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  1. i vape niquids smoothall (tastes like a malboro smooth) daily and have never had any issues. It might just be the brand or the tank, not sure
  2. I don't know anything about that mod. But I do know that mu hubby works on the docks and has a tesla. That thing takes a beating and still works perfectly. It looks very manly and can hold up to falling on the docks, off ladders, ect. I think it is like 40 at fast tech
  3. Mrs. T's is great juice but notorious for SLOOOOOOOOOOW service
  4. Five pawns is pricey but well worth the price for a special treat. I love all of their flavors, especially gambit!!!
  5. Probably the best customer service I have had in a long time. When I received my box this last month one of the bottles had a faulty safety cap which then caused it to leak red eliquid all over every bottle in the box. I called and explained this to Chris at zamplebox and told him I don't feel comfortable vaping a product that has been open prior to me getting it and has now contaminated the other bottle. He immediately resent my entire order no questions asked!!!! If you were on the fence about this service I hope this helps
  6. I tend to tape my smoothal (menthol) from niquid early i the morning because it is a little mellower. Once my throat and lungs are ready for a day of vamping I will switch to different flavors.
  7. My husband swear by golden gate punch by vapalicious. You can choose your pg/vg ratio on their site
  8. I love my panasonic 18650's they are the best battery I have used. I have no rattle issues with them at all and they last 2 days for me. I get them off amazon. normally I pay around 30 for 2 batteries. I know it is a little pricey but well worth the money!!!!
  9. My husband and I both vape 12mg. but I always keep a bottle of 18mg smoothal for my stress days. This helps me stay off stinkies and keep vamping even on those rough days
  10. My husband and I both vape in the house and cars. We held off on vamping in front of the kids until we had the ok from my youngest (15 months) respiratory therapist sent a bottle of e liquid to be tested and was able to say that it would not effect her breathing. Now that we have gotten that reassurance we both vape in front of the kids. Though with our older 2 (13 & 15) we have had long discussion about the effects of smoking and vaping
  11. Amazon it is 20 for 2 panasonic 18650. I normally have them within 2-3 of ordering them
  12. on the Iclear 30-b the post has to be tightened just right. if it has any play in it at all it will flood. My hubby had problems with his flooding until he started tightening by the nurling on the post itself
  13. I tape pretty much everywhere except work (I teach middle school). But in public places I try to be discreet and respect those around me. I do have one friend that doesn't like it and has asked that no one tape or smoke around her. So if her and I are going to do something we jut take separate cars.
  14. I love my SID with an Iclear 30s or 30B (love both!!!!) with niquids smoothall (tastes like marbolro menthol)
  15. I like niquids smoothal, if you were a menthol smoker it is great. It tastes almost exactly like a marbolro smooth. I don't care for any of the alpha flavors but my hubby loves their hoops. I just got the new box last night. Right now I am vamping G2's cookies from it. the taste is pretty good, but I don't know if I will buy more of it. It seems to make my throat scratchy
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