 to work properly unless I used someone's ego battery so I'm guessing its an airflow issue on it. I'll wait until the Vamo arrives i should get a tracking number tomorrow to see how it goes. Hopefully it works out fine and no extras are needed but if so I'll get an airflow controller or see if one of the vape shops around here will drill a bigger hole, or sell it and try a different brand.
  16. I've tried a couple, neither tasted like red bull and I gave up trying. I have tasted some just called energy drink I think it was ECBlends it was the closest I've found but that was many bottles of juice ago and it could've been from any of the many places I've tried in the last few months. Sorry not much help here.
  17. I just ordered a Vamo V2 and it will hopefully be here within the week. I just wanted to use the poll feature so I added one. I have a mini protank which has Ego threads and a protank 2 which has 510 threads. I read that the Vamo can take either threads but that its made out of weaker metal and its easy to strip out the 510 threads. Of course I read this after I ordered it but they said to buy a 510 to 510 connecter and the problem would be solved. I haven't been using my protank 2 because my Lavatube wouldn't take a draw when it was screwed in all the way and when I backed it off enough to get a draw it was very loose. Would an airflow controller fix the issue of weak threads and make sure I'm able to use my Protank 2? If not I'll most likely get rid of my Protank 2 and get something different since it just sits there looking pretty and unused. On a side note I can't wait to retire my LT and start breaking in my new toy.
  18. I tried editing my post but it didn't go through... For anyone that may read this having the same problem it was my rubber grommet under the center post. It had worn down over the year(s) of use and heavy use over the last few months since i joined this forum. I think it was juice leaking down there and possibly eating away at it. Luckily I had an old atmos laying around that was broken when someone gave it to me. I took the center post out of it and luckily there was a basically brand new grommet laying there. After a little poking around I was able to swap out the grommet and now the post doesn't wiggle at all, its like brand new. I also didn't order the vamo v5 because DHL shipping cost more than the Vamo and I still didn't know if it would actually make it here in a week since it still had to make it thru customs. Instead I ordered a Vamo v2 off of eBay brand new for $30 and the shipper is 6 hrs away so it shouldn't take long for it to get to me assuming it gets mailed tomorrow. I'm sure the Vamo will become my everyday vape since the LT doesn't have the same kick it used too even with fully charged batteries and a new coil but its probably just wear and tear. Plus my chrome finish came off a while ago so it will be nice to have a nice shiny finish again. Hopefully I'm not disappointed in the Vamo because I wouldn't have minded saving $30 but I needed a backup in case anything like this happened again and I like how it can take smaller batteries. In the end its still cheaper than buying packs of analogs every 2 days so I'm happy.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions I like the vamo v5 I've looked at them a couple of times. My friend has one but he uses it with a direct drip atty I'm sure it will still be good with my protanks. I seen a cheap body for one on zainy, I've never ordered from them before but I'll give it a shot after reading a few postings from people saying everything went fine. I'll also be paying a little extra to skip china post and have them deliver it DHL. (I'm still waiting on my fasttech order through china post) My LT is working alright after my "fix" but I rather just replace it and save it as an emergency backup. I'm still looking for another place to order from thats in the U.S. so I don't have to wait a ridiculous time for shipping and have a real backup in case something like this happens again. In the meantime I'll just use my LT, wait on my Vamo, search the internet, and maybe buy an ego twist. The real backup and the ego twist will have to wait until after Xmas. I never realize how much family and friends I have until its time to buy everyone presents.
  20. I bought a vision spinner for my mom a few months ago and she still loves it. I also bought an ego twist for my lady and she also loves it, maybe I'll go ahead and get myself a spinner. I'll try and fix the lavatube if I break it I'll just goto the store and grab a spinner, if I don't break it I'll order my spinner online and save a few dollars. But I must admit I do like having the physically bigger battery just in case I need a weapon or something to throw during road rage jk sorta kinda, but mainly because I feel like I would break the thinner batteries. Lavatube 2.5 its a lot cheaper through that website than it is in person here, its almost half the price. My lavatube did last me a long time with a few small problems I may get another one some day just not today. EDIT: I just fixed my lavatube it wasn't difficult at all. I'm going to go ahead and get myself a spinner passthru for when I'm at home and order a new lavatube battery housing. Now I'm off to do some online searching and see where I can get both of those preferably in the U.S. so I don't have to wait a month for shipping.
  21. I know its late but thanks for the post. I ordered the kit on the 4th since it was so cheap and I wanted to give it a try. I'm still waiting on it to come but when it does I was going to update this thread with my opinion on it. If its good I'll probably order a few more of them so I don't have to wait for shipping when I start running low. I also used Compenstines advice and was able to make a very good 2.1 coil with it. I'm sure with practice it will get much easier and not take 10 minutes. I'm in a good place now; finally figured out how to build a coil, took advantage of the Black Friday sale on ecblends (good supply for at least a month) and I ordered a product that may make it even easier to build a coil.
  22. Hey everyone its me again. I have a problem with my lavatube again I got a lot of play in my center post and it makes my tank wiggle which messes up the connection and changes the voltage constantly. If I hold it perfectly while I take a hit its fine but if I don't it will jump from 1.3 to 2.2 depending on its position. After some searching I see its a common problem and I've even found a fix for it on a different forum that doesn't seem to hard. I'm going to attempt a fix but before I do I wanted to buy a new pen (cheap I just bought all my books for college). I know cheap wont get me the best quality but it would be nice just to have a backup in case I finish off the lavatube trying to repair it. The only requirements I want out of it is vv and that it uses the same type of batteries so my replacements don't go to waste. I do not want to buy another lavatube. After I order a replacement I'll attempt the fix and if it works I'll keep it as a backup. Any suggestions?
  23. True. I know they have more bills to pay with all the merchandise, electricity, employees etc. to pay. Unfortunately I haven't found a local place for wire and they say they won't carry wire or wick anytime soon if ever. They also have something against mods around here (they say its a fad) and no one carries them yet. I'll keep at it, I found some sewing needles so next time I'll try and use one of those. I don't think I'm leaving enough room for the wick to expand so I'm choking out the coil, but I might grab one of the loose ones I built and see how it does with an extra piece of wick on top. It doesn't help that my preferences have changed, at first I wanted more throat hit to help simulate analogs now I want vapor clouds and flavor, I'm getting the clouds I want just not the flavor. I'm sure after a little more practice I'll find that sweet spot. ~Drew~ I just reread your post I understand what you mean now. Make the coil and THEN feed the wick through the coil that's a genius idea. I'll definitely try that next time, I'm sure I can find something to use that's close to my wick size. Play be a small crochet or knitting needle will work if they make them small enough, it would even have a small hook to pull the wick through. Thanks again I really wish I had the material to try right now.
  24. Thanks I just noticed that and have ordered a pack of 1.8ohm, I'll keep practicing and thanks for the link I'm doing the steps right I just have stupid fingers and either make the coils to loose or too tight but I'll get it down soon enough. I'll just start going slower and try and be more careful. Maybe I can just make them loose and buy 1mm wick to use as a flavor wick. I'm starting to think my local shop is hustling its customers but they are more geared towards other smoking items and not vaping supplies. They get their juices from ECBlend and mark up the price a lot and the other one that is a real vape store makes their own juices but they have a small selection of flavors and they are always out of the 2 or 3 flavors that I do like, but they're always willing to mix up a batch for pickup if I'm willing to wait a day or two. There's a couple of shops that I haven't tried yet so I might have to make a trip and check them out.
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