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Everything posted by karbee2

  1. Both the Vamo 3 and the SVD are VV/VW and both perform well. But I still prefer my SVD because it is a little heavier weight making it feel sturdier in my hand. As well there have a few of my tanks that will not attach to my vamo for some unknown reason. For example 2 on my iclear 30's will attach to the vamo but my 3rd one won't
  2. I have a Vamo 3 and an SVD. I love my SVD and use it everyday. THe vamo is ok but I rarely reach for it
  3. Had to switch it up today to one of my fans vapalicious's carmel cap
  4. Earlier I was vaping five pawns "gambit" Super yummy apple pie. YOu taste the apples going in and the pie crust going out!!! Right now I am trying Ms T's banana fosters coffee, haven't decided if I like it or not yet
  5. I teach 8th grade algebra. I can't vape at work but I enjoy that first vape at 2:11 pm everyday
  6. I am hooked!! Vapaliciuos has some outstanding flavors. My husband can't live without his golden gate punch (tastes like old school fruit punch) and ewwwy goowy butter cake (I love this one too!!) I love the thin mint cookie, english toffee and cappy cake. All of their flavors are strong and very flavorful. Totally worth the price and 1 1/2 week wait.
  7. When leaving my e-go twist in August I got a Vamo V3 for 50 and love it. I use it at work everyday. But I also bought an Innokin SVD and it is my absolute favorite right now. I use it at home, out with the kids, at parties, ect... That one was 60. Both are easy to use and very durable. I just like the wieght of my SVD better.
  8. I don't know the ones you list, but I bought 2 kamry 100's for my husband and I. We love our VV/VW but my hubby needed a more durable device for work. He now takes his Kamry that I got for $50 and has dropped off the docks a few times. That thing takes a lickin and keeps on ticking. I can't complain about its performance!!!
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